Hello World: Long Beach California State Univeristy
-> unistart.
The hitherto almost peaceful campus bustles and teeming
it all at once - amazing!
I'm so glad that I have heard the warnings
and went there by bicycle. A handful of police
do try to regulate the traffic chaos and parking
battle a little, but hardly what they manage. Everything is fully
; everywhere cars, people and queue!
Traffic jam on campus - yeah!
-> campus. For
Verstaendis a little about the university or the Campus: The site itself is
simply HUGE! It
are among the many departments just about everything you need
or may not need. It's almost like a small town
Visitor Center, University Police, bank machines, radio transmitters
, oncampus shuttle and fast food restaurants to
you drop (Subway, Jack in the Box, El Pollo Loco, Panda Express
, Stur Bucks etc. etc. - everything except McDonalds, Burger King and
'something sensible to eat).
What else? A Japanese garden, escalators, arcade
arcade, billiards, bowling, TV room, swimming
pool, hair salon, bookstore, candy store, CSULB Merchandise
Store, residence halls, two libraries, Enrollment
Services (the "Registration Office / Pruefungsamt" recalls
more of a main post with serveral switches including
long queues.
... uh ... A baseball field, softball field, football field, tennis courts
(14), basketball courts (6), volleyball
athletic fields, 50m swimming pool, Golf driving range, low-
athletics field with career, etc., and a basketball arena
(in a giant blue pyramid). And of course
: parking! But even with the one
park (two more are under construction) have they
Because the population of this small town is made up of
: over 35,000 students, 2,000 professors / teachers and
5,000 employees.
There are at least whopping 12 450 (!)
parking on the campus, but still does enough by far!
California's also a $ 30 million in debt and to
the payments reduced by the state to compensate a little, trying
the university just a few more
let people study and get itself a little more money in the pot to
. At the same time student fees, just
times were increased by 25%.
-> Design Department.
The building of the HBK are quite twisty and somewhat chaotic
. The design department here, however, is a one-story
cluttered, almost boring construction.
Some forever long straight corridors and left and right
all the spaces.
The workshops (metal, wood and foam) act on
first glance, it's okay. CNC milling? Hey, that's
'ne State University! have)
The students in third and fourth year respectively
a 'studio' in which there are 20 or 24 cubicles;. These are the standard
Grossraumbuero Desk whiteboard
elements. In addition, there 's some sofas, a fat
fridge And a microwave in it. Our colleagues here
spend very much time in the studio. "Okay, this is
the studio - your new home"
-> course registrations.
In courses I'm taking the studio course in which two projects
be processed per semester and a Visual Communi-cation
Course. Both should be VERY zeitaufwenig it therefore has
I make up to advise the professor my remaining courses
"less impacted classes. It's been and as always conversant
's problems (keyword: new system). Currently
look's like that I demonstrate compliance or English,
golf and surfing. :) My
a Professor / Instructor (Jose Rivera-Chan)
actually is today flown for one week to Hanover!
He will look at the ICSID, there
give a talk and present one or two studies projects.
-> austrian oak.
has today, my namesake look on campus can
and part of his election campaign held a little-rousing speech
(lousy rhetoric). In addition, he is in fact full of frail
Pimpf -
a good head shorter than me. Okay, then just do not;)
~ Ewrising hef sed an egg gat Kellyfohnia pious. Mei sacksess
in spohrts, in the end bisiness muhwi-mei femmili. End beef is
wanne giff it beck Thurs Kellyfohnia! ... Iddis teim beef vor it
piepel tuh taeig beck Kellyfohnia it Polledisch'ns Fromm,
biekoss it-i diden duh ser dschob routes!
... End Will not tohlk wis the demmokretz not Ehm nat efraeid
off sem; not iewen merrid oan [hahaha] ... Juh kenn Trast Mie,
will not toern beck Kellyfornia is golden Seid end putt it off
nieds tschildren foerst wanne bi ... No, it piepels gawana!
Take Care,
Arni - not for governor
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