Hello World: waz up dude?
-> News & photos.
Hab's now finally managed to deposit my word clusters in the network.
Whom it may concern: http://www.livejournal.com/users/arni
And photos of my beloved Pentax-Baby's are now now highly-charged
: http://photos.r-knee.com/
-> language alteration.
After my subconscious mind the other day again successfully turned off my alarm clock has
and has thus stibizt a few quiet minutes, has become established my consciousness but
sometime with sleepy eyes and frightening taken note of the advanced
time. The first thought that has shaped darufhin the gray stuff in my skull and
escape as whispers my body left, was:!
"Oh shit Okay, now let's get it on ...!" Shortly
is clear to me dat dat was so English! I found it fascinating anyway ...
-> weather.
The ash rain has subsided and the daily morning fog has been cleared
, so now the morning is usually pleasantly warm, afternoon it gets
but always hot (about 30 ° C). However, my Temperatursensibiliaet
has - or should I rather write: nitpicking
- adapted very quickly, if it is at night to cool down to 15 ° C and it is getting uncomfortable with T-shirt and shorts
, for me the only appropriate word for it "cold".
- chicken> monster.
can think of so already wondering why some things over here are so cheap.
Fast food eg: Ua is certainly the in the incredible demand and
the enormous sales. But do notice it but some products such as Chicken McNuggets
example, the cost here in a 6-pack just a dollar (?).
The secret is genetically modified chickens that are grown in only 23 (!) Days from the tender Kuecker
to schlachtfaehigen, ueberproportionierten, vierbruestigen (?) Mega-chicken-
As a side effect of this well an egg - whether it be 'sunny-side up', 'scrambled', 'over easy',
'Over hard' or otherwise - a week's ration-Mega-All-In-One mix of both
necessary and unnecessary vitamin, mineral, hormone and stimulants.
-> oakley.
Last week I joined once the ID methedology-class and
'm on a 'field trip' down to the headquarters of Oakley. Sorry, unfortunately we were not allowed inside
in the design studios, but that was very impressive, what we have not seen
Sun Spectacular buildings and that in itself is already super impressive. All
Oakley items will then be designed, developed and tested. All glasses, clothes etc.
be produced there for the whole world, only a few other products are outsourced.
also have built in there, just jump ne NBA-approved basketball hall
can ensure that the NBA players every few weeks to test any prototypes. Madness!
-> fish on board.
As I recently surfing again a full wash cycle including ejection of mother nature and
get myself in the 'white water' was driven slowly, my eyes
but actually discover a stowaway on my surfboard. For
there actually a small fish jumped around on my board! Tse-tse ... ;)
weekend in Manhattan Beach, I spotted my first seal, in addition to the dolphins is
us crazy rubber creatures swim by.
about his first U.S. 'paycheck' rejoicing,
r-knee in da hood
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