Saturday, July 10, 2010

Ignoring Fibroid Tumors

film vs. Reality

Good evening,

's Who of you still like that?
you go to the movies, check out a DVD - maybe your favorite movie - and when the credits start, and also in the cinema as the lights again, then you're ripped out of another world.
You have kept their minutes with your hero, experienced the highs and lows, and now it will be over?
would prefer her to start by the screen or TV to jump, I run the characters through their green fields or take them home, where her life so much more exciting satisfied and filled out seems like the yours.

I confess: I feel sometimes so what I say, sometimes.. All the time.

I saw Twilight, Narnia .. these films are only part of entire series of films that captivate me and pulling me how many books in her fantasy world.

Be it the romantic and dreamy world of Bella and Edward, who robbed despite their love Gräultaten fascinated around, or the adventurous journey of the siblings to Narnia, the incredible scenery and adventure your breath Kö . can

I find it anyway in today's very difficult to emerge from the fantastic worlds of the many books and movies. And I'm happy, like today, to sit eight hours in the cinema, so I may as Bella and Edward from Part I to Part III, see how their love grows, as the circumstances become more irregular.

I'll continue to watch movies and read books that grab me so I am sad when the last page is opened or by the use of credit.
But I will hopefully not fall into the depth that lies in wait for you if you are taking in too much on the imagination. For life certainly has many beautiful moments in store for me, just waiting to let the fantasy begin to come true.

those who sat in the cinema today with a sigh.


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