Saturday, December 4, 2010

Ideas For Rhinestoning Jeans

Published! I am a writer!

I can not think and grin like a Cheshire cat!

I did it! One of my short stories in the anthology is "mortal ... the angels looking over their shoulders, "released!
I thank the Hierreth Publisher that brings out this anthology in collaboration with Carol Kickers.
(The book trade price 12,90 €, ISBN 978-3-941455-28-3 is.)

I thank everyone who supported me!
foremost: Tanya and Andrew.
Without your support I would perhaps this first success been denied!

And I thank my mom who was happy on the phone so beautiful! : D

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Can I Change The Way The Alias 2 Vibrates

NaNoWriMo: I am a winner

Hi folks! :)

I've done today - I have 50,000 words in black and white!

Some statistics:
  • I raced across the finish line today, and saved an incredible 50 032 words!
  • 50 032 305 494 words are characters, including spaces
  • The text contains 48 733 spaces.
  • the 50 032 words spread over 212 pages - and the book is not finished yet!
  • My top result I was on 21.11. write - wonderful 5832 words in just one evening!
  • addition to two clear rounds (days on which I have not written a word), I list nine days in which I was below the daily limit (1,700 words), and two days when my total earnings was red .

Today I probably push a few pins, and tomorrow then write the novel to end! :)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Can General Anesthesia Cause Palpitations

NaNoWriMo: sprint between

Good evening, almost Good night!

Today I would like to say that I am are on target!
I had exceeded the 40K, with 42 751 words and lies well in the race. My hopes rest on
connect to the last days before my birthday that I create to the finish line.

on into the home stretch!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Canoscan N1240u Scanner Slides

strikes + money back

my forecast from last post - "In the winter, or in bad weather less strike "
meet so well but not quite, if you look at the protests of Stuttgart 21 and the Castor transport looks.

I do not agree though agree on all points, but the strike's important and good.
Poltiker and lobbyists have in my opinion, just too different from the interests of the people.
long time, to everything, "Yes and Amen" said - represent the citizens in Germany your interests now stronger and that's good!

My grandson is here perhaps as an example. He is ready now and soon to begin his studies.
an apartment he has ever searched - a residential community of old school friends in Berlin.
The apartment has 180 square meters - but there are also 5 people.

has this interesting to me, my grandson egg con History attention:
One must not always pay rent deposit! There has recently been called a Deposit Insurance !
An insurance guarantees that the landlord in case of damage or if no rent is paid, the money is replaced.
Man himself must legenn behind high security and can not have the money free!
But the best is yet - my grandson said that also applies to existing leases.

I'll be there again to make smart and tell you!

a nice Christmas, wishes

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Recycled Food Grade Barrels Calgary

Small info: NaNo and musical development

I Have just ordered a ukulele! Velvet book, how to do what ... let's see what that is.

latest nano-level: 4006 words daily target and previous total set at just under 600 words exceeded.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Lost In This Moment With Youcountry Song

tap water @ 2010-10-31T14: 40:00

Woa, I spin through - are all finished publishing tenders! : D
I'm so excited, and I'm so excited - what is the result?

I hope that at least has a story touched the hearts of the editors and I may be so.
What will it be? More than one? All of them? ...: D

I hold you up to date, it's really exciting!

We feed here in Kiel now cakes, fruit and drink in gerademal four hours going from my train home!
I look forward to a hot shower, my sister, a round snuggle with the bunnies and my bed.
In order ... :) Beautiful

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Movies About Cystic Fibrosis

Wonderful Getaway

good evening!

I'm tired. This is due to the fresh sea air here in Kiel - and probably because we had the road all day. Or at the very comfy bed. ;)

After a late but very tasty breakfast, we waited for Maran. Maran met against a clock to us, we played the round over and settlers broke then to Sprotte yard.
A nice yard. You drive up to him, left the quaint stables, the head in front of main house - and rolling around on the way fields. We all fields are totally just ...
was planned to bring the horses from the paddock. Preliminary Sprat and her brother began an even risked their lives to the two rams, which had been stable in the open easily. When, after the successful capture of the goats neighborhood kids joined us, we were on our way. Short walk to the paddock and then I saw the Darkchylde and reminds you of mystical legends pets - Mighty Nomi (born Naomi, but the calls are so bad, says Sprat), Darius (a terribly intelligent stupid head, the better Mä nnern can, as with women) and the small, cute stocky pony Lunita. Small and thick, so I like personally well - a beautiful animal, with an irony!
From a distance they were already impressive, but then as they approached on the street I was really excited. :)
Small walk back, even just looked where Maynard McDougall was born and up to mischief - as maltreating Sprotte shin, then we said goodbye to her cats, dogs, horses, sheep and their ; brother.

Next stop: keel line broadcast, seals!
It's really cool, the water, but beautiful. We saw two large Ferries, and even a small Seegler very courageous in a thin wetsuit. The seals
shows off her fantastic swimming techniques - preferably on the back and with a satisfied grin. After Darkchylde and I were then also informed of Meteor - after all, he won two Olympic gold (in Hellsinki and Rome) and his bronze it is, according to our two experts, women, and very aptly again - made we are on the way home.

came after a short shopping, we finally back in the cozy, warm apartment, and set about preparing dinner: potato pizza, tomatoes, Chicken Wings.
Heavenly ... :)

After the long, very funny Bohnanza game, now all we are sitting at the computer and I can tell, thanks to my fabulous phone, you on this day.

charming evening, Sarah

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Pain And Numbness Between Shoulder Blades

on to Kiel!

by 15 clock today it finally happened: the well-deserved long weekend was at the door!
And what makes Sarah, if she has four days off? - Correct, it is what makes.

I visit a friend in Kiel! : D Gee whiz, I am happy, I'm jittery and and and.
Fortunately, I have three and a half hour drive on are not alone, because a friend goes well. And a still unknown, but certainly above nice person on Saturday to join us and brighten our day.

writing, chatting, role-playing.
with a few horses running through the area, watching seals and eat homemade cake!
but this sounds great.

My WOW account is frozen, because the Nano starts in a few days ... nu, and I'm bored ... * G *

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Pokemon Gpsphone Cheats Mac

The countdown is on ...

Four more days until the start - start up of NaNoWriMo.

If I say I'm excited, I understate. I'm jittery, and have been Days.
Since I know what I want to write, have developed the characters and story-itself.
It is really cruel, I think if you know exactly how you want to start, all the scenes in your head, and still must wait.
for who starts first, which opens up even a favor.

I am certainly very, if I keel after my weekend back home am when I am with a cup of tea in front of the computer set and clamped follow how moved the clock hands.
And then I start to midnight battle, with many participants of NaNo.

And over the course of the development and everything else, I think you, of course, up to date. :)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

S/n: 1132-1341-7734-1143-9038-7335

And already October)

The beautiful days in September and early October are now well past, unfortunately .. In Germany, the final autumn has arrived. Soon begins the Weihnachhtstrubel, and I'm looking forward to it but a nice Christmas market tour with mulled wine.

However, what I just think:
In which months or seasons or in fact most do not strike?
Könntemir imagine that the Menschenn (eg France) will soon be too cold and uncomfortable and they prefer to stay at home.

In spring and summer, but certainly more alls strike in winter ...

lie Or am I wrong?
says Woschio

Thursday, October 14, 2010

What Are The Positions For A Brazilian Wax

latest tenders

A little more information ...

Since the beginning of the year I write short stories. And as mentioned earlier, I have a contribution to Edition colon and the Wolf Moon Publisher submitted . Unfortunately, I

the publisher Moon Wolf has rejected that. Buhuu * * - But, life goes on!
And so I worked with my colleagues prefer the text of the article, cut and refined, and the story again to a publisher ( Candela ) shipping.

I also have a short story about "Mortality" is written to the publisher were Hierreth submitted.
also for "creatures of the water" of the publishing house sparrow I wrote a review. And the word kiss
Publisher received a review of "The World in a teacup."

I received by return receipt, except from the sparrow-Verlag.

That is - five short stories spread open in the world! Let's hope that someone like something!

What Do Digestive Acids Do

shame on me

As I take me so tight diligently to keep this blog and what happened - of course, I fail.
Full of energy I wanted to keep you up to date, to present myself completely useless on the internet and failed miserably.

Well ... I would not promise that this will be better in future. But I can try it, yes. :)

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

John Tucker In Bikini

All new in September ...

Hello dear friends and readers - welcome to my new blog. Have
by friends from the USA is that they are very satisfied with LiveJournal - that's why I wanted to try it again. Quite as simple as that but then unfortunately.

What is this blog?
Everything and nothing - God and the world - today and tomorrow - the things I like and things that bother me - containing everything from everyday life ...

you soon, Greetings Wolfgang

Monday, July 12, 2010

Lumpy Looking Skin In Dogs

Curiosities of the Taiwanese food in Taiwan musculoskeletal

The word "sport" should be here have a new definition. Particularly curious are the sporting habits of the elderly population. In general, these seem to move the most and best, but usually not considered, this follows a strict pattern, spontaneous, joyful dancing move is apparently high. Very high on the early morning Tai Chi, or shadow boxing in parks, stadiums, campuses and other areas available for free. In the evening you see older people in these places, then just "dancing", this dance is done to schlager-like music to a predetermined Vortänzerin stepping, aerobics and all similar is without the slightest smile or happiness other statements made seemingly dutifully for the sake of physical health. Who does not dance - so most of the men - to make almost all day and night peculiar swing and relaxation movements, like the music also brought from the radio. Typical elements of this sport are to follow, especially secondaries in an upright position and pressed his knees, even this seems a given strict rule catalog, the facial expression is more focused and serious as satisfied or even euphoric. For young and old alike seem to "walk" to be. But as a normal walk is not sporty, disciplined seem to be enough seems to like to meet up in stadiums that are in almost every school and university after school to the general public. This offers the Western athletes a very unfamiliar picture: from 5-80 years, almost everyone here seems to be on the track that move less but in a rapidity that would justify the wearing of sportswear: you walk, but this with a seriousness like a marathon runner in training. Of course, should not be neglected in this case the sun. The women, especially the older covers, even at almost 40 ° from toenail to toenail in a variety of coatings, particularly in the face, wearing a burqa here would probably gladly received. This morning I jogged past an elderly man who was in flip flops on the runway on the road and on the sunlit side of the stadium but actually spans a completely clear-headed umbrella with pink hearts. For a moment I wondered if I should point out to him that cling film is not a suitable sunscreen. Those who go jogging actually provide an even more unusual image: often they do not wear sports clothes, let alone adequate sports shoes and silt with no discernible running style on the track. But this is explained very quickly if you go once through the city and to respects, just why everyone moves forward at an incredible snail's pace, which makes almost all foreigners mad. I approached this pace times, by mere fact, such a slow walking speed to achieve and not fact: go to the site. That the first glance is not obvious, because the knees are raised for a normal walking unusually high.
The happiest face I've so far discovered sport of table tennis games. In addition to the university gym is a table tennis hall, where will meet several times a week, older people, especially men with young players to play table tennis. Some older men, which certainly walked toward the 80 schlufften, with bent back into the hall by then an hour happily shake things balls.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Labeled Plans For A Trebuchet

Online shopping is a frustrating purchase

Tagchen ..

annervt what I am!
ersparst As you look at the stress of driving in the city, for example, up in the heat with 500 other perceived to cavort in a store. No stupid through the shelves and racks go looking for the right size, or even first was found that one pleases.
online is so much easier.
Simply click on its presently preferred shop and browse through the alert categories. And since you can easily sort by size and price, one does not have long to deal with inappropriate body or wallet.
Except, of course, convenient online shopping is a frustrating shopping.
This happened, for example, if you can select a story but to the single view, but must then conclude that he is sold out in all sizes. Or, if the item is advertised at a bargain price, but with the little word "ex" in front, but costs in every size and color at least three times.

I hope soon to ungefrustet shop online, I would do without this convenience is not easy.

Just today I had this inadequacy of the online shopping portals detect again and decided to let go of a complaint mail. I'm excited to see what comes back.
I will note here when I get a reply.

beautiful Sunday evening,
until then!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Short Definition Of Acrostic


As you may know, I write Fanficitons. In the Harry Potter finds her with me as Nuya .

But I also own quite fabricate, and to take part for example in publishing contracts.

Here you will learn all that I fabricate, the fanfictions I link, I mention only the alerts. :) So ..

Have filed with Edition colon and Publisher Wolf Moon. From the Publisher wait
Moon Wolf gabs already Eingangsbesätigung, the rest I do now .. :)
enrollment was over Mid-August and late September.

Ignoring Fibroid Tumors

film vs. Reality

Good evening,

's Who of you still like that?
you go to the movies, check out a DVD - maybe your favorite movie - and when the credits start, and also in the cinema as the lights again, then you're ripped out of another world.
You have kept their minutes with your hero, experienced the highs and lows, and now it will be over?
would prefer her to start by the screen or TV to jump, I run the characters through their green fields or take them home, where her life so much more exciting satisfied and filled out seems like the yours.

I confess: I feel sometimes so what I say, sometimes.. All the time.

I saw Twilight, Narnia .. these films are only part of entire series of films that captivate me and pulling me how many books in her fantasy world.

Be it the romantic and dreamy world of Bella and Edward, who robbed despite their love Gräultaten fascinated around, or the adventurous journey of the siblings to Narnia, the incredible scenery and adventure your breath Kö . can

I find it anyway in today's very difficult to emerge from the fantastic worlds of the many books and movies. And I'm happy, like today, to sit eight hours in the cinema, so I may as Bella and Edward from Part I to Part III, see how their love grows, as the circumstances become more irregular.

I'll continue to watch movies and read books that grab me so I am sad when the last page is opened or by the use of credit.
But I will hopefully not fall into the depth that lies in wait for you if you are taking in too much on the imagination. For life certainly has many beautiful moments in store for me, just waiting to let the fantasy begin to come true.

those who sat in the cinema today with a sigh.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Arabic Happy Birthday Write

Eating takes a definitely a very important part in the life of Taiwanese. When people meet, they will usually ask one of the first things that you have already eaten when one denies the question is usually provided immediately for assistance. Eating out is basically a quick and practical matter - provided the Chinese one is read in accordance powerful and capable of menus. The mere reading, however, does not mean you know what was coming up on one play but also not really matter, as most things very well taste and healthy is always just about anything. Some things may look quite funny and often quite strange smells, tastes, but, surprisingly, always very well, while we regret at some harmless looking and smelling things ever to have it put so innocently in the mouth. General, however: you should all have at some times, at least in small quantities because they missed a lot, if you get put off by strange smell. Some things should be given a second chance, often the first tastes are so strange that you have to get used to it.
In restaurants you often must be present, the Taiwanese are convinced that the restaurants with the longest snakes in front of the must be best and would rather make a long time, as to go directly into a similar, empty restaurant next door. If it's your turn, you quickly ordered some dishes, then share them all. Meals are served fairly quickly, produces a lot of rubbish, laughing loudly and talking and possibly even photographically recorded food and persons involved. If no more what goes in, it immediately disappears again - are finally out there are many.
The ne plus ultra of Taiwanese cuisine are probably the night markets that exist in many parts of the city and is offered in addition to clothing, especially where food and in an abundance that you do not know where to begin. Given at each corner sliced fruit and beverages. People do not remain on a level that the preparation is fast, it is eaten quickly and on we go. Night markets might look like a bit of our fairs, but everything is much cheaper and more practical. On weekends, the night markets are always pretty full, as one moves through the narrow streets.
The offer wealth is simply astounding, so is the simple question "What food do you want?" Constantly overwhelmed. Presumably it has not done any Taiwanese to have tasted in his life, all kinds of preparation of a dish.
run on television all the long nose Cooking shows or other live-from-the-cook-shop "reports, where (supported by cartoon-like sounds and impressions), the preparation is stated at the end then try all the studio guests.
stand in stark contrast to this very dominant food culture that sometimes shockingly thin people, especially girls who are referred to as "paper people". How do make it to say with this offer "no," remains a mystery. Today I