Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Bread And Breakfast Cover Letter In Html Format

yayy ~ ^ / / ^

Ok so as I said in my last post, I'm a real fan of Twilight xD" so I went today after school in a Cd-Shop and what did I found there?? The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack TWILIGHT <333333 *-*
last week I also bought the German Book "Bis(s) zum Morgengrauen" and I realy love the story, that's because I'm already in the half of the book xDDD"

and I found also some other stuff of my fav Tv Season ^-^
Grey's Anatomy <333 I bought the 1 and the 2 season *-* *so in love*

so, my school day is over *happy* and I love to sit in my room and to play LocoRoco © for Playstation Portable ^-^" yeah I know this game is for kids over three years hehe >o<" but it's awesome to play <333 and kawaii~ the little balls (the name I don't remember) sing and laugh like little children <3
I would buy the first part of the game but I don't know where in our land we just have the second part >_<

ok lol so this is everything I would write today...
omg O_O I've forgotte to make my homeworks...



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