traffic in Taipei - or how to creatively car drives
Actually there should be guided tours for tourists on mopeds Taipei. Traffic here is really an experience. If you have survived it once again, it has a pleasant, adrenaline-charged thrill. Traffic rules are not really accepted: one jostles until the doctor comes. Driving is like a permanent, unsorted zippered. Constantly take each other's right of way rüpelt and rum, but no one really exciting is happening. Even a pathetic moped driver who was one (pinkgeblümten) bus when turning right almost massaged into the sidewalk (and it is considered unmoved by passers-by), is but a small outcry in the moment of shock is not further interested: is yes again everything went well! The only rule that is followed without exception and immediately, is the switching of traffic lights, and even if they are just towing a slow granny cross the street.
Nevertheless, there is nothing better than to swing as a passenger on such a scooter and explore the city, even if one later as a petrol can smell!
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