Meanwhile, much has happened again and I limp with my mass e-mails
much back. Therefore, now catch up on Hau Ruck-a bit of trial:
-> the germans are coming.
My fellow students from the HBK Braunschweig have actually been to LA a Exkusrion
. The 10 Tge were just super awesome, because I neither went to university courses or to work and have gone through instead
their excursions: visiting the
design studios from BMW / Designworks, Mercedes-Benz and Volkswagen / Audi. Furthermore, even ArtCenter
Pasadena and a guided my hand over the campus of Cal State Long Beach. But
picnic on the beach and party in Hollywood could not miss, of course.
-> san francisco field trip II
Then I am with my Classmates-Ami for a day "again" flew to SF,
where we visited the studios of Pentagram Design, Samsung, and IDEO. Also very
interesting and instructive.
-> this and that
A friend and I was still a 'Woody meeting' at Doheny State Beach, where
's been so around 150 perfectly restored old trucks from the 50s (the one with wood paneling
/ are removed). A super nice day with a plethora of 'classic cars',
surfing and a beautiful way back on the PCH (Pacific Coast Highway # 1).
The adoption of the HBK-people I had at LAX by chance met a German, who had
on a flight from Costa Rica to Bali 12h stay in LA. She had two
Surfboards there and then we were spontaneously surfing at Manhattan Beach and briefly
Eating 'was. Very funny ... Action!
And now is my sailing course over and I am now the proud owner of a sailing license
for small and medium-sized sailboats. Ahoy! :)
-> the big apple.
The timing was extremely unfortunate, because the 'finals' and be the end of the semester before the door
, but the opportunity I simply could not miss. And so I flew for
a week after New York City. Our exhibition by / for art, architecture
and design award holders and An adjacent Eroeffnungsparty were a complete success and
super awesome. And then at the end of the week the class
final concert of music scholarship (classical and jazz) at Carnegie Hall. Following the charity or
'fundraiser' concert there was still a precious posh dinner (yummi) in the penthouse of the
' Le Parker Meridien "hotel in midtown-Manhattan (ticket price $ 500).
between the "required courses" I had to absorb a lot of time but still the mad
impressions of New York. I was '98 schonmal been there, but this time - coming from
LA - Things were much more impressive way. And I was super happy with
Friends and a much deeper insight into the "real" life of the city have to get
Generally speaking real that LA and NY are complete opposites. Thus, for example, NY
compact concentrated and vertically oriented, however, LA is so vast, and rather denzentral
extended horizontally. In LA you get 'n criminal's ticket for' J-Walking 'and in NY
simply runs at EVERY red light (even in the eyes of the cops). For this we must in
NY (within the city) as car drivers do not turn right at red lights, which is in LA so
totally normal. LA nunmal is totally focused on cars and all are isolated from each other by their Stahlkaefige
. NY Subway offers a super- and bus system, which eliminates the need for a car
. And on every subway ride takes you to hundreds of different people.
weather and people there are somewhat cooler, but that the place is buzzing only as of
different cultures and influences. Generally one can say already that much
NY Europaeischer acts while LA is clearly influenced Mexican and Asian, and "typical"
is American. LA is a bit easy and "Laid-back 'in NY and everything must go fast
and somehow everyone constantly under time pressure. And even though NY is so fascinating, there are some
which this permanent stress-bustle is verstaendlicherweise some point on the mind. As usual I'm at
'NEM DAAD people in Harlem and from there got my Metro-week
ticket utilized more extreme. I found it very interesting that the nature of the passenger mix
in the subways has significantly changed depending on the area / 'district'.
have shown me otherwise super-tasty restaurants and chillin 'sites and even Mel Brooks
musical "The Producers" was very entertaining.
really very impressive and moving, I found - Surprisingly - the insanely large hole at the construction site
'Ground Zero' (World Trade Center site). Well, the 'Independence Day' is indeed the
official groundbreaking ceremony for the success 'Freedom Tower'.
After 'this party in Brooklyn and some unfortunate accidents I had a buddy and then to kip
5am on the concrete floor of an old factory building. 'S T-shirt is' but really not enough
and so I was thinking perforce รก la "Homeless 101" out of old boxes a "mattress" and
"Quilt" built. But was still fucking cold and uncomfortable ...
Finally, I can only say that this city is incredibly vibrant and exhilarating
is fascinating and inspiring.
And yet: When the Long Beach Airport, the silhouettes of palm trees in front of 'looming NEM beautiful
sunset, there came yet so' ne Art Heimatgefuehle in me.
also closed to my time at CSULB and generally merciless in their Long Beach
end and each day I look at the everyday things, people and places with a more melancholy.
So, deepest respect to all who have read this far!
Enjoy the summer!
=========================================== ==============================================


Chinatown SF

California Sunset (above the clouds)

Woody Meeting @ Doheny State Beach

Huntington Beach

NY Exhibition Opening

Times Square

Manhatten Skyline

NY Subway Station

NY Subway

Happy Mother's Day @ Ground Zero

Brooklyn / Williamsburgh

Williamsburgh Bridge