Friday, December 4, 2009

Luggage Storage In Rio

The friendliness of the Taiwanese

had a very strange experience in interpersonal contact with Taiwan, which appears to be very typical, especially when it comes to business. We went to the gym, actually with the intention of "inquire only short times. After two hours we stumbled exhausted out of the studio out. What had happened? Rather than just briefly to explain the offer and the prices of the studio, we were first instance, a "consultant" is set aside, then first tea was drunk, it was a short interest of clarification, then we were led through the studio. Then again sat down and explained the contractual terms. When we were then told that at least a two-year contract must be agreed, I actually thought, ok, then we stop again (we wanted a membership 6-11 months). But no; now came the real fun begins. First, the consultant was negotiating with us until we were with possible 12 months, then was the "King" called in, after much talk to us a 6-month and then made a 4-month supply, in addition a reduction of the deposit and entry fee but only if we would immediately enter into the contract. As we continue to dither (now we were almost dead had hunger and our ability to think under the ongoing talk in porridge transforms), we completed finally after 2 hours with the agreement to be allowed to train as a VIP guest until after the weekend off and then fall back again on the special offer to be allowed.
And is it quite often, as long as it indicates the intention to shop, but hesitates and things complained, is one of the seller against almost 100% - if you hold out long enough! Crazy.
This the-customer-is-king-setting can also be very quick and painless: it will be welcomed almost always welcome as soon as one enters a business, just as you get a thank you when you leave, whether accessed and purchased as much as you . Often, the seller also run through the store and say a stereotyped "Look look around slowly." The most incredible thing was the non-stop thanks a bus driver, for each each guest who got out at the last stop (and that was a lot), a "thank you" into the microphone said. And that was a city bus! As to the Germans but in fact even a leaf!


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