Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Plastic Cricket Bats,uk

mother's family

My grandmother Anna N. Kovalev (Gaschenko) in sixteen or seventeen years old. Prewar Photo, found only recently among old papers. Nobody could remember and could not even imagine such a grandmother cared for beauty. Twenties and tridatye in a Siberian village, working the controls of the combine in the forties, own and others' children, then grandchildren. Early death of my grandfather ... Read my sister and me Grandma taught it. And not just read.

Something about the father's family, I have already mentioned, here are a few photos and documents about her mother's, the rural relatives.

great-grandfather Nikolai Gaschenko. Fought in the First World War, he returned with the wounded arm - wrist and fingers.

only picture where the whole family. Great-grandmother Domna Ivanovna (Novikova), eldest daughter Matrona and junior Anna (Nura).

In my memory, my grandmother Motia and Anya, such as their latest photos together.

1935-th, grandmother (right) after the fever.

house his great-grandfather was a poor, but as they say, pure. The family narrowly escaped dispossession.
's help, certifying that the grandmother is "serednyachki collective farm."

great grandfather Nicholas remained in the family figure is almost epic. Came to Siberia with his parents на волне столыпинского заселения. Воевал, вернулся. Берёг семью во времена голода, коллективизации, Великой Отечественной.

Возраст и причина смерти: 48 liters. Killed by lightning.

This happened in front of her grandmother - and her life terribly afraid of thunderstorms. Turns off the lights at home, all appliances and freeze until the end.

Domna great-grandmother survived her husband by twenty years, my grandmother Anna his twenty-five.

In my grandmother's papers found quite a few photos before the war and the first two years of war. In the center - she, on the right - my future grandfather, Fyodor.

Hancock Fan - "dear friend", "dear friend" "Close friend".

do not know what could happen in November 1940. For the final yet. But these days dated notebook with autographs and best wishes classmates. Many touchingly awkward poems with vows of love and friendship.

NSSH seventh grade (junior high school), Toguchin District Novosibirsk Region, May 12, 1939 Amazing there are people.

Statement for the ninth grade. Study in the tenth is to prevent war.

Only after Grandma death, we learned that she was a young man kept a diary. Surprisingly neat handwriting, very competently. Mostly very frankly. Someday I'll be back, and processed these records. On his parents' home, school, first love.

diary here and there can not be compared with extant photo. For example, the time surprised me. Until his death, my grandmother made fun of women wearing trousers or short hair - "shameless" "And once a friend of Martha Zheludkova - famous lover to change into a male.

last entry in his diary - 31 July 1941.

"In connection with World War I finished the course work steering ... I was sent to a farm "banner of Stalin" with Fyodor Kovalev. "

grandfather Fyodor Kovalev in the late 50's. posed shot, he shot a press photographer.

wanted to fight, he went as a volunteer - was sent home because of the patient's heart. It is terrible because of this upset, he worked for ten. Held at the military itself clean harvest.

Two years later he married my grandmother. After the war with his own hands built a home in which were born and raised three daughters.

house was in the village of Zarechnoye (?), A few years later it moved to a log in the adjacent drier place, the village of Granite.

There he still stands and, the last ten years is vacant, they say.

great-grandfather, Fyodor Pavlovich Kovalev, great-grandmother Agrippina Leonovna (Novikova). Sons Theodore and Nicholas.
family fled to Siberia from famine in the early 30's. From Bryansk area. There they buried from disease and starvation of three children, one child died on the road. Seven, six boys and one girl survived.

Lover family and beloved brother grandfather Theodore, Nicholas. Served in the Navy. Drowned as a young, bathing in the stream.

1949 Village was still "not pasportizovano. The collective farmers are, in fact, the position of serfs.

Here grandpa top right.

1953rd, the first passports. "Perpetual"

the mid-50. Grandma driving a motorcycle.

Winter. For water.

certificate of vaccination. My mother was born.

Sometimes people ask me if there were among my ancestors' literary talents. Well, Grandma kept a diary, and my grandfather wrote a whole book.

in terms of circulation (3000) my novel still falls short of the grandfather.

Perhaps my grandfather in our family love to maps and cartography.

ticket ENEA. Needless to say, that meant a trip to the combiner from the Siberian hinterland.

Late 60's, houses in the village.

Soon the family will yield to the city. Whether because of the children's future, whether due to a conflict with the new leadership of the kolkhoz, or because of all at once. Grandfather to find a production that is associated with extreme concentrations of chemistry - and quickly ruin your already poor health. Heart disease, trauma to the harvest.

I (pictured with mom and dad, if not very clearly) the grandfather still barely remember.

Once my grandmother Anna sat down and sketched genealogical tree. At least all the grandfathers and prababok I will call by name and find the photo. Know something deeper and great-great, but hard times were, kinship broken off and lost.

If anyone is interested or someone has found in me a prodigal brother / uncle / cedmuyu water to jelly - always happy to share findings.


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