Thursday, December 25, 2003

How To Make A Wahoo Board

Hello World: Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Merry Xmas 2003

Surfin 'Santa Claus

-> Fall 2003 semester's over.
And I find it really much better that now everything is over with a bang and one late January
very fresh and motivated can start the new semester
and not, as in U.S. everything is interrupted by the Christmas break.
The further plans for the 'winter break': Starting in January with my brother to Mexico
, endlichmal relax a little and for a change, perhaps even
'n Book Reading (Hoho). Or a little bit of 'sightseeing' in and around LA with museums and so
(Getty Center!).

-> work to do.
Since 22 and 30 I will work for 'LifeStyleDesignUSA' (the company of 'workaholic'
Marc Tappeiner) and just got my day off in Long Beach.
Together with my 'classmate' we live in James' NEM Motel 6 because the
office in Goleta (near Santa Barbara) is.
We are working on a new packaging / "Praesentationsform" for the reef sandals
the company. Besides the very handsome aluminum case, computers with 24 "- Sony
panoramic monitors and 12" x12 "Wacom boards, working conditions are not particularly
It does not look rosy. just like on a construction site, but it IS
one: everything is saudreckig and eberall lying around stuff, it's fucking cold (sit
there all day with jacket), because only a mini fan heater is available and the ceiling
lighting is still on the ground so that one night at Funzellicht or ground
lighting to work. Everything is still under construction and is comfortable in 'NEM six months
quite different and probably look much more inviting.
this is our chief super 'easy going' and has sauviel experience in "design works"
made, so that one can learn there really so much.
The office is about 130 miles from the epicenter of the recent 6.5 earthquake removed so that
I've also (finally) experienced an earthquake. It has "wiggled" is not correct, but rather fluctuated
as on a ship ('a rolling quake'). But in any case it was very impressive
as wobbles and vibrates EVERYTHING (even the trees and telephone poles).

-> lord of the rings - return of the king.
I could not miss the premiere of "Lord Of The Rings" in order to view
midnight. While we did not get a ticket for's Chinese Theater
in Hollywood, but also in the Mega-26 (!) Cinema complex in Long Beach
has only as of fanatical and Dressed 'jerks' swarming and settings for the on-
(also in 5 (?) movie theaters) have formed two incredibly long lines around the entire building complex
. Unfortunately, the
was a week of the 'finals' and I had my tiredness GE
jump. By the occasional nap I was able then the film but not really inspire

-> xmas 2003rd
No snow, mulled wine no, no (Aachener!) Printen, no cold toes, no
trembling from the cold, no ice scraping, no ice, no candles ...
but with trashy snow foam sprayed Tannenbaeume, Ideally would like a miserable
"Christmas Market" in Huntington Beach (some tent stalls (without decoration) with
junk and fast food) and plastic Schneemaenner neben Palmen...
Da will bei mir einfach keine richtige Weihnachtsstimmung aufkommen.
Zu allem Unglueck ist es hier heute traurig-grau und giesst den ganzen Tag in Stroemen
(wie ein typischer November-Tag in Aachen). Darauf ist man hier nicht vorbereitet und so
tropft es ueberall rein/runter und die Strassen sind ueberschwemmt. Angeblich hat es in L.A.
an Weihnachten seit 20 Jahren nicht geregnet. So war der Regen sogar in den TV-Nachrichten
("Rain in L.A."). Tse...

¡¡Feliz Navidad y Feliz Año Nuevo!!


Friday, December 19, 2003

Tally 9 Access Violation

Hello World: + + + ahh got no time + + +

Bin mitten in den 'finals'; Zeit und Schlaf sind wie immer knapp, aber das eine oder
I still want other losweden short

-> hp project is over.
The second Project of the 'ID Studio Class' is now completed for
last Friday was the presentation of models, posters, and 'process book' at San Diego
and plenty tired at some point we're all there yet.
brief anecdote: Two girls (of course;)) have during the trip a little
gequasselt a bit too much and too little on the signs are
and actual down the border to Mexico!
Since the entry into the U.S. is a bit complicated, and they have also come to a 'random
license check', they were delayed about 2 hours at hp.
Well, the projects are quite well received and I even got the first prize
is funny and sad at the history that the World Group hp but very very
stingy with his "sponsorship" and not once did the "all-in-one printer Department"
assist us in the many and expensive prints.
So we have our 21 poster (120 x 90 cm) print beautiful On a fat EPSON
. Well ...

- freakin> 'cold.
I do not know, I do not know.
During the day it is yes, with temperatures around 20 ° C always very pleasant -
because if you find time to enjoy it. But at night it gets here so bitter cold,
dat dat is technically more jut. In the last few nights up to 4 ° C!
Yes we are here for your privacy? And
obendruff runs here in the studio are the fucking air conditioning, so that we have all packed
during the 24-layers with coats, blankets or sleeping bags plowed before our

-> Santa Barbara.
weekend I finally met by 'a lad Marc Tappeiner.
He was chief designer for many years 'BMW DesignWorks' and has opened about a year ago
his own design bureau. Well, with his business partner he has
'ne' Xmas Party 'and thrown - old Swede my face - was perhaps
' s most wicked noble House! An 'NEM hill in Santa Barbara a great time with' ocean view 'and
too many rooms, two fireplaces, fine cuisine, the finest furniture-
stands and outside' s big garden with a monster barbecue. Really cheesy as "aus'm
Movie. Joa, dat is also 's life ... could possibly like me too ... ;)

-> new photos online.
have finally after a long push again a couple of pix uploaded.
On display at:

Season's greetings!

Free Elektro Toture Movie

Hello World: How's it goin 'fellas and ladies?

-> worst day of surfing ever.
Actually surfing so totally super. I'm just a second board bought
(a 6'2 "short board) and I do not know exactly why, but somehow I got rid
my cold by's surfing. Perhaps this is the salt water that
is me flushed through the skull , or the endorphins, or the dolphins;

no idea ... BUT it can be sometimes shit: Yesterday I really wanted to again have fun before the hammer
-stress week a little in the waves Was not just because. do
much for's HP project, but then I read on the web, the "wave prediction"
and sounded just too good. Well, it was really good. The waves were
a bit too big, wild, and not particularly finely shaped. Also, I got used
was not quite to my new board and has "Mr. Poseidon" shamelessly exploited and
me very beaten up. have a few waves later, then to the bottom
depressed, and tested the mobility of my spine (back) screamed until all vertebrae with a sharp crack
for help, first he gave me the right hand and forearm
cheated. At some point then my left knee
it - no clue how it happened.
with pain, tired and discouraged I went to zurueckgedackelt CalState
and I have dutifully put on my gray box.

-> sprint: Final, evalution, registering.
tends Slowly the semester to the end, all the radio stations tootle
diverse 'xmas songs' and everything is hectic and stressful, because in the last week the
written all over 'finals'.
also be measured at the end of each semesters the teacher ('evalutated'). be given
Dafu's printed forms to be dealt and then filled in the absence of
teacher and students in the 'department'.
very worthwhile cause!
And the 'registration period' for's 'spring semester' has already begun,
so you do not come around, worrying about the next semester and on the
'winter break' to make. Somehow I got there
not quite the head for free, but it is probably somehow, sometime, somewhere
Mexico are ...
And here comes again the typical German "the water-glass-is-half-empty" - by
my setting. Because instead of looking forward to me that I still
about half a year stay here, I can imagine depressed finds that even the
half my time here is over and I "only" the next 'spring semesters'
can stay here. ..

-> USA - smoke free zone.
usually fall on a yes, especially things that do not like one. So I've
not until the very late - for me as Non smoking - take very pleasant
absence of cigarette smoke notes.
I guess that overall less people smoke here anyway.
but also smoking in all public places is prohibited (Uni, restaurants, pubs
, authorities, banks, etc., etc.).

-> project hp.
The project on which I sit most of the time, will be presented on Friday in San Diego before the
managers hp. And until now, you have all the stuff ready-made
. Scan drawings, posters, and 'process book' layout, rendering CAD model
, draw and print all course and build another model.
AHHHH! This will be a "nice" week ...
