Thursday, December 25, 2003

How To Make A Wahoo Board

Hello World: Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Merry Xmas 2003

Surfin 'Santa Claus

-> Fall 2003 semester's over.
And I find it really much better that now everything is over with a bang and one late January
very fresh and motivated can start the new semester
and not, as in U.S. everything is interrupted by the Christmas break.
The further plans for the 'winter break': Starting in January with my brother to Mexico
, endlichmal relax a little and for a change, perhaps even
'n Book Reading (Hoho). Or a little bit of 'sightseeing' in and around LA with museums and so
(Getty Center!).

-> work to do.
Since 22 and 30 I will work for 'LifeStyleDesignUSA' (the company of 'workaholic'
Marc Tappeiner) and just got my day off in Long Beach.
Together with my 'classmate' we live in James' NEM Motel 6 because the
office in Goleta (near Santa Barbara) is.
We are working on a new packaging / "Praesentationsform" for the reef sandals
the company. Besides the very handsome aluminum case, computers with 24 "- Sony
panoramic monitors and 12" x12 "Wacom boards, working conditions are not particularly
It does not look rosy. just like on a construction site, but it IS
one: everything is saudreckig and eberall lying around stuff, it's fucking cold (sit
there all day with jacket), because only a mini fan heater is available and the ceiling
lighting is still on the ground so that one night at Funzellicht or ground
lighting to work. Everything is still under construction and is comfortable in 'NEM six months
quite different and probably look much more inviting.
this is our chief super 'easy going' and has sauviel experience in "design works"
made, so that one can learn there really so much.
The office is about 130 miles from the epicenter of the recent 6.5 earthquake removed so that
I've also (finally) experienced an earthquake. It has "wiggled" is not correct, but rather fluctuated
as on a ship ('a rolling quake'). But in any case it was very impressive
as wobbles and vibrates EVERYTHING (even the trees and telephone poles).

-> lord of the rings - return of the king.
I could not miss the premiere of "Lord Of The Rings" in order to view
midnight. While we did not get a ticket for's Chinese Theater
in Hollywood, but also in the Mega-26 (!) Cinema complex in Long Beach
has only as of fanatical and Dressed 'jerks' swarming and settings for the on-
(also in 5 (?) movie theaters) have formed two incredibly long lines around the entire building complex
. Unfortunately, the
was a week of the 'finals' and I had my tiredness GE
jump. By the occasional nap I was able then the film but not really inspire

-> xmas 2003rd
No snow, mulled wine no, no (Aachener!) Printen, no cold toes, no
trembling from the cold, no ice scraping, no ice, no candles ...
but with trashy snow foam sprayed Tannenbaeume, Ideally would like a miserable
"Christmas Market" in Huntington Beach (some tent stalls (without decoration) with
junk and fast food) and plastic Schneemaenner neben Palmen...
Da will bei mir einfach keine richtige Weihnachtsstimmung aufkommen.
Zu allem Unglueck ist es hier heute traurig-grau und giesst den ganzen Tag in Stroemen
(wie ein typischer November-Tag in Aachen). Darauf ist man hier nicht vorbereitet und so
tropft es ueberall rein/runter und die Strassen sind ueberschwemmt. Angeblich hat es in L.A.
an Weihnachten seit 20 Jahren nicht geregnet. So war der Regen sogar in den TV-Nachrichten
("Rain in L.A."). Tse...

¡¡Feliz Navidad y Feliz Año Nuevo!!


Friday, December 19, 2003

Tally 9 Access Violation

Hello World: + + + ahh got no time + + +

Bin mitten in den 'finals'; Zeit und Schlaf sind wie immer knapp, aber das eine oder
I still want other losweden short

-> hp project is over.
The second Project of the 'ID Studio Class' is now completed for
last Friday was the presentation of models, posters, and 'process book' at San Diego
and plenty tired at some point we're all there yet.
brief anecdote: Two girls (of course;)) have during the trip a little
gequasselt a bit too much and too little on the signs are
and actual down the border to Mexico!
Since the entry into the U.S. is a bit complicated, and they have also come to a 'random
license check', they were delayed about 2 hours at hp.
Well, the projects are quite well received and I even got the first prize
is funny and sad at the history that the World Group hp but very very
stingy with his "sponsorship" and not once did the "all-in-one printer Department"
assist us in the many and expensive prints.
So we have our 21 poster (120 x 90 cm) print beautiful On a fat EPSON
. Well ...

- freakin> 'cold.
I do not know, I do not know.
During the day it is yes, with temperatures around 20 ° C always very pleasant -
because if you find time to enjoy it. But at night it gets here so bitter cold,
dat dat is technically more jut. In the last few nights up to 4 ° C!
Yes we are here for your privacy? And
obendruff runs here in the studio are the fucking air conditioning, so that we have all packed
during the 24-layers with coats, blankets or sleeping bags plowed before our

-> Santa Barbara.
weekend I finally met by 'a lad Marc Tappeiner.
He was chief designer for many years 'BMW DesignWorks' and has opened about a year ago
his own design bureau. Well, with his business partner he has
'ne' Xmas Party 'and thrown - old Swede my face - was perhaps
' s most wicked noble House! An 'NEM hill in Santa Barbara a great time with' ocean view 'and
too many rooms, two fireplaces, fine cuisine, the finest furniture-
stands and outside' s big garden with a monster barbecue. Really cheesy as "aus'm
Movie. Joa, dat is also 's life ... could possibly like me too ... ;)

-> new photos online.
have finally after a long push again a couple of pix uploaded.
On display at:

Season's greetings!

Free Elektro Toture Movie

Hello World: How's it goin 'fellas and ladies?

-> worst day of surfing ever.
Actually surfing so totally super. I'm just a second board bought
(a 6'2 "short board) and I do not know exactly why, but somehow I got rid
my cold by's surfing. Perhaps this is the salt water that
is me flushed through the skull , or the endorphins, or the dolphins;

no idea ... BUT it can be sometimes shit: Yesterday I really wanted to again have fun before the hammer
-stress week a little in the waves Was not just because. do
much for's HP project, but then I read on the web, the "wave prediction"
and sounded just too good. Well, it was really good. The waves were
a bit too big, wild, and not particularly finely shaped. Also, I got used
was not quite to my new board and has "Mr. Poseidon" shamelessly exploited and
me very beaten up. have a few waves later, then to the bottom
depressed, and tested the mobility of my spine (back) screamed until all vertebrae with a sharp crack
for help, first he gave me the right hand and forearm
cheated. At some point then my left knee
it - no clue how it happened.
with pain, tired and discouraged I went to zurueckgedackelt CalState
and I have dutifully put on my gray box.

-> sprint: Final, evalution, registering.
tends Slowly the semester to the end, all the radio stations tootle
diverse 'xmas songs' and everything is hectic and stressful, because in the last week the
written all over 'finals'.
also be measured at the end of each semesters the teacher ('evalutated'). be given
Dafu's printed forms to be dealt and then filled in the absence of
teacher and students in the 'department'.
very worthwhile cause!
And the 'registration period' for's 'spring semester' has already begun,
so you do not come around, worrying about the next semester and on the
'winter break' to make. Somehow I got there
not quite the head for free, but it is probably somehow, sometime, somewhere
Mexico are ...
And here comes again the typical German "the water-glass-is-half-empty" - by
my setting. Because instead of looking forward to me that I still
about half a year stay here, I can imagine depressed finds that even the
half my time here is over and I "only" the next 'spring semesters'
can stay here. ..

-> USA - smoke free zone.
usually fall on a yes, especially things that do not like one. So I've
not until the very late - for me as Non smoking - take very pleasant
absence of cigarette smoke notes.
I guess that overall less people smoke here anyway.
but also smoking in all public places is prohibited (Uni, restaurants, pubs
, authorities, banks, etc., etc.).

-> project hp.
The project on which I sit most of the time, will be presented on Friday in San Diego before the
managers hp. And until now, you have all the stuff ready-made
. Scan drawings, posters, and 'process book' layout, rendering CAD model
, draw and print all course and build another model.
AHHHH! This will be a "nice" week ...


Saturday, November 29, 2003

Easy Hairstyle Front Plat

hola el mundo: estoy enfermo

-> [cough ... snief]
I should have even not believed, but nu is'es happened: I have a cold! With
krazigem neck, running nose and occasional cough I torment poor, poor guy I
by the heavy daily life ... : (All together please: ohhhh ...;)
No, it is also silly: during the day it goes with shorts and T-shirts often so hot that
we prefer the shade is present and at night is's so bitter cold that to sit properly in the
must cuddle blanket. My roommate is now already in the evening and at night
our (only) one radiator in the apartment (living room) to.
happen then too many 'all-nighter' at Cal State in accordance with variation within
sleep deficit in vitamins and Food. Not to mention the ice cold Pacific water (and beach)
during the 'surfing classes' and the caustic air conditioning in buildings. And also here the buzz
flu germs like crazy around you (a good third of my semester
has a cold). Well there, excuses's enough, makes the whole thing but not much better ...

-> el día de gracias.
On 'turkey day' I've been invited by 'nervous friend to the traditional feast with her aunt
. Was very tasty and interesting! Especially as ... well ... "Half white" in the house of a black
large family (including "Big Mama") long. ;)

-> at night it is dark.
Yes, I had almost forgotten. Because in Mega-City Los Angeles (County) is a place in the next
just over. Houses, fast food stores, shopping malls, houses, fast food
stores, shopping malls, houses, ... Thus, there's also everywhere
street lighting; outside until further example in Mereno Valley
struck me suddenly, "Hey, dat is' yes In'n dark night". As far as I am now
already alienated from nature. Frightening ...

-> mail-in rebate.
are from here-to's and articles that are not only "normal" reduced in price, but you get an extra discount
even if the receipts, bar codes and completed 'mail-in rebate
Forms' a contribution of (very popular Lockmasche, probably because some are too lazy to send in the stuff).
That's all well and good, but there's then such 'after Rabet $ 0' offers (for example, 100 CD-R
and 100 jewel cases) that they give you then sent a few weeks delay a Cheque
the entire purchase amount. And I feel somehow not quite into the brain, because
finally paid only the taxes and the actual price gets back again. And the
stamp you can save yourself even when filling the form online. How does the
so please? How to earn money for you (both the store and the manufacturer)? Maybe I should
visit to some business management courses in order to tighten the ...
The only explanation I have for that are the TAXES!
The whole thing is a secret stitch of the U.S. government trying to collect more taxes.
Because as we know a non-negligible share of taxes in the Great
for Pott's military budget is. Yes, and what the U.S. Army does with all the coal? Exactly! Play in distant Iraq war
! Aha, that's so! In this way, and by all the other things that I buy here and
for which I pay taxes, get me to do so indirectly finance the war. Darn and-sewn
! Damn sneaky gang!


Monday, November 24, 2003

Age Of Empires Ring Of Rome

Hello World: eat, eat, eat

-> food. What
here with the rich culinary offer as well started, has unfortunately developed in the other direction
The diversity of my food has been reduced to a minimum, and now I'm
here in the studio more than food in the apartment (where only a few 'cerial' and milk).
The monotonous diet runs it into specific phases: Every day (sometimes even
several times a day) I eat a certain food, and after the then leached
and become boring, play passes to the next and is now the town red
Initially this was the already mentioned arni's famous "Daily-Cheese-Turkey-Peanutbutter-
Ketchup and mozzarella salt sandwich. "Then came 'ne time," Strawberry (Peanutbutter) -.
toast "with milk and tons of salt pretzels, sometimes microwave popcorn and
occasionally even fresh fruit (oho!) currently is' con Quesadilla pollo 'word: thawed deep-
frozen, marinated Haehnchenbrustfilet in the microwave, shredded and
with cheese together on' nen tortilla, and closed again irradiated shortly
I even sometimes to the other by me so hated and mocked
'. microwave-food 'let down.
Sometimes "patronizing" I still enjoy the "1 $-Chinese-food" and add the same applies to
delicious sticky rice (Shabbir' s got a rice cooker). The shop but certainly
makes a hefty profit, so I the reason for the incredibly cheap prices really do not want to know
and soon will probably still prefer to drive to another store.
Oh and then eat for about five times a day / night 'cerial' in all variations. But
has in the past week occurred something incredible: I, who can polish off every day without
end of cornflakes and Co., was the first time the feeling had:
"Oah no, full no 'mood for this shit!". The world is unstable and unpredictable ...

-> pajamas to school.
"super cool" and "totally hip" it seems currently for girls in pajama pants
go to their 'class'. Here in Long Beach's daily life and the attitude
of the people is certainly much stronger 'laid back' ("Hey Dude" surfer-mentality) than in Los Angeles
or New York City, for example, but for this new fashion trend, I'm probably
still be square-German ...

-> Arnold's signature.
Now he is really 'Governor of the State California. " A bit of a pity it already,
that I'll not make a conclusion here, because I will not enjoy
a Schwarzenegger signature on my 'graduation certificate'.
Yes, because on each "graduate" certificate from one of the State Universities in California is related to
signature of the governor!

-> holiday-gehangel.
It is a non-stop-from-holiday-to-holiday-gehangel. Halloween is barely over,
specially prepared kaufkraeftige the proportion of the population for the next big holiday
(Thanksgiving). This is again adorned everything from piefigen office, supermarkets
over to public office. Thousand 'holiday-sale-specials' and
"Make this holiday a very special one for you and your family. Use / buy / go to blabla".
And that creates no break is the 'Christmas-fanaticism' is already well under way.
Then there was still just 'Columbus Day' and 'Veterans Day', 'Fourth-of July' hatte
ich ja leider grad so verpasst - naechstes Jahr vielleicht.
Naja, in dem Sinne: Happy Thanksgiving! [aufgesetztes Laecheln]


Sunday, November 16, 2003

Fallen Arches Louisville

Pictures Of The Week: xmas & job opportunities

-> job opportunities.
It's unbelievable, but here seems to be an unofficial job-generating-contest.
There are for example those guys, who stand there all day long and do nothing
but holding or waiving an advertisement sign (and get payed pretty good).

-> x-mas tree.
I just needed to take that photo, because that x-mas tree sourrounded by palm
trees appeared so strange to me.

Monday, November 10, 2003

Mens Waxing Ann Arbor

Hello world: please how many songs are from california?

California Love, California Sun, Californication, California Girls, Hotel California,
California Dreaming, California Moon ... subjective perception?

-> sniff time.
Since there in the last week "sooo cold" and become many 'ne cold
have captured (tse), seen here with people actually' walk around NEM
scarf or gloves! But I'm just a dumb head shake left ...

-> mass media. ABSOLUT you can forget
the U.S. television when it comes to
international (political) action. All news programs - if at all
can call it that - more like a mix of RTL's 'explosive'
and 'exclusive'.
The only program that is adequately informed of the daily one-hour recording of
'BBC World'. Luckily, there's even the internet with
etc. And also I can hear thanks to internet-stream 'Germany Funk' and earlier
to 3pm (midnight in Germany) was played for the anthem to end the day as usual, the German National
. It's kind of funny, here in the "Wild West" to hear from me otherwise
always derided German national anthem. Somehow it sounds here
"completely different" ... What
here against absolutely rocks, the radio station! There's everything your heart desires
: bold West Coast Rap / Hip Hop, Latin schmaltzy ballads,
best 60s/70s Soul / Rock / Dance Oldies, Smooth Jazz or English finest rock songs ...

-> Hollywood is everywhere. As my roommate
Shabbir currently can not find a job as a computer scientist, he has sought in recent weeks
for other alternatives. It has odd jobs including as a 'non-speaking actor
' at 'NEM film shoot. Here were the main actors Tom Hanks and Catherine Zeta-Jones
and the director Steven Spielberg about him ... [Ahhhh!]
time being, but now he works regularly at 'CompUSA' (or something like Vobis

-> German industry norm.
Sun from time to time I receive letters were yet / write from Germany and recently
I first noticed that the paper has somehow so'n "strange" format.
Yes, this sheet of A4 paper looked into my eyes far too long and out of proportion.
If you here every day with the 'letter' format paper handled it remains insufficient,
considered that the good old standard paper quite fremdlich.

-> Underwater telephone line. THE BEACH
in particular the local telephone companies have problems with the insulation
the phone lines. Therefore, it is simply compressed air fed into the cable,
so that no water gets into the cable. And as a 'backup' are every few blocks
air bottles on the street lanterns which a possible to compensate for pressure drop
. Who may have problems - or phone lines ...

-> parking.
No, no - I get a new ticket [proud!].
But the other day was one of the "City of Long Beach" Assisting in our street and 'n
ticket issued. The car was parked illegally Maximum 30cm (red curb).
to my question, wat dat is and how much the one in the death strip purely
may extend, he replied to me 'because of what an inch or two. Haha, how can you judge
please? Asshole!
I came to my attention that I get my tickets "really" need not pay because
I only get my truck at a new registration problems would, which
so not due until a year. But who knows, who knows ...
I always go late to my second home and a few hours later
right to leave early for my first home, is my current strategy
Park: easy on the parking meter to park car parks. They're just not going
so popular because you have to cough up at 9am or later than drive away. But I find it
usually already have a parking lot, which on average "only" 500-800m is my

-> recyclable to (U.S.) American.
So, you buy up in any Getraenkedosen, beer bottles, etc. After the enjoyment of the content
throw you all very comfortable and beautiful mess
rieeesigen in the trash. Early morning we will overhaul the strumming
out and convince then later that in the garbage not only
bottle or can be located. The number of 'homeless people' here
sneak through the 'back alleys' during their night shift
good work done. And so wonderfully does the reusable bottle system / can recycling!
As the conscience is now free, you can now use more safely at home
disposable styrofoam plates 'for daily use'. For dishwashing detergents is indeed finally
bad for the environment ...
arise, lest anyone doubt: The cynicism of this paragraph is my way
this sad reality to describe. A motivated
about German (business administration) student - typically, who else;) - has even tried his
5c/Flasche or can get back at 'NEM supermarket.
most sought after perpetual he eventually found the machine, which of course was

until the end of this world,

Sunday, November 9, 2003

Unlimited Sidekick Hack Sim Card

Picture Of The Week: Burgers, Beer & Beats

Since it is almost impossible or kind of crazy to do BBQ in Germany in November,
I had the desire to take advantage of unignorable the oppertunities here and - once
in my life - do a BBQ on my birthday.
Yeah, starting at 3pm with "r-knee style hamburgers in the backyard and ending at 5am
the party in the apartment ... no wonder why I'm tired ...

the German birthday boy

Sunday, November 2, 2003

6 Month Anniversary Card Sayings

picture of the week: high bacteria level

these signs have been posted all along the coastline in Seal Beach, where we usually have
surfing class. nobody really knew why, but rumors were saying it was because
of a dead seal? Sun
our coach let us go to other beaches and surf for ourselves. The Water and
surf in Huntington Beach were much better, though quite tough too ... : O

Wednesday, October 29, 2003

Eyeclops Mini Projector Problems

Hello World: waz up dude?

-> News & photos.
Hab's now finally managed to deposit my word clusters in the network.
Whom it may concern:
And photos of my beloved Pentax-Baby's are now now highly-charged

-> language alteration.
After my subconscious mind the other day again successfully turned off my alarm clock has
and has thus stibizt a few quiet minutes, has become established my consciousness but
sometime with sleepy eyes and frightening taken note of the advanced
time. The first thought that has shaped darufhin the gray stuff in my skull and
escape as whispers my body left, was:!
"Oh shit Okay, now let's get it on ...!" Shortly
is clear to me dat dat was so English! I found it fascinating anyway ...

-> weather.
The ash rain has subsided and the daily morning fog has been cleared
, so now the morning is usually pleasantly warm, afternoon it gets
but always hot (about 30 ° C). However, my Temperatursensibiliaet
has - or should I rather write: nitpicking
- adapted very quickly, if it is at night to cool down to 15 ° C and it is getting uncomfortable with T-shirt and shorts
, for me the only appropriate word for it "cold".

- chicken> monster.
can think of so already wondering why some things over here are so cheap.
Fast food eg: Ua is certainly the in the incredible demand and
the enormous sales. But do notice it but some products such as Chicken McNuggets
example, the cost here in a 6-pack just a dollar (?).
The secret is genetically modified chickens that are grown in only 23 (!) Days from the tender Kuecker
to schlachtfaehigen, ueberproportionierten, vierbruestigen (?) Mega-chicken-
As a side effect of this well an egg - whether it be 'sunny-side up', 'scrambled', 'over easy',
'Over hard' or otherwise - a week's ration-Mega-All-In-One mix of both
necessary and unnecessary vitamin, mineral, hormone and stimulants.

-> oakley.
Last week I joined once the ID methedology-class and
'm on a 'field trip' down to the headquarters of Oakley. Sorry, unfortunately we were not allowed inside
in the design studios, but that was very impressive, what we have not seen
Sun Spectacular buildings and that in itself is already super impressive. All
Oakley items will then be designed, developed and tested. All glasses, clothes etc.
be produced there for the whole world, only a few other products are outsourced.
also have built in there, just jump ne NBA-approved basketball hall
can ensure that the NBA players every few weeks to test any prototypes. Madness!

-> fish on board.
As I recently surfing again a full wash cycle including ejection of mother nature and
get myself in the 'white water' was driven slowly, my eyes
but actually discover a stowaway on my surfboard. For
there actually a small fish jumped around on my board! Tse-tse ... ;)
weekend in Manhattan Beach, I spotted my first seal, in addition to the dolphins is
us crazy rubber creatures swim by.

about his first U.S. 'paycheck' rejoicing,
r-knee in da hood

Monday, October 27, 2003

Edible Silver Glitter For Drinks

Picture Of The Week: southern California's wildfires

Because of my lack of "TV time" I first didn't really know about it.
But pretty soon it was hard to ingore: hazy veil in all L.A. area
with the light smell of smoke in the air, the unusually dry air with
ash particles everywhere, and the incredible bright red sunset.
Those fires must be really huge...

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

What Is The Gauge Of A Safety Pin?

Picture Of The Week: workers on strike!

Those remarkable guys are workers from the biggest supermarket chains Albertsons, Vons
and Ralphs, all belonging to the so called 'union'. They stay in front of the entrances and try
to convince people not to buy anything from those mentioned supermarkets, because the
'union' cut off the payments for their health benefits.
What's so remarkeble? They've been now on strike for more than a week and
Depending on the opening hours of the markets, they are out there in different shifts up to 24 hours a day!

Thursday, October 16, 2003

Male Turned In To Female

Hello World: midterm week

-> everything's fine and dandy. would like (~ peace, joy and pancakes)
I have some time and perhaps even healthy children, I
me, will you instead of the previous Papierhaeubchen a somewhat more promising risen
"correct" mask. So you can handle with a lot calmer
conscience with all the toxic chemicals that produce the wildest
dust clouds and take a deep breath in the middle of Lackdaempfe.
But the masked ball in the model shop is now over, at least! Juchuu!
For yesterday we had - according to a further collective work
sleepless night - the 'final presentation' of the first project of the 'ID studio class'. Draft
including documentation, model (physical and CAD) and presentation in six weeks.
The theme was a 'household product' and the results are also provided for
participation in a competition.
Tomorrow is already the start of the next project (in collaboration with and for
hp) and Friday 'final presentation' of the 'visual communication class'
(complete corporate image of a local coffee shops / tea house / bar / bakery).
If you then after all the stress and all the work gets good feedback, not
makes amends, but feels's to jut yet to really janz ...

-> quater pounder.
Here we use this so still fuc ... 'English system'.
At first I thought that I just do my stuff on with the brilliant '
metric system' and do the whole foot, inches, etc. forget. On the computer that's
also no problem because you have changed the units in a trice. But once
you want to build a real model then we go: In the shop there's no rulers or
angle cm, the drills and all the other tools are in inches. And if you ask people
those enhancing the plastic sheet has allowed or how large Lueftungsloecher
be in deep drawing, for example, gets a "1 / 32 inch ' replied.
What the fuck is THAT?
to mention the mph, ° F, ounces, pints, quarts, pounds .... it's such a hassle ...

-> "Can I see your ID please?".
other day I wanted to buy the Von's (big supermarket chain, a la real) 'nen Becks
sixpack and had - well prepared - with my passport. But at the checkout
I could not let me then say that this identification can not be accepted.
HELLO, PLEASE!? Until I get that damn plastic card called 'California Driving Licence
' sent, it can take between 6 months and one year. And also should
my official passport (PASSPORT!) I suppose as a unique identification
enough, right? The supervisor has sent for me, only one "I'm sorry
, we can not acept that ID" bla-bla-vorgebrabbelt Sülz.
Well, at least I got dat Zeuch in the next shop.
Even if one wants to buy paint cans have to be over 18. At my puzzled
question why this is necessary, I got a "Well, because they could do something with
it, that they should not do." replied. Aha ... alright ...!
America, America ...

-> update parking spot.
Had there the other day somehow understood what wrong with the numbers. The approximately 2,000 of
I mentioned parking on campus are in fact merely for employees. It was somehow funny to me
, especially when you see the rieeesigen parking.
Well I have now the correct number: Indeed, it is rich in total 12 450 parking places (!)!
sufficiency but still do not quite ...

take it easy,

Sunday, October 12, 2003

Can Shingles Break Out On The Chest

Hello world rested!

-> Sleep is the best medicine / drug.
Last night I actually wanted to "just short" home and then again
back to college, but when I during the Return'm more than once almost fell asleep
, has my mind compared to where my body beaten and I have
incredible still-never -unprecedented ten (!) hours sleep! Whoa does this well!
Everything is much more beautiful (even the weather), it tastes better, more fun and all the motivation
deposits are recharged.
Then I rise this morning from my neighbor's lemon tree, the branches in our yard
, steals and two lemons me a freshly made hand made lemonade.
Hmmmm ... would have to start every day!

-> Run.
takes place today in Long Beach a marathon / half marathon and I really would have
at least try the Half-Marathon will again. Then I would not even
caused by the traffic chaos through the barriers have to torment. The run course goes
namely around the entire CSULB area and the goal is just
times a block away from my apartment - and thus corresponds exactly
my way to the university.

-> final sprint.
undertaken after an hour but now I get this far and can now work
dutifully in the model shop. Yes, because it is in final sprint-
says. On Tuesday, final presentation to do our first design / project and much
too much.

-> model making paradise.
Yes it is here. We have 24 / 7 access to the model shop, where all machines are pretty much
that you need (except for 'Ner CNC milling). And we may also use
ALL machines at any time and get for the $ 50 shop fee ' even
FREE FOAM! The only constraint is that we are in the shop - not
work alone - for security reasons.
is the only major shortcoming that we have no real man workshop manager à la House
. One is Professor, the idea of the stuff is only twice a week
here and then also has very little time because he gives courses ...
are in the workshop's all kinds of hand tools and equipment: Standardkram á la
files, knives, sandpaper, screws and nuts, etc., but also hot air guns, hot glue
, Oberfraesaufsaetze, altimeter, air schleifaufsaetze and Flex.
one who switched from the CSULB to Artcenter in Pasadena has come even on weekends
here to here the workshops used to (okay, also because of his girlfriend
So if you have some idea of the machines and processes, it is really a
'model making paradise'.

-> vacuum forming.
This machine is great! I've lost all respect vor'm deep drawing ... ;)
Nix because of complicated with time and temperature programming and Tralala.
The machine here is all operated by hand and by feel. Everything looks
from mighty shaky and rustic. But it does use 'nen murder fun thing to
and the results are totally okay - if it works!

-> entertainment capitol of the world. Modest
here called LA
Ronnie (one of the roommate) has now moved to Houston, Texas where dozens of stores and manages
a fast food chain. Just before he ran away, but we are together again
drove to LA. We drove through South Central, where I would otherwise probably not alone
executed trust. And there he showed me the gas station, when he
the age of 17 (through faked birth certificate: 21 years) had his first job.
amazing story about Band shootings (in the gas station was shot three times on
him, twice he was behind bulletproof glass). In downtown LA
has he shown me the whole markets. INSANITY! Everything is so dirty,
shabby, messy, and looks more like Mexico City. For this to be here but
implemented daily to millions. No, no drugs, but pretty much everything else (electronic devices,
jewelry, watches, toys, clothes, etc.). For all that is in the Far East or Mexico/Sued-
America produces and for the U.S. market is provided, comes in the
Port of Long Beach by ship and will be here in downtown LA from numerous
to small business people, but sold to the big retail chains / wholesalers
Only a few blocks from the Staples Center, the parking lot with stretch limousines fully
is available; the players of the LA Lakers have just training ...

-> Hollywood once again.
Cetin, my other roommate, the guitar and policy studies' s really a funny guy. He is somewhere
Turk and raised in northern Germany, has therefore roughest Hamburger
accent and stark Proverbs on it and is super easy on it.
A few weeks ago he wanted to actually meet with 'NEM types in the Roxy (Hollywood). The
had in fact sought by display after guitar players. The type is not immersed in
-and when he then asked someone, he replied that that he the guy
absolutely does not like him and has therefore not allowed in the store. "Wow, the whole
way from Long Beach for nothing ... "thought Cetin, but after he came to the other guy's in
Gespraecht, it turned out that this was the keyboard player from Guns'n'Roses
. Cetin has still ' n some other band members met and then all
evening that passed through the club. Because I have colleagues not know and him
really believe not wanted, he gave me the next day was the photographic evidence
together with the CD . Covers shown can imagine even with what for 'Ner joy;.
because that is exactly the music to which he departs, and he also likes to play ...

- Robbie
Last week I wanted to Cetin only once to Hollywood and in one of the bars and delicious
cheap eat (!), but it was totally crowded and we are down Sunset Blvd. went back to the whole
shops to the bus station. The restaurants have tables on the footpath
usually up and at a Japanese sushi restaurant, sat at the very fact ROBBIE WILLIAMS
table with some friends! I'm not six feet away and I then walked past
long and hard about whether I ask him for a photo. let's belongings but be true, because I
disturb its local Unrecognized unit did not want and I'll probably would have in its place
found quite annoying.

So enough "chat", must now quickly back into the model shop ...

take it easy,

Tuesday, October 7, 2003

Most Comfortable Mens Shoes 2010

Picture Of The Week: Today's the day!

California Governor

Now it's exciting!
I can not even allowed to vote, unfortunately, have nevertheless completed a ballot
(and I spontaneously changed her mind again);)

Tuesday, September 30, 2003

Pheasant In Pregnancy

Hello world: it's all about time & money

-> same shit - different day.
my initial euphoria has given boost in recent weeks, first time, has
ordinary dampers. Actually, here's all quite wonderful and I think it's great
and hierzusein am very happy. BUT what I have all of the
if I do not have time to enjoy it?
For the courses I have done so much, that the planned weekend trip,
the chill on the beach, a delicious Surfing, which appear in many museums around
etc. etc. like unattainable dreams.
All this must now turn out for the time being. The recovery sleep is so important for the budget
time I also had to cut back rigorously to an absolute minimum.
The ever-increasing lack of sleep I try to at every opportunity to reduce
in which I - wherever possible - try a little 'power nap' take
. For example, in short breaks between two courses on the lawn on the campus or
On a chair in front of the computer lab or in the car park or auf'm University
auf'm sofa in the ID Studio ...
Even so enthusiastically started running program I have out of sheer lack of time
completely get killed.
So I've also so 'risen NEN Scooter / Kick Board, which allowed me to reduce the road (or
the necessary time) to / from the parking lot clear. And the eternal
long walks on the campus every day from now I flitze with my constant companion
(much hotter here but the scooters currently electric).
The only advantage I see in this acute lack of time, is the fact that I
to appreciate even the short leisure much more white than in the past. Suitable
to the challenging of my favorite slogan Vis-Com teachers: "work hard and play hard!"

now I have posted next to my monitor 'nen toaster and all the ingredients for Arnie's
famous "Daily-Cheese-Turkey-Peanutbutter-salt ketchup and mozzarella sandwich"
always ready. Whole milk, cereals, jams and baby Carotte allowed for a change
not be missing too.
yet allows me my body is slowly but surely ever more clearly realizing that
2-4 hours of sleep a night in the long run are totally unacceptable.

-> $ $ $ "Ka Ching" $ $ $
Oh, and recently did some time in the early morning hours, I as always
just as fast as you can find parking and then for a short
nap in the Bonito Ave einzukehren . Rich in experience, I have the
curb quite dutifully scanned for a coloring and
the signs on the roadside studied carefully: Yay, a car park!
of ways: No way - Nope! The next morning I stood at the 'City of Long Beach
' again with $ 24 in debt. F * $%!
have first look at the third my sleepy eyes the almost unrecognizable-
Lichen word "LOADING" in a touch of red on the curb border bridges can
. Because it is so difficult to read, said one of my semester,
that should I complain against it and so would have very good chances. But the check
I've already sent and when the first coal have ... and also
I'm really tired and time to go because the stuff's Court before ... Since I'm
Parking in front of each with a flashlight to search
's car and the curb after any paint residue.
When every day somewhere else and in section 5 blocks from parks, you have to concentrate
sometimes quite beautiful, that one finds on the next day his car
... "Hey Dude, where's my car ?"...

-> weather, Wetta, Vedda.
Time flies by quickly and then it does here too slowly
the autumn comfortable. However, the weather is really, really long-
porarily. Nix by sailing down because of deciduous trees whose leaves in the most beautiful colors
from the treetops.
morning it is usually hazy-gray and gets clear only at about noon.
afternoon it is still often clear and rather warm / hot and then cooled until
rapidly at sunset around 7pm right. The
nights have become amazingly cool - I must now
but actually cover!
rain's doing well here earlier than in November / December, but since a few days
's here at night a strange drizzling mist-cloud haze.

-> keep your ocean clean.
in the way too cold and dirty water of the ocean, you can discover
really interesting creatures. Initially scared you are
and believes the dorsal fin to see a shark. Quickly turns out however
that since pleasure again a few dolphins in the waves.
There's also all sorts of small fish that are of the flying and
verschmaust in a dive into the water hunting pelicans. Then there are
's very strange bipeds in Gummianzuegen that can be played on
oblong panels by the waves to the beach and paddle back again
through the surf of the sea.
The biggest killjoy but the stingray (skate), which enjoy yourself and shallow, warmer water
much. However, because if you accidently hit the enter
critters (you can not see them, unfortunately, by the broth) it to sting.
I stepped on twice and I've driven out how powerful than
suddenly something under my foot weggeglupscht is. But I had VER
damned lucky, because due to the poison so random to really hurt DAMN
("extremely painfull) - jellyfish are there no comparison.
And 25% of stingray injuries occur in Seal Beach. Exactly where
beach, where we have our Class Surfing ... (Sipping drag feet over the ground /) "keep your feet up or do the stingray shuffle

so far for today,
have a good one,


Thursday, September 18, 2003

Artist That Uses Fruit For Head

Hello World: Long Beach California State Univeristy

-> unistart.
The hitherto almost peaceful campus bustles and teeming
it all at once - amazing!
I'm so glad that I have heard the warnings
and went there by bicycle. A handful of police
do try to regulate the traffic chaos and parking
battle a little, but hardly what they manage. Everything is fully
; everywhere cars, people and queue!
Traffic jam on campus - yeah!

-> campus. For
Verstaendis a little about the university or the Campus: The site itself is
simply HUGE! It
are among the many departments just about everything you need
or may not need. It's almost like a small town
Visitor Center, University Police, bank machines, radio transmitters
, oncampus shuttle and fast food restaurants to
you drop (Subway, Jack in the Box, El Pollo Loco, Panda Express
, Stur Bucks etc. etc. - everything except McDonalds, Burger King and
'something sensible to eat).
What else? A Japanese garden, escalators, arcade
arcade, billiards, bowling, TV room, swimming
pool, hair salon, bookstore, candy store, CSULB Merchandise
Store, residence halls, two libraries, Enrollment
Services (the "Registration Office / Pruefungsamt" recalls
more of a main post with serveral switches including
long queues.
... uh ... A baseball field, softball field, football field, tennis courts
(14), basketball courts (6), volleyball
athletic fields, 50m swimming pool, Golf driving range, low-
athletics field with career, etc., and a basketball arena
(in a giant blue pyramid). And of course
: parking! But even with the one
park (two more are under construction) have they
Because the population of this small town is made up of
: over 35,000 students, 2,000 professors / teachers and
5,000 employees.
There are at least whopping 12 450 (!)
parking on the campus, but still does enough by far!

California's also a $ 30 million in debt and to
the payments reduced by the state to compensate a little, trying
the university just a few more
let people study and get itself a little more money in the pot to
. At the same time student fees, just
times were increased by 25%.

-> Design Department.
The building of the HBK are quite twisty and somewhat chaotic
. The design department here, however, is a one-story
cluttered, almost boring construction.
Some forever long straight corridors and left and right
all the spaces.
The workshops (metal, wood and foam) act on
first glance, it's okay. CNC milling? Hey, that's
'ne State University! have)
The students in third and fourth year respectively
a 'studio' in which there are 20 or 24 cubicles;. These are the standard
Grossraumbuero Desk whiteboard
elements. In addition, there 's some sofas, a fat
fridge And a microwave in it. Our colleagues here
spend very much time in the studio. "Okay, this is
the studio - your new home"

-> course registrations.
In courses I'm taking the studio course in which two projects
be processed per semester and a Visual Communi-cation
Course. Both should be VERY zeitaufwenig it therefore has
I make up to advise the professor my remaining courses
"less impacted classes. It's been and as always conversant
's problems (keyword: new system). Currently
look's like that I demonstrate compliance or English,
golf and surfing. :) My
a Professor / Instructor (Jose Rivera-Chan)
actually is today flown for one week to Hanover!
He will look at the ICSID, there
give a talk and present one or two studies projects.

-> austrian oak.
has today, my namesake look on campus can
and part of his election campaign held a little-rousing speech
(lousy rhetoric). In addition, he is in fact full of frail
Pimpf -
a good head shorter than me. Okay, then just do not;)
~ Ewrising hef sed an egg gat Kellyfohnia pious. Mei sacksess
in spohrts, in the end bisiness muhwi-mei femmili. End beef is
wanne giff it beck Thurs Kellyfohnia! ... Iddis teim beef vor it
piepel tuh taeig beck Kellyfohnia it Polledisch'ns Fromm,
biekoss it-i diden duh ser dschob routes!
... End Will not tohlk wis the demmokretz not Ehm nat efraeid
off sem; not iewen merrid oan [hahaha] ... Juh kenn Trast Mie,
will not toern beck Kellyfornia is golden Seid end putt it off
nieds tschildren foerst wanne bi ... No, it piepels gawana!

Take Care,
Arni - not for governor

Alpha Centauri Strategy Guid

Hello World: labor day

-> Hollywood again.
Letzte Woche habe ich einen Ausflug vom CIE (Center for International Education
) mitgemacht. Es ging zu den 20th
Century Fox Studios in Hollywood where we were allowed to attend a reception
the sitcom 'Luis'. It was the one-
see part conversant interesting how it all so expires
, but eventually it was really just boring,
because the scenes are always two, three times or even more often
shot (six hours). This beautiful
the audience mics were able to take the obligatory
laughter meant a lot to the good-humored
Animator constantly supplied with sayings such as:
"Hey audience, YOU are the actors!" and "Okay, we're doin '
this scene again. So please remember when you laughed
the first time and laugh at there again the next time", which
with me but has not borne fruit EVER and more of an anti-
attitude provoked.

-> Cetin,
my roommate (the guitar Studi) has also had considerable problems with the shit
Verwaltungskram at the University
is conversant and frustrated and pissed off. And if he does not
additionally on their own as a 'part-time student' at
GIT is likely to study in LA (Guitar Institute of Technology;
THE MECCA of the musicians), then - as he says - would he have
to long ago back DE fly!

-> on-campus job. In contrast, just runs
me quite well. The efforts have paid off
and so I have one of the very few jobs auf'm
get hold of campus' computer assistant 'in the' Open Access Lab.
This is with 200 (!) Computers, the largest computer work
room / hall at the CalState. Everything runs pretty professionally from
: With check-in using magnets from university records and
Barcode place card etc.

-> citizenship.
Before I can start work, but I need more
the 'Social Security Number', which I hopefully get into the
next two weeks.
had to apply for the 'Social Security Administration'
(similar to the registration office in the U.S.), I include my
show (travel) Pass. And after the aunt of the five studied
minutes long has asked me yet smooth, if I'm
German! Hello??
I know that I do not 'German' look, but the state
citizenship can be a view nunmal not the
only document what selbige witness really doubt
can be but nunmal the pass What nationality am I to
for your have a great time with a German passport then??
Yeah, as Ronny (the other roommate) from Long Beach to
Alaska and pulled his address at the Bank Change
wanted, actually he has been told that he could not change his address in
's abroad! Since many Americans still know
not even all U.S. states ...

-> 24th Long Beach Blues Festival.
the weekend has taken place on one of the "sports fields" of CalState
the Blues Festival. On Sunday came including Joe Cocker and
of-the-due-to-hip surgery prevented-and-only-one-
Ray Charles's Al Green. I'm still went on Saturday and
have seven hours
finest Blues-Latin-jazz-funk-soul of others Keb'Mo and the Neville Brothers
After all day in the blazing sun, the skin despite
sunscreen biss'l a claim. But because it's here
is no avail *** Shop Hours Act, you can purchase
Until late Saturday night comfortable in the big supermarkets moisture-
keitsspendende skin cream (One for $ 4.39 or two for $ 5).
Not even on holiday today (Labor Day), the shops have to!

-> parking or bicycle.
morning we go to university and it is probably a mess. It is unbelievable though
parking lot on campus, but in
the first two weeks of the semester will be just two hours before classes begin or
a few blocks off campus
find parking.
Since I have both versions can not be bothered, I'd rather kick
with hints of my bike to campus.

The parking are indeed some close to the building and part
Caustic far away, they are forgiven after wehalb Aw Ranking: The
There's only the best places with parking meters (24). Then come the car pooling
(car pools), followed by the employees
and the horrific parking are then studies for the common people,
which won for $ 63 per semester to pay (without parking space
warranty of course).

Have a nice day;)


What's The Font Of Monster Energy Logo

Hello world and it continues ...

-> quiz question.
Why your there for the Internet Banking "opening
DRYING TIMES"? I's simply do not understand ...!

-> do!
War Today I was somehow not very
on it and got after running my car picked up and
parked in front of the door.
After two hours, much to me, Yes so that it was suspicious VER
empty on the street ...
NEEEIIINNN! ! ! Chei $ $ $ E! ! !
---> kliiiinnngg-rrrinnng: U.S. $ 30 \u0026lt;---
Yes, yes, the right-hand side of the Bonito Ave is swept

-> Pursuit car.
In the greater LA's was and so there's always has, quite a lot of persecution
hunts. In the last three days
least five! (Of course, always-follow several helicopters
live on TV).
Since there has been in the past in this context
many bad accidents and the LAPD
often sued for pain and suffering front revisions
was attempts to police people nurnoch verbal
to stop / give up to move. No Drengeln,
no driving, no shots at the tires, no
roadblocks. The ride just behind the whole time
with three patrol cars and enough distance.
This looks like this so stupid!
The guy today as' ne Bank robbed and because
was his third offense, he is now life-long
go behind bars. Probably
him so confident and he just wanted to enjoy his last
drive in life to the end. He has
namely at traffic lights and stop signs kept good
and even flashed!
"just cruising" as it were ...

-> Long Beach.
The beach of Long Beach was once _The SURFSPOT_
. With the best waves of the west coast.
But during the Second World War the Americans
far outside of the coast under water breakwater
installed in order to be able to use the port better. And since the
's here first, no significant
of fire and more and secondly is the dirty stinking soup
caught here in some way. (
The beach here in my area so
is not exactly attractive While there are enough people
going here swimming, but I drive to prefer a
little further to the south, because here next door
is equal to the yacht.. port and behind the cargo port.
Out on the sea you can see nothing but oil rigs
(disguised as natural islands with palm trees) and behind
go towards the fattest tankers and forth.
But Long Beach has become the second largest port
the world (after Rotter dam). Na suuuper!

-> Join Arnold.
time 'you have to laugh? Check out:!
Since there's to see his TV commercial that runs here
constantly on television.
shame that you can not write emails with accent ... SOON


The amino Arni