Hello everybody ^ - ^
I just watched a TV - Show about records ^ ^
in this show they then showed to trailer about a new movie . The movie is about a little witch-girl ^ - ^ but the movie is in german. Most people know the books about this little witch called Lila. So the German title is "Lilly the Witch and the Dragon and the Magic Book" in English would it be " Lilli the Witch, the dragon and the magical book"
I just watched a trailer but it's just about the dragon and the comedian who gives his voice for the little cute green dragon ^-^ an here the link for the german (!!) trailer.
[German] Trailer
Video with the green dragon
and here the official site from the movie
Official Movie Site
^o^v and I already love the little dragon so I would show you some pictures <3

the name of this dragon is Hektor <3 *O*

and here is witch Lilli with the magical book ... and a monster in the background Ó_____Ò
~the end~