After I had announced on April 1st of circumstances ever the last entry, it now follows herewith actually, because it is done: On May 20th at 16:25 I had to prove that I have passed the graecum, finally in the bag, and not that bad - 8 points in the written and 11 oral examination revealed in the overall rating of good and I can finally creepy without ulterior motive to approach to my dissertation.
Rounding out this live journal now follow the pictures that I shot in Braunschweig, otherwise I would like to thank you again for eavesdropping and go me now - at least as relates to this journal - offline.
Rounding out this live journal now follow the pictures that I shot in Braunschweig, otherwise I would like to thank you again for eavesdropping and go me now - at least as relates to this journal - offline.