Malgin Learn about the situation in
In Soviet times there was such a thing as the jamming of Western radio. That is the only radio, where telling the truth. And They stifled everything, including music programs. If the news could still be, podnapryagshis, through the howling and wailing like a listen, examining individual words and guessing the general sense, so the transfer of culture and especially music in these conditions did not listen to nobody.
Do the current, taking all spam bots (as it should be bots)? No, if you look closely, this is not spam. This is an absolute killing, akin to that security officers were also put in air under Brezhnev. Already have so many fallen away to participate in any discussions, the number of comments, even on the most acute issues fell sharply. They are trying to make a Live Journal site, which will be disgusted. On the one hand, operates an automated jammers, disguised as a typewriter spamming. On the other hand - by commentaries issued by crawling out of the bottle myriad trolls (that never was), which no human test does not stop; most of them know who to come prepared, briefed, they know how to get a man out of himself, to spoil his mood.
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