Wednesday, October 29, 2003

Eyeclops Mini Projector Problems

Hello World: waz up dude?

-> News & photos.
Hab's now finally managed to deposit my word clusters in the network.
Whom it may concern:
And photos of my beloved Pentax-Baby's are now now highly-charged

-> language alteration.
After my subconscious mind the other day again successfully turned off my alarm clock has
and has thus stibizt a few quiet minutes, has become established my consciousness but
sometime with sleepy eyes and frightening taken note of the advanced
time. The first thought that has shaped darufhin the gray stuff in my skull and
escape as whispers my body left, was:!
"Oh shit Okay, now let's get it on ...!" Shortly
is clear to me dat dat was so English! I found it fascinating anyway ...

-> weather.
The ash rain has subsided and the daily morning fog has been cleared
, so now the morning is usually pleasantly warm, afternoon it gets
but always hot (about 30 ° C). However, my Temperatursensibiliaet
has - or should I rather write: nitpicking
- adapted very quickly, if it is at night to cool down to 15 ° C and it is getting uncomfortable with T-shirt and shorts
, for me the only appropriate word for it "cold".

- chicken> monster.
can think of so already wondering why some things over here are so cheap.
Fast food eg: Ua is certainly the in the incredible demand and
the enormous sales. But do notice it but some products such as Chicken McNuggets
example, the cost here in a 6-pack just a dollar (?).
The secret is genetically modified chickens that are grown in only 23 (!) Days from the tender Kuecker
to schlachtfaehigen, ueberproportionierten, vierbruestigen (?) Mega-chicken-
As a side effect of this well an egg - whether it be 'sunny-side up', 'scrambled', 'over easy',
'Over hard' or otherwise - a week's ration-Mega-All-In-One mix of both
necessary and unnecessary vitamin, mineral, hormone and stimulants.

-> oakley.
Last week I joined once the ID methedology-class and
'm on a 'field trip' down to the headquarters of Oakley. Sorry, unfortunately we were not allowed inside
in the design studios, but that was very impressive, what we have not seen
Sun Spectacular buildings and that in itself is already super impressive. All
Oakley items will then be designed, developed and tested. All glasses, clothes etc.
be produced there for the whole world, only a few other products are outsourced.
also have built in there, just jump ne NBA-approved basketball hall
can ensure that the NBA players every few weeks to test any prototypes. Madness!

-> fish on board.
As I recently surfing again a full wash cycle including ejection of mother nature and
get myself in the 'white water' was driven slowly, my eyes
but actually discover a stowaway on my surfboard. For
there actually a small fish jumped around on my board! Tse-tse ... ;)
weekend in Manhattan Beach, I spotted my first seal, in addition to the dolphins is
us crazy rubber creatures swim by.

about his first U.S. 'paycheck' rejoicing,
r-knee in da hood

Monday, October 27, 2003

Edible Silver Glitter For Drinks

Picture Of The Week: southern California's wildfires

Because of my lack of "TV time" I first didn't really know about it.
But pretty soon it was hard to ingore: hazy veil in all L.A. area
with the light smell of smoke in the air, the unusually dry air with
ash particles everywhere, and the incredible bright red sunset.
Those fires must be really huge...

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

What Is The Gauge Of A Safety Pin?

Picture Of The Week: workers on strike!

Those remarkable guys are workers from the biggest supermarket chains Albertsons, Vons
and Ralphs, all belonging to the so called 'union'. They stay in front of the entrances and try
to convince people not to buy anything from those mentioned supermarkets, because the
'union' cut off the payments for their health benefits.
What's so remarkeble? They've been now on strike for more than a week and
Depending on the opening hours of the markets, they are out there in different shifts up to 24 hours a day!

Thursday, October 16, 2003

Male Turned In To Female

Hello World: midterm week

-> everything's fine and dandy. would like (~ peace, joy and pancakes)
I have some time and perhaps even healthy children, I
me, will you instead of the previous Papierhaeubchen a somewhat more promising risen
"correct" mask. So you can handle with a lot calmer
conscience with all the toxic chemicals that produce the wildest
dust clouds and take a deep breath in the middle of Lackdaempfe.
But the masked ball in the model shop is now over, at least! Juchuu!
For yesterday we had - according to a further collective work
sleepless night - the 'final presentation' of the first project of the 'ID studio class'. Draft
including documentation, model (physical and CAD) and presentation in six weeks.
The theme was a 'household product' and the results are also provided for
participation in a competition.
Tomorrow is already the start of the next project (in collaboration with and for
hp) and Friday 'final presentation' of the 'visual communication class'
(complete corporate image of a local coffee shops / tea house / bar / bakery).
If you then after all the stress and all the work gets good feedback, not
makes amends, but feels's to jut yet to really janz ...

-> quater pounder.
Here we use this so still fuc ... 'English system'.
At first I thought that I just do my stuff on with the brilliant '
metric system' and do the whole foot, inches, etc. forget. On the computer that's
also no problem because you have changed the units in a trice. But once
you want to build a real model then we go: In the shop there's no rulers or
angle cm, the drills and all the other tools are in inches. And if you ask people
those enhancing the plastic sheet has allowed or how large Lueftungsloecher
be in deep drawing, for example, gets a "1 / 32 inch ' replied.
What the fuck is THAT?
to mention the mph, ° F, ounces, pints, quarts, pounds .... it's such a hassle ...

-> "Can I see your ID please?".
other day I wanted to buy the Von's (big supermarket chain, a la real) 'nen Becks
sixpack and had - well prepared - with my passport. But at the checkout
I could not let me then say that this identification can not be accepted.
HELLO, PLEASE!? Until I get that damn plastic card called 'California Driving Licence
' sent, it can take between 6 months and one year. And also should
my official passport (PASSPORT!) I suppose as a unique identification
enough, right? The supervisor has sent for me, only one "I'm sorry
, we can not acept that ID" bla-bla-vorgebrabbelt Sülz.
Well, at least I got dat Zeuch in the next shop.
Even if one wants to buy paint cans have to be over 18. At my puzzled
question why this is necessary, I got a "Well, because they could do something with
it, that they should not do." replied. Aha ... alright ...!
America, America ...

-> update parking spot.
Had there the other day somehow understood what wrong with the numbers. The approximately 2,000 of
I mentioned parking on campus are in fact merely for employees. It was somehow funny to me
, especially when you see the rieeesigen parking.
Well I have now the correct number: Indeed, it is rich in total 12 450 parking places (!)!
sufficiency but still do not quite ...

take it easy,

Sunday, October 12, 2003

Can Shingles Break Out On The Chest

Hello world rested!

-> Sleep is the best medicine / drug.
Last night I actually wanted to "just short" home and then again
back to college, but when I during the Return'm more than once almost fell asleep
, has my mind compared to where my body beaten and I have
incredible still-never -unprecedented ten (!) hours sleep! Whoa does this well!
Everything is much more beautiful (even the weather), it tastes better, more fun and all the motivation
deposits are recharged.
Then I rise this morning from my neighbor's lemon tree, the branches in our yard
, steals and two lemons me a freshly made hand made lemonade.
Hmmmm ... would have to start every day!

-> Run.
takes place today in Long Beach a marathon / half marathon and I really would have
at least try the Half-Marathon will again. Then I would not even
caused by the traffic chaos through the barriers have to torment. The run course goes
namely around the entire CSULB area and the goal is just
times a block away from my apartment - and thus corresponds exactly
my way to the university.

-> final sprint.
undertaken after an hour but now I get this far and can now work
dutifully in the model shop. Yes, because it is in final sprint-
says. On Tuesday, final presentation to do our first design / project and much
too much.

-> model making paradise.
Yes it is here. We have 24 / 7 access to the model shop, where all machines are pretty much
that you need (except for 'Ner CNC milling). And we may also use
ALL machines at any time and get for the $ 50 shop fee ' even
FREE FOAM! The only constraint is that we are in the shop - not
work alone - for security reasons.
is the only major shortcoming that we have no real man workshop manager à la House
. One is Professor, the idea of the stuff is only twice a week
here and then also has very little time because he gives courses ...
are in the workshop's all kinds of hand tools and equipment: Standardkram á la
files, knives, sandpaper, screws and nuts, etc., but also hot air guns, hot glue
, Oberfraesaufsaetze, altimeter, air schleifaufsaetze and Flex.
one who switched from the CSULB to Artcenter in Pasadena has come even on weekends
here to here the workshops used to (okay, also because of his girlfriend
So if you have some idea of the machines and processes, it is really a
'model making paradise'.

-> vacuum forming.
This machine is great! I've lost all respect vor'm deep drawing ... ;)
Nix because of complicated with time and temperature programming and Tralala.
The machine here is all operated by hand and by feel. Everything looks
from mighty shaky and rustic. But it does use 'nen murder fun thing to
and the results are totally okay - if it works!

-> entertainment capitol of the world. Modest
here called LA
Ronnie (one of the roommate) has now moved to Houston, Texas where dozens of stores and manages
a fast food chain. Just before he ran away, but we are together again
drove to LA. We drove through South Central, where I would otherwise probably not alone
executed trust. And there he showed me the gas station, when he
the age of 17 (through faked birth certificate: 21 years) had his first job.
amazing story about Band shootings (in the gas station was shot three times on
him, twice he was behind bulletproof glass). In downtown LA
has he shown me the whole markets. INSANITY! Everything is so dirty,
shabby, messy, and looks more like Mexico City. For this to be here but
implemented daily to millions. No, no drugs, but pretty much everything else (electronic devices,
jewelry, watches, toys, clothes, etc.). For all that is in the Far East or Mexico/Sued-
America produces and for the U.S. market is provided, comes in the
Port of Long Beach by ship and will be here in downtown LA from numerous
to small business people, but sold to the big retail chains / wholesalers
Only a few blocks from the Staples Center, the parking lot with stretch limousines fully
is available; the players of the LA Lakers have just training ...

-> Hollywood once again.
Cetin, my other roommate, the guitar and policy studies' s really a funny guy. He is somewhere
Turk and raised in northern Germany, has therefore roughest Hamburger
accent and stark Proverbs on it and is super easy on it.
A few weeks ago he wanted to actually meet with 'NEM types in the Roxy (Hollywood). The
had in fact sought by display after guitar players. The type is not immersed in
-and when he then asked someone, he replied that that he the guy
absolutely does not like him and has therefore not allowed in the store. "Wow, the whole
way from Long Beach for nothing ... "thought Cetin, but after he came to the other guy's in
Gespraecht, it turned out that this was the keyboard player from Guns'n'Roses
. Cetin has still ' n some other band members met and then all
evening that passed through the club. Because I have colleagues not know and him
really believe not wanted, he gave me the next day was the photographic evidence
together with the CD . Covers shown can imagine even with what for 'Ner joy;.
because that is exactly the music to which he departs, and he also likes to play ...

- Robbie
Last week I wanted to Cetin only once to Hollywood and in one of the bars and delicious
cheap eat (!), but it was totally crowded and we are down Sunset Blvd. went back to the whole
shops to the bus station. The restaurants have tables on the footpath
usually up and at a Japanese sushi restaurant, sat at the very fact ROBBIE WILLIAMS
table with some friends! I'm not six feet away and I then walked past
long and hard about whether I ask him for a photo. let's belongings but be true, because I
disturb its local Unrecognized unit did not want and I'll probably would have in its place
found quite annoying.

So enough "chat", must now quickly back into the model shop ...

take it easy,

Tuesday, October 7, 2003

Most Comfortable Mens Shoes 2010

Picture Of The Week: Today's the day!

California Governor

Now it's exciting!
I can not even allowed to vote, unfortunately, have nevertheless completed a ballot
(and I spontaneously changed her mind again);)