This post is completely dedicated to his Greek itself. According to Plato's theory of ideas we can from the Greek itself but have no idea just from the shadow that was sent to earth, but since I am here concerned with the language Greek and not with the philosophical and linguistic problems, which can be seen behind it, Plato is here left out sometimes, or say how Roland would: "do not care ..." .
First, in general, tells me the format of the intensive course enormously. I do not know how it would be without any prior knowledge, but on the state in which I held prior to the course, I did not know much more than many of my fellow sufferers. What exactly does this course like? First: it is structured. We know at any time of day, what exactly did is. In the first hour, a plan was issued, which will be addressed each day and each day consists of four segments. First, very detailed checks with room for all the homework questions from the lecture and corrected, then there is a short break. Following is a short test that must be processed until lunch (at present it consists of 4-5 short sentences and multiple phrases, all translated). After lunch, the latest grammar is discussed in detail and in the end are a few records with the new built-in grammar structure translated. This is all very manageable and predictable, you always know where you are and does not have such every minute between mind and translating new grammar seek back and forth.
That was the positive. Now for the negative (which is not entirely negative, however, which has developed over the seven weeks and after two weeks of negative elements already developed in part). Initially, most participants of the course have been strange, and accordingly we first scanned carefully. We sat quietly and obediently in our chairs and have listened to Roland, who of course had to be met first. But now after two weeks, offers a completely different picture: the morality is much decreased, the volume has increased, Roland's warnings are ignored - or more pointed. We got to know us, casual friendships were formed, which makes the focus on the Greek somewhat faded. The shame limit drops considerably. If the reason still to be solved in control rates will be discussed out loud, cursed, thrown around with verbs, particles, scattered adjectives, adverbs and pronouns in the room. For those who can think out loud, like you like this, but in the quiet thinker, the nerve sometimes limit exceeded. I type but that will sit at the latest after the first examination of the shock so deep that the volume back to a relative approaching normal levels. That would be on Tuesday, March 4, 2008 far. I'm looking forward to it!
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