andrreas @ 2011-01-25T10: 17:00
Many blamed the incident on Russia's security services, which missed, incomplete, overlooked. Others speak of the inadequacy of airport security. All this is certainly true. But the real reasons quite different. Over the past 11 years in Russia, a rapidly growing number of terrorist acts. From 2000 to 2009 the number of attacks has grown more than sixfold, reaching astronomical figures - more 750 attacks a year (in 2000 there were 130 - see " Putin. Results. 10 years ").
Security - the sacred cow of the state. Safety - a reason to tighten nuts and mysterious management decisions, which are very difficult to catch a causal relationship (as in the abolition of gubernatorial elections after the terrorist attack in Beslan).
Russian blast here very soon the twelfth year (each can scroll in the mind of the tape the attacks of the Putin era), and to the nation or in its broadest masses nor in its morally responsible wing, in its various elite political spectrum, did not reach - a sensual, personal way does not get any - danger physical destruction.
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