Monday, February 25, 2008

Best Places To Buy Vegetable Seeds

Nothing to Say ...

I have nothing to say.

Manchester City 0-2 Everton

Red: Martin Petrov (City) 93

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Calories In A Slice Of White American Cheese

All the Best for EDUARDO

cleaning day! Hallelujah! Especially when you first time, the existing rent-cleaner in detail under the microscope and finds that the only 100 years is a Useful Mr. Clean angesiffte and a lemon cream cleaner. The other 50 remedies were either empty or so pissed that I did not even look at it, let alone touch.

about 13:00 clock, I started using the bathroom. There is also an older portable radio, I once just turned on full volume - there was some Hessian heavy metal station. Needless to mention that I am under the condition seemed very conducive to open all the windows WG. If you have to work on Saturday already, will you let other people finally it. Consideration has always been my greatest strength. After the sink was harmless, the shower turned out to be extremely cute unfriendly. Twice I almost fell into the mold that Andrea has been trying for several weeks, with new products, creams and sponges to get dead. Because I do not even try, but only the scouring poured generously into the interior and then the scalding Water to spread. Should I mention that I only very narrowly escaped severe burn bin?

then was the kitchen it. Stoves, cabinets, leftover dishes, rotten food, windows, etc. pp. Meanwhile I had moved the transmitter from the radio. It was now an idiotic transmitter that has the Bundesliga games in a kind of conference were presented with music interruption. Was presented to the whole of two types with obvious Kreativlosigkeit. They tried on Voodoo, and to be part of their victory over Eintracht Bremen. I never would have thought that this really works!

was the glorious conclusion of the action, the floor mopping with a strange stand, neither the name nor broom mop deserved, and a cloth to make sure their vision, I actually played for a few seconds with the thought have to remove my contact lenses and totally blind weiterzuputzen. Accordingly, I was then reminded of all the Stellwerkschrubben in my previous life.

Sometime around 16:30 clock, I was ready, his hands cracked verschwielt and dry, what with the peeling and cutting potatoes, carrots, fennel, onion and chicken has not really improved. It's Saturday and it's time for Irish Stew (by me).

The period after the meal could have been relaxed: translating Greek sentences, index cards, paint, index cards go through, learn particles, verbs, etc. Before that I wanted to learn more just log on to the Premier League Results - I did and was shocked because of the injury to Arsenal's Eduardo after just three minutes in the game in Birmingham. Martin Taylor has so rudely kicked him in the leg so that it completely was broken and the foot was only the socks kept the leg. I am so glad that I have not seen live!

So, all the best and a speedy recovery for Eduardo!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Decalsfor Car Beds Uk

But actually it does not matter!

This post is completely dedicated to his Greek itself. According to Plato's theory of ideas we can from the Greek itself but have no idea just from the shadow that was sent to earth, but since I am here concerned with the language Greek and not with the philosophical and linguistic problems, which can be seen behind it, Plato is here left out sometimes, or say how Roland would: "do not care ..." .

First, in general, tells me the format of the intensive course enormously. I do not know how it would be without any prior knowledge, but on the state in which I held prior to the course, I did not know much more than many of my fellow sufferers. What exactly does this course like? First: it is structured. We know at any time of day, what exactly did is. In the first hour, a plan was issued, which will be addressed each day and each day consists of four segments. First, very detailed checks with room for all the homework questions from the lecture and corrected, then there is a short break. Following is a short test that must be processed until lunch (at present it consists of 4-5 short sentences and multiple phrases, all translated). After lunch, the latest grammar is discussed in detail and in the end are a few records with the new built-in grammar structure translated. This is all very manageable and predictable, you always know where you are and does not have such every minute between mind and translating new grammar seek back and forth.

That was the positive. Now for the negative (which is not entirely negative, however, which has developed over the seven weeks and after two weeks of negative elements already developed in part). Initially, most participants of the course have been strange, and accordingly we first scanned carefully. We sat quietly and obediently in our chairs and have listened to Roland, who of course had to be met first. But now after two weeks, offers a completely different picture: the morality is much decreased, the volume has increased, Roland's warnings are ignored - or more pointed. We got to know us, casual friendships were formed, which makes the focus on the Greek somewhat faded. The shame limit drops considerably. If the reason still to be solved in control rates will be discussed out loud, cursed, thrown around with verbs, particles, scattered adjectives, adverbs and pronouns in the room. For those who can think out loud, like you like this, but in the quiet thinker, the nerve sometimes limit exceeded. I type but that will sit at the latest after the first examination of the shock so deep that the volume back to a relative approaching normal levels. That would be on Tuesday, March 4, 2008 far. I'm looking forward to it!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Government Laws For Trains

Irish Stew with Cherry Pudding

* Christopher Eccleston (1964)
(English actor - Doctor Who, The Second Coming, The Others, Elizabeth, Hillsborough, 28 Days Later, Sunday)

Today I am a little late to write, and very much is not happening, so the present review manageable.

morning I'm like the last days stood up against clock 8:00, while my roommates have kept up the bed before noon. I've used the time in between to complete my verb flash cards and do their homework. Then I have my almost famous Irish Stew in the modified form of chicken, fennel, and of course cooked tons of Worcester sauce. For dessert we had - also very English / Irish-looking - pudding with sour cherries. Everything was finished eating at 13:00 clock, but the feast lasted until about 15:30 clock - it was very entertaining with such many issues raised that I had completely forgotten them all - maybe I'm dreaming of it. Currently I have another empty house, and the rest will I now use it for a few Greek exercises.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Merilyn Sakova Boxing Clips


now is 20:45 clock, and I've just come from the small movie theater with me around the corner. When I telephoned today afternoon with Daniel, I noticed that I still have not emphasized strongly enough that Marburg is actually living exclusively by and for students. Accordingly, the city has full of pubs and cinemas of any shade. In about a week if the testing time is finally over, Marburg will be extinct, as I was yesterday dealt by Florian (my room-mate # 2). However, I will probably notice only when the weekly grocery shopping when the shops are almost empty - and that is not so directly negative.

My first movie was here and now in Marburg "Once" . Which I had already seen the preview to "Kite Runner" in Dresden and was then done to positive. After all, he plays not only in Dublin, but he is Irish through and through. It is about a street musician, who is also in the Vacuum cleaner repair his father's work - or vice versa, as you want. He also meets a young woman who sells roses on the streets of Dublin and happens to have a broken vacuum cleaner at home. A little surprise from the fact that she actually passed out during the day brings, then the music is the level at which both come closer. In general, the film is the great melancholy music (the song "Falling Slowly" is nominated good reason for this year's Oscar), which is consistently of actor Glen Hansard. And by or through this music of the audience learns in the course of the film fragments on the past of the two Main characters until the end somewhat abruptly falls and dismiss the audience with this so indiscriminately torn episode from the lives of two people. But this is typical of the Irish film and in my eyes even likeable. Often one does have the approach of an act, but it is not designed to be exciting. One follows a section of the lives of two people who could have really happened so no exaggerated highlights are constructed, but created characters, some bizarre and different, but somehow as we do. All in all, "Once" a movie I can recommend without reservation - only tissues you should take if one is built close to the water.

Just before I went to the movies, I have yet to Andrea for the nice Valentine's Day surprise (a cake with cherries Nußteig heart out - very tasty!) Actually thanked them and asked in jest whether the mouse would have had for a name - at least it was for two days with her sub-tenants. And indeed, her name was Louise. Your plants have all the names as they stand is right next to her bed, a large palm, which belongs to the name Ida . Maybe I should try that too, then my plants live any longer. Was therefore just decided to call my hydroponic Richard though she seems not directly as a Richard, but perhaps growing out yet.

In Greek was built in the typical Friday cabin fever mood. Everywhere was giggling, the sayings and stories were time progresses and more ridiculous. Was felt to be particularly funny, the verb t ... qhmi (set, set) whether his pronunciation. Since I Q like an English th pronounce, it sounds in my ears for young rather less funny, but pronounced as a hard T apparently already. But today only the verbs were repeated. Real issue was - to my dismay because of the smaller craft and puzzle work - the declension of nouns and indeed the full range, so the a -declension, the o -declension, the third declension in all its forms and of course concluded the article, and I still found some affection u the Gutturalstämmen to me, so for example, nouns fÚlax (guard) and nux (night) in my heart. I think if you're so far is you love one language over not far away.