Hello world: it's all about time & money
-> same shit - different day.
my initial euphoria has given boost in recent weeks, first time, has
ordinary dampers. Actually, here's all quite wonderful and I think it's great
and hierzusein am very happy. BUT what I have all of the
if I do not have time to enjoy it?
For the courses I have done so much, that the planned weekend trip,
the chill on the beach, a delicious Surfing, which appear in many museums around
etc. etc. like unattainable dreams.
All this must now turn out for the time being. The recovery sleep is so important for the budget
time I also had to cut back rigorously to an absolute minimum.
The ever-increasing lack of sleep I try to at every opportunity to reduce
in which I - wherever possible - try a little 'power nap' take
. For example, in short breaks between two courses on the lawn on the campus or
On a chair in front of the computer lab or in the car park or auf'm University
auf'm sofa in the ID Studio ...
Even so enthusiastically started running program I have out of sheer lack of time
completely get killed.
So I've also so 'risen NEN Scooter / Kick Board, which allowed me to reduce the road (or
the necessary time) to / from the parking lot clear. And the eternal
long walks on the campus every day from now I flitze with my constant companion
(much hotter here but the scooters currently electric).
The only advantage I see in this acute lack of time, is the fact that I
to appreciate even the short leisure much more white than in the past. Suitable
to the challenging of my favorite slogan Vis-Com teachers: "work hard and play hard!"
now I have posted next to my monitor 'nen toaster and all the ingredients for Arnie's
famous "Daily-Cheese-Turkey-Peanutbutter-salt ketchup and mozzarella sandwich"
always ready. Whole milk, cereals, jams and baby Carotte allowed for a change
not be missing too.
yet allows me my body is slowly but surely ever more clearly realizing that
2-4 hours of sleep a night in the long run are totally unacceptable.
-> $ $ $ "Ka Ching" $ $ $
Oh, and recently did some time in the early morning hours, I as always
just as fast as you can find parking and then for a short
nap in the Bonito Ave einzukehren . Rich in experience, I have the
curb quite dutifully scanned for a coloring and
the signs on the roadside studied carefully: Yay, a car park!
of ways: No way - Nope! The next morning I stood at the 'City of Long Beach
' again with $ 24 in debt. F * $%!
have first look at the third my sleepy eyes the almost unrecognizable-
Lichen word "LOADING" in a touch of red on the curb border bridges can
. Because it is so difficult to read, said one of my semester,
that should I complain against it and so would have very good chances. But the check
I've already sent and when the first coal have ... and also
I'm really tired and time to go because the stuff's Court before ... Since I'm
Parking in front of each with a flashlight to search
's car and the curb after any paint residue.
When every day somewhere else and in section 5 blocks from parks, you have to concentrate
sometimes quite beautiful, that one finds on the next day his car
... "Hey Dude, where's my car ?"...
-> weather, Wetta, Vedda.
Time flies by quickly and then it does here too slowly
the autumn comfortable. However, the weather is really, really long-
porarily. Nix by sailing down because of deciduous trees whose leaves in the most beautiful colors
from the treetops.
morning it is usually hazy-gray and gets clear only at about noon.
afternoon it is still often clear and rather warm / hot and then cooled until
rapidly at sunset around 7pm right. The
nights have become amazingly cool - I must now
but actually cover!
rain's doing well here earlier than in November / December, but since a few days
's here at night a strange drizzling mist-cloud haze.
-> keep your ocean clean.
in the way too cold and dirty water of the ocean, you can discover
really interesting creatures. Initially scared you are
and believes the dorsal fin to see a shark. Quickly turns out however
that since pleasure again a few dolphins in the waves.
There's also all sorts of small fish that are of the flying and
verschmaust in a dive into the water hunting pelicans. Then there are
's very strange bipeds in Gummianzuegen that can be played on
oblong panels by the waves to the beach and paddle back again
through the surf of the sea.
The biggest killjoy but the stingray (skate), which enjoy yourself and shallow, warmer water
much. However, because if you accidently hit the enter
critters (you can not see them, unfortunately, by the broth) it to sting.
I stepped on twice and I've driven out how powerful than
suddenly something under my foot weggeglupscht is. But I had VER
damned lucky, because due to the poison so random to really hurt DAMN
("extremely painfull) - jellyfish are there no comparison.
And 25% of stingray injuries occur in Seal Beach. Exactly where
beach, where we have our Class Surfing ... (Sipping drag feet over the ground /) "keep your feet up or do the stingray shuffle
so far for today,
have a good one,
Tuesday, September 30, 2003
Thursday, September 18, 2003
Artist That Uses Fruit For Head
Hello World: Long Beach California State Univeristy
-> unistart.
The hitherto almost peaceful campus bustles and teeming
it all at once - amazing!
I'm so glad that I have heard the warnings
and went there by bicycle. A handful of police
do try to regulate the traffic chaos and parking
battle a little, but hardly what they manage. Everything is fully
; everywhere cars, people and queue!
Traffic jam on campus - yeah!
-> campus. For
Verstaendis a little about the university or the Campus: The site itself is
simply HUGE! It
are among the many departments just about everything you need
or may not need. It's almost like a small town
Visitor Center, University Police, bank machines, radio transmitters
, oncampus shuttle and fast food restaurants to
you drop (Subway, Jack in the Box, El Pollo Loco, Panda Express
, Stur Bucks etc. etc. - everything except McDonalds, Burger King and
'something sensible to eat).
What else? A Japanese garden, escalators, arcade
arcade, billiards, bowling, TV room, swimming
pool, hair salon, bookstore, candy store, CSULB Merchandise
Store, residence halls, two libraries, Enrollment
Services (the "Registration Office / Pruefungsamt" recalls
more of a main post with serveral switches including
long queues.
... uh ... A baseball field, softball field, football field, tennis courts
(14), basketball courts (6), volleyball
athletic fields, 50m swimming pool, Golf driving range, low-
athletics field with career, etc., and a basketball arena
(in a giant blue pyramid). And of course
: parking! But even with the one
park (two more are under construction) have they
Because the population of this small town is made up of
: over 35,000 students, 2,000 professors / teachers and
5,000 employees.
There are at least whopping 12 450 (!)
parking on the campus, but still does enough by far!
California's also a $ 30 million in debt and to
the payments reduced by the state to compensate a little, trying
the university just a few more
let people study and get itself a little more money in the pot to
. At the same time student fees, just
times were increased by 25%.
-> Design Department.
The building of the HBK are quite twisty and somewhat chaotic
. The design department here, however, is a one-story
cluttered, almost boring construction.
Some forever long straight corridors and left and right
all the spaces.
The workshops (metal, wood and foam) act on
first glance, it's okay. CNC milling? Hey, that's
'ne State University! have)
The students in third and fourth year respectively
a 'studio' in which there are 20 or 24 cubicles;. These are the standard
Grossraumbuero Desk whiteboard
elements. In addition, there 's some sofas, a fat
fridge And a microwave in it. Our colleagues here
spend very much time in the studio. "Okay, this is
the studio - your new home"
-> course registrations.
In courses I'm taking the studio course in which two projects
be processed per semester and a Visual Communi-cation
Course. Both should be VERY zeitaufwenig it therefore has
I make up to advise the professor my remaining courses
"less impacted classes. It's been and as always conversant
's problems (keyword: new system). Currently
look's like that I demonstrate compliance or English,
golf and surfing. :) My
a Professor / Instructor (Jose Rivera-Chan)
actually is today flown for one week to Hanover!
He will look at the ICSID, there
give a talk and present one or two studies projects.
-> austrian oak.
has today, my namesake look on campus can
and part of his election campaign held a little-rousing speech
(lousy rhetoric). In addition, he is in fact full of frail
Pimpf -
a good head shorter than me. Okay, then just do not;)
~ Ewrising hef sed an egg gat Kellyfohnia pious. Mei sacksess
in spohrts, in the end bisiness muhwi-mei femmili. End beef is
wanne giff it beck Thurs Kellyfohnia! ... Iddis teim beef vor it
piepel tuh taeig beck Kellyfohnia it Polledisch'ns Fromm,
biekoss it-i diden duh ser dschob routes!
... End Will not tohlk wis the demmokretz not Ehm nat efraeid
off sem; not iewen merrid oan [hahaha] ... Juh kenn Trast Mie,
will not toern beck Kellyfornia is golden Seid end putt it off
nieds tschildren foerst wanne bi ... No, it piepels gawana!
Take Care,
Arni - not for governor
-> unistart.
The hitherto almost peaceful campus bustles and teeming
it all at once - amazing!
I'm so glad that I have heard the warnings
and went there by bicycle. A handful of police
do try to regulate the traffic chaos and parking
battle a little, but hardly what they manage. Everything is fully
; everywhere cars, people and queue!
Traffic jam on campus - yeah!
-> campus. For
Verstaendis a little about the university or the Campus: The site itself is
simply HUGE! It
are among the many departments just about everything you need
or may not need. It's almost like a small town
Visitor Center, University Police, bank machines, radio transmitters
, oncampus shuttle and fast food restaurants to
you drop (Subway, Jack in the Box, El Pollo Loco, Panda Express
, Stur Bucks etc. etc. - everything except McDonalds, Burger King and
'something sensible to eat).
What else? A Japanese garden, escalators, arcade
arcade, billiards, bowling, TV room, swimming
pool, hair salon, bookstore, candy store, CSULB Merchandise
Store, residence halls, two libraries, Enrollment
Services (the "Registration Office / Pruefungsamt" recalls
more of a main post with serveral switches including
long queues.
... uh ... A baseball field, softball field, football field, tennis courts
(14), basketball courts (6), volleyball
athletic fields, 50m swimming pool, Golf driving range, low-
athletics field with career, etc., and a basketball arena
(in a giant blue pyramid). And of course
: parking! But even with the one
park (two more are under construction) have they
Because the population of this small town is made up of
: over 35,000 students, 2,000 professors / teachers and
5,000 employees.
There are at least whopping 12 450 (!)
parking on the campus, but still does enough by far!
California's also a $ 30 million in debt and to
the payments reduced by the state to compensate a little, trying
the university just a few more
let people study and get itself a little more money in the pot to
. At the same time student fees, just
times were increased by 25%.
-> Design Department.
The building of the HBK are quite twisty and somewhat chaotic
. The design department here, however, is a one-story
cluttered, almost boring construction.
Some forever long straight corridors and left and right
all the spaces.
The workshops (metal, wood and foam) act on
first glance, it's okay. CNC milling? Hey, that's
'ne State University! have)
The students in third and fourth year respectively
a 'studio' in which there are 20 or 24 cubicles;. These are the standard
Grossraumbuero Desk whiteboard
elements. In addition, there 's some sofas, a fat
fridge And a microwave in it. Our colleagues here
spend very much time in the studio. "Okay, this is
the studio - your new home"
-> course registrations.
In courses I'm taking the studio course in which two projects
be processed per semester and a Visual Communi-cation
Course. Both should be VERY zeitaufwenig it therefore has
I make up to advise the professor my remaining courses
"less impacted classes. It's been and as always conversant
's problems (keyword: new system). Currently
look's like that I demonstrate compliance or English,
golf and surfing. :) My
a Professor / Instructor (Jose Rivera-Chan)
actually is today flown for one week to Hanover!
He will look at the ICSID, there
give a talk and present one or two studies projects.
-> austrian oak.
has today, my namesake look on campus can
and part of his election campaign held a little-rousing speech
(lousy rhetoric). In addition, he is in fact full of frail
Pimpf -
a good head shorter than me. Okay, then just do not;)
~ Ewrising hef sed an egg gat Kellyfohnia pious. Mei sacksess
in spohrts, in the end bisiness muhwi-mei femmili. End beef is
wanne giff it beck Thurs Kellyfohnia! ... Iddis teim beef vor it
piepel tuh taeig beck Kellyfohnia it Polledisch'ns Fromm,
biekoss it-i diden duh ser dschob routes!
... End Will not tohlk wis the demmokretz not Ehm nat efraeid
off sem; not iewen merrid oan [hahaha] ... Juh kenn Trast Mie,
will not toern beck Kellyfornia is golden Seid end putt it off
nieds tschildren foerst wanne bi ... No, it piepels gawana!
Take Care,
Arni - not for governor
Alpha Centauri Strategy Guid
Hello World: labor day
-> Hollywood again.
Letzte Woche habe ich einen Ausflug vom CIE (Center for International Education
) mitgemacht. Es ging zu den 20th
Century Fox Studios in Hollywood where we were allowed to attend a reception
the sitcom 'Luis'. It was the one-
see part conversant interesting how it all so expires
, but eventually it was really just boring,
because the scenes are always two, three times or even more often
shot (six hours). This beautiful
the audience mics were able to take the obligatory
laughter meant a lot to the good-humored
Animator constantly supplied with sayings such as:
"Hey audience, YOU are the actors!" and "Okay, we're doin '
this scene again. So please remember when you laughed
the first time and laugh at there again the next time", which
with me but has not borne fruit EVER and more of an anti-
attitude provoked.
-> Cetin,
my roommate (the guitar Studi) has also had considerable problems with the shit
Verwaltungskram at the University
is conversant and frustrated and pissed off. And if he does not
additionally on their own as a 'part-time student' at
GIT is likely to study in LA (Guitar Institute of Technology;
THE MECCA of the musicians), then - as he says - would he have
to long ago back DE fly!
-> on-campus job. In contrast, just runs
me quite well. The efforts have paid off
and so I have one of the very few jobs auf'm
get hold of campus' computer assistant 'in the' Open Access Lab.
This is with 200 (!) Computers, the largest computer work
room / hall at the CalState. Everything runs pretty professionally from
: With check-in using magnets from university records and
Barcode place card etc.
-> citizenship.
Before I can start work, but I need more
the 'Social Security Number', which I hopefully get into the
next two weeks.
had to apply for the 'Social Security Administration'
(similar to the registration office in the U.S.), I include my
show (travel) Pass. And after the aunt of the five studied
minutes long has asked me yet smooth, if I'm
German! Hello??
I know that I do not 'German' look, but the state
citizenship can be a view nunmal not the
only document what selbige witness really doubt
can be but nunmal the pass What nationality am I to
for your have a great time with a German passport then??
Yeah, as Ronny (the other roommate) from Long Beach to
Alaska and pulled his address at the Bank Change
wanted, actually he has been told that he could not change his address in
's abroad! Since many Americans still know
not even all U.S. states ...
-> 24th Long Beach Blues Festival.
the weekend has taken place on one of the "sports fields" of CalState
the Blues Festival. On Sunday came including Joe Cocker and
of-the-due-to-hip surgery prevented-and-only-one-
Ray Charles's Al Green. I'm still went on Saturday and
have seven hours
finest Blues-Latin-jazz-funk-soul of others Keb'Mo and the Neville Brothers
After all day in the blazing sun, the skin despite
sunscreen biss'l a claim. But because it's here
is no avail *** Shop Hours Act, you can purchase
Until late Saturday night comfortable in the big supermarkets moisture-
keitsspendende skin cream (One for $ 4.39 or two for $ 5).
Not even on holiday today (Labor Day), the shops have to!
-> parking or bicycle.
morning we go to university and it is probably a mess. It is unbelievable though
parking lot on campus, but in
the first two weeks of the semester will be just two hours before classes begin or
a few blocks off campus
find parking.
Since I have both versions can not be bothered, I'd rather kick
with hints of my bike to campus.
The parking are indeed some close to the building and part
Caustic far away, they are forgiven after wehalb Aw Ranking: The
There's only the best places with parking meters (24). Then come the car pooling
(car pools), followed by the employees
and the horrific parking are then studies for the common people,
which won for $ 63 per semester to pay (without parking space
warranty of course).
Have a nice day;)
-> Hollywood again.
Letzte Woche habe ich einen Ausflug vom CIE (Center for International Education
) mitgemacht. Es ging zu den 20th
Century Fox Studios in Hollywood where we were allowed to attend a reception
the sitcom 'Luis'. It was the one-
see part conversant interesting how it all so expires
, but eventually it was really just boring,
because the scenes are always two, three times or even more often
shot (six hours). This beautiful
the audience mics were able to take the obligatory
laughter meant a lot to the good-humored
Animator constantly supplied with sayings such as:
"Hey audience, YOU are the actors!" and "Okay, we're doin '
this scene again. So please remember when you laughed
the first time and laugh at there again the next time", which
with me but has not borne fruit EVER and more of an anti-
attitude provoked.
-> Cetin,
my roommate (the guitar Studi) has also had considerable problems with the shit
Verwaltungskram at the University
is conversant and frustrated and pissed off. And if he does not
additionally on their own as a 'part-time student' at
GIT is likely to study in LA (Guitar Institute of Technology;
THE MECCA of the musicians), then - as he says - would he have
to long ago back DE fly!
-> on-campus job. In contrast, just runs
me quite well. The efforts have paid off
and so I have one of the very few jobs auf'm
get hold of campus' computer assistant 'in the' Open Access Lab.
This is with 200 (!) Computers, the largest computer work
room / hall at the CalState. Everything runs pretty professionally from
: With check-in using magnets from university records and
Barcode place card etc.
-> citizenship.
Before I can start work, but I need more
the 'Social Security Number', which I hopefully get into the
next two weeks.
had to apply for the 'Social Security Administration'
(similar to the registration office in the U.S.), I include my
show (travel) Pass. And after the aunt of the five studied
minutes long has asked me yet smooth, if I'm
German! Hello??
I know that I do not 'German' look, but the state
citizenship can be a view nunmal not the
only document what selbige witness really doubt
can be but nunmal the pass What nationality am I to
for your have a great time with a German passport then??
Yeah, as Ronny (the other roommate) from Long Beach to
Alaska and pulled his address at the Bank Change
wanted, actually he has been told that he could not change his address in
's abroad! Since many Americans still know
not even all U.S. states ...
-> 24th Long Beach Blues Festival.
the weekend has taken place on one of the "sports fields" of CalState
the Blues Festival. On Sunday came including Joe Cocker and
of-the-due-to-hip surgery prevented-and-only-one-
Ray Charles's Al Green. I'm still went on Saturday and
have seven hours
finest Blues-Latin-jazz-funk-soul of others Keb'Mo and the Neville Brothers
After all day in the blazing sun, the skin despite
sunscreen biss'l a claim. But because it's here
is no avail *** Shop Hours Act, you can purchase
Until late Saturday night comfortable in the big supermarkets moisture-
keitsspendende skin cream (One for $ 4.39 or two for $ 5).
Not even on holiday today (Labor Day), the shops have to!
-> parking or bicycle.
morning we go to university and it is probably a mess. It is unbelievable though
parking lot on campus, but in
the first two weeks of the semester will be just two hours before classes begin or
a few blocks off campus
find parking.
Since I have both versions can not be bothered, I'd rather kick
with hints of my bike to campus.
The parking are indeed some close to the building and part
Caustic far away, they are forgiven after wehalb Aw Ranking: The
There's only the best places with parking meters (24). Then come the car pooling
(car pools), followed by the employees
and the horrific parking are then studies for the common people,
which won for $ 63 per semester to pay (without parking space
warranty of course).
Have a nice day;)
What's The Font Of Monster Energy Logo
Hello world and it continues ...
-> quiz question.
Why your there for the Internet Banking "opening
DRYING TIMES"? I's simply do not understand ...!
-> do!
War Today I was somehow not very
on it and got after running my car picked up and
parked in front of the door.
After two hours, much to me, Yes so that it was suspicious VER
empty on the street ...
NEEEIIINNN! ! ! Chei $ $ $ E! ! !
---> kliiiinnngg-rrrinnng: U.S. $ 30 \u0026lt;---
Yes, yes, the right-hand side of the Bonito Ave is swept
-> Pursuit car.
In the greater LA's was and so there's always has, quite a lot of persecution
hunts. In the last three days
least five! (Of course, always-follow several helicopters
live on TV).
Since there has been in the past in this context
many bad accidents and the LAPD
often sued for pain and suffering front revisions
was attempts to police people nurnoch verbal
to stop / give up to move. No Drengeln,
no driving, no shots at the tires, no
roadblocks. The ride just behind the whole time
with three patrol cars and enough distance.
This looks like this so stupid!
The guy today as' ne Bank robbed and because
was his third offense, he is now life-long
go behind bars. Probably
him so confident and he just wanted to enjoy his last
drive in life to the end. He has
namely at traffic lights and stop signs kept good
and even flashed!
"just cruising" as it were ...
-> Long Beach.
The beach of Long Beach was once _The SURFSPOT_
. With the best waves of the west coast.
But during the Second World War the Americans
far outside of the coast under water breakwater
installed in order to be able to use the port better. And since the
's here first, no significant
of fire and more and secondly is the dirty stinking soup
caught here in some way. (
The beach here in my area so
is not exactly attractive While there are enough people
going here swimming, but I drive to prefer a
little further to the south, because here next door
is equal to the yacht.. port and behind the cargo port.
Out on the sea you can see nothing but oil rigs
(disguised as natural islands with palm trees) and behind
go towards the fattest tankers and forth.
But Long Beach has become the second largest port
the world (after Rotter dam). Na suuuper!
-> Join Arnold.
time 'you have to laugh? Check out: www.joinarnold.com!
Since there's to see his TV commercial that runs here
constantly on television.
shame that you can not write emails with accent ... SOON
The amino Arni
-> quiz question.
Why your there for the Internet Banking "opening
DRYING TIMES"? I's simply do not understand ...!
-> do!
War Today I was somehow not very
on it and got after running my car picked up and
parked in front of the door.
After two hours, much to me, Yes so that it was suspicious VER
empty on the street ...
NEEEIIINNN! ! ! Chei $ $ $ E! ! !
---> kliiiinnngg-rrrinnng: U.S. $ 30 \u0026lt;---
Yes, yes, the right-hand side of the Bonito Ave is swept
-> Pursuit car.
In the greater LA's was and so there's always has, quite a lot of persecution
hunts. In the last three days
least five! (Of course, always-follow several helicopters
live on TV).
Since there has been in the past in this context
many bad accidents and the LAPD
often sued for pain and suffering front revisions
was attempts to police people nurnoch verbal
to stop / give up to move. No Drengeln,
no driving, no shots at the tires, no
roadblocks. The ride just behind the whole time
with three patrol cars and enough distance.
This looks like this so stupid!
The guy today as' ne Bank robbed and because
was his third offense, he is now life-long
go behind bars. Probably
him so confident and he just wanted to enjoy his last
drive in life to the end. He has
namely at traffic lights and stop signs kept good
and even flashed!
"just cruising" as it were ...
-> Long Beach.
The beach of Long Beach was once _The SURFSPOT_
. With the best waves of the west coast.
But during the Second World War the Americans
far outside of the coast under water breakwater
installed in order to be able to use the port better. And since the
's here first, no significant
of fire and more and secondly is the dirty stinking soup
caught here in some way. (
The beach here in my area so
is not exactly attractive While there are enough people
going here swimming, but I drive to prefer a
little further to the south, because here next door
is equal to the yacht.. port and behind the cargo port.
Out on the sea you can see nothing but oil rigs
(disguised as natural islands with palm trees) and behind
go towards the fattest tankers and forth.
But Long Beach has become the second largest port
the world (after Rotter dam). Na suuuper!
-> Join Arnold.
time 'you have to laugh? Check out: www.joinarnold.com!
Since there's to see his TV commercial that runs here
constantly on television.
shame that you can not write emails with accent ... SOON
The amino Arni
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