hola el mundo: estoy enfermo
-> [cough ... snief]
I should have even not believed, but nu is'es happened: I have a cold! With
krazigem neck, running nose and occasional cough I torment poor, poor guy I
by the heavy daily life ... : (All together please: ohhhh ...;)
No, it is also silly: during the day it goes with shorts and T-shirts often so hot that
we prefer the shade is present and at night is's so bitter cold that to sit properly in the
must cuddle blanket. My roommate is now already in the evening and at night
our (only) one radiator in the apartment (living room) to.
happen then too many 'all-nighter' at Cal State in accordance with variation within
sleep deficit in vitamins and Food. Not to mention the ice cold Pacific water (and beach)
during the 'surfing classes' and the caustic air conditioning in buildings. And also here the buzz
flu germs like crazy around you (a good third of my semester
has a cold). Well there, excuses's enough, makes the whole thing but not much better ...
-> el día de gracias.
On 'turkey day' I've been invited by 'nervous friend to the traditional feast with her aunt
. Was very tasty and interesting! Especially as ... well ... "Half white" in the house of a black
large family (including "Big Mama") long. ;)
-> at night it is dark.
Yes, I had almost forgotten. Because in Mega-City Los Angeles (County) is a place in the next
just over. Houses, fast food stores, shopping malls, houses, fast food
stores, shopping malls, houses, ... Thus, there's also everywhere
street lighting; outside until further example in Mereno Valley
struck me suddenly, "Hey, dat is' yes In'n dark night". As far as I am now
already alienated from nature. Frightening ...
-> mail-in rebate.
are from here-to's and articles that are not only "normal" reduced in price, but you get an extra discount
even if the receipts, bar codes and completed 'mail-in rebate
Forms' a contribution of (very popular Lockmasche, probably because some are too lazy to send in the stuff).
That's all well and good, but there's then such 'after Rabet $ 0' offers (for example, 100 CD-R
and 100 jewel cases) that they give you then sent a few weeks delay a Cheque
the entire purchase amount. And I feel somehow not quite into the brain, because
finally paid only the taxes and the actual price gets back again. And the
stamp you can save yourself even when filling the form online. How does the
so please? How to earn money for you (both the store and the manufacturer)? Maybe I should
visit to some business management courses in order to tighten the ...
The only explanation I have for that are the TAXES!
The whole thing is a secret stitch of the U.S. government trying to collect more taxes.
Because as we know a non-negligible share of taxes in the Great
for Pott's military budget is. Yes, and what the U.S. Army does with all the coal? Exactly! Play in distant Iraq war
! Aha, that's so! In this way, and by all the other things that I buy here and
for which I pay taxes, get me to do so indirectly finance the war. Darn and-sewn
! Damn sneaky gang!
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