Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Senior Week Rentals Precautions

around the fort

Fort St Elmo protects Valletta and Grand Harbour from the sea. Its fleet of Suleiman the Magnificent stormed and bombed by the Luftwaffe planes. Around the most historic and central bastions of Malta's surprisingly deserted, Not a single tourist. Probably because the beach is not very comfortable, and sometimes even dangerous.

an amazing place. Fortress grown into rocks, rocks and even the sea scars.

around the port actually winding path. Mostly it is carved in stone, then jump over small bridges, Tere and found again.

lonely fisherman on a figure you can about imagine the scale.

past the entrance to the main Maltese Harbor apparently overlap with the approach of the enemy. Here, during the second world fleet based allies. Of protective structures left little, but it is majestic.

In crevices of rocks and the failure of the walls Booze labor are inputs into a network of underground tunnels.

We (though nothing specifically searched for) found three such move.

In one of them, which caused some confidence, dropped ten meters. There was a fork. One tunnel was walking towards the sea, it thundering surf, and the second somewhere near the fort. Without flashlights, chocolate and water climbed no further.

And went upstairs.

Circular panorama sv.Elma.

swim here because of the unpredictable currents min and relief, too, was not alone. But later we made up for elsewhere.

Leeward side.

and weather.

directly to the wall of the fort in a few places molded makeshift fishermen.

Although it seems that people here obzhilis thoroughly. By the way, in almost every Maltese house live canaries.

... And cats, of course.

stop and take pictures does not work.

practice on these farms - a monument to fallen soldiers. (But we still go up there.)

... Knight's arms.

Fort somehow organically grown from the rock, but because of the fort - Valletta , named after Jean Parisot de La Valetta, who headed defense Maltese knights from the Turks.

Due to lack of time telling and showing snatches.
But be sure to continue. Co-author and the hero of many frames Vanya [info] pinguinchen .


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