Friday, December 4, 2009

Luggage Storage In Rio

The friendliness of the Taiwanese

had a very strange experience in interpersonal contact with Taiwan, which appears to be very typical, especially when it comes to business. We went to the gym, actually with the intention of "inquire only short times. After two hours we stumbled exhausted out of the studio out. What had happened? Rather than just briefly to explain the offer and the prices of the studio, we were first instance, a "consultant" is set aside, then first tea was drunk, it was a short interest of clarification, then we were led through the studio. Then again sat down and explained the contractual terms. When we were then told that at least a two-year contract must be agreed, I actually thought, ok, then we stop again (we wanted a membership 6-11 months). But no; now came the real fun begins. First, the consultant was negotiating with us until we were with possible 12 months, then was the "King" called in, after much talk to us a 6-month and then made a 4-month supply, in addition a reduction of the deposit and entry fee but only if we would immediately enter into the contract. As we continue to dither (now we were almost dead had hunger and our ability to think under the ongoing talk in porridge transforms), we completed finally after 2 hours with the agreement to be allowed to train as a VIP guest until after the weekend off and then fall back again on the special offer to be allowed.
And is it quite often, as long as it indicates the intention to shop, but hesitates and things complained, is one of the seller against almost 100% - if you hold out long enough! Crazy.
This the-customer-is-king-setting can also be very quick and painless: it will be welcomed almost always welcome as soon as one enters a business, just as you get a thank you when you leave, whether accessed and purchased as much as you . Often, the seller also run through the store and say a stereotyped "Look look around slowly." The most incredible thing was the non-stop thanks a bus driver, for each each guest who got out at the last stop (and that was a lot), a "thank you" into the microphone said. And that was a city bus! As to the Germans but in fact even a leaf!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Good Gifts For Stroke Victims Still In Hospital

traffic in Taipei - or how to creatively car drives

Actually there should be guided tours for tourists on mopeds Taipei. Traffic here is really an experience. If you have survived it once again, it has a pleasant, adrenaline-charged thrill. Traffic rules are not really accepted: one jostles until the doctor comes. Driving is like a permanent, unsorted zippered. Constantly take each other's right of way rüpelt and rum, but no one really exciting is happening. Even a pathetic moped driver who was one (pinkgeblümten) bus when turning right almost massaged into the sidewalk (and it is considered unmoved by passers-by), is but a small outcry in the moment of shock is not further interested: is yes again everything went well! The only rule that is followed without exception and immediately, is the switching of traffic lights, and even if they are just towing a slow granny cross the street.
Nevertheless, there is nothing better than to swing as a passenger on such a scooter and explore the city, even if one later as a petrol can smell!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Creating Tomtom Voices

My first entry

Hello from Maschsee :-)

I count on the lawn at Maschsee and have just set up this block. how I did it? That was easy, I went to Vodafone had me worried there a UMTS flat rate, while a stylish netbook which there for 1 € to do so.

Now I have so mobile internet, including a brand new computer. And all it cost me per month equivalent of around 30 €. So as much as some universal DSL line from one and one or Alice.

And why did I do this? I was incredibly stressful with my old DSL provider. Once the line has does not work the next time the statements were wrong and again wrong already. At one point I was fed up and wanted to switch providers. The problem here, however, that in principle must complete a two-year contract. I did not really. The only guarantee a monthly churn is Alice, and of which I have just come. So I've decided yet again to conclude a long term contract. This time however, I wanted to enjoy the real estate Internet. That's why I opted for a UMTS version.

Actually it's not a But UMTS HSDPA. Ask me not now what the difference is here. All I know is slow UMTS and HSDPA is fast. I need to know more? No! Interestingly, I had looked at the Vodafone UMTS Stick a shop, with whom I wanted to mobile surfing on my laptop. The seller was nice, however stated that the netbook exactly, the same as current laptops, only that the battery lasts longer. Also a Windows XP is already installed there. So I had myself convinced for that to my UMTS contract befitting a Netbooks heard. Today I am the first time with my new friend on the road and write from the beautiful Maschsee of Hanover without cables and wires.

I can really recommend to anyone any new DSL close more contracts, but with the issue of mobile Internet or UMTS / HSDPA deal. Good information can get it at my friend approached me out on this subject. On the blog " Mobile Internet with UMTS " you can find all the information you need.

Greetings from Hannover your Jessi

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Eggwhite Cervical Mucus Cd 28

Julio Esperato of vines valley and Viryamun

The rather quiet man deep in his forties has retired the last eight years, after a five-year sentence for conspiracy in the forest Wachter province of his relatives. Previously, he was considered a hot-headed and articulate advocate of the feud AGAINST THE Madjani and Streitzig. They say the good fencer, bon vivant, had left the fortress Al'Muktur broken.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

My Knees Are Sore And Swollen What Do That Mean

The love will not let me ...

I've given up the perfect man to love.
I've sworn to get clear as good as it goes.
How can one be so cold? Go up all this for nothing more?
Was your love for me is not large enough or why did you say's it?
Why I can not forget?
I'd hate you so much, but love will not let me.
"Time heals all wounds" ... For me, it pulls them back on ...
what needs to happen until you're nothing more for me?

Tell me when I created it to start over?

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Good Middle Name For Dylan

I'm on the right way to forget you ..

Say that you're sorry
The angel face
always come to light only when you need it
During the whole time I go back and
Because I really believed in you
I carry
The days drag on Stupid girl length

I should have known, I should have known

I am not Princess, this is no fairy tale
I'm not the one you'll knock your socks
Run the stairwell up
This is not Hollywood here, it's just a small town
I have dreamed of for so long before you went and enttä me uscht have
Now it's too late for you And your white horse
come to visit us

baby, I was naive
had lost myself in your eyes And
never really had a chance
I had so many dreams About
you and me
The happy ending Now I know

I'm not a princess, this is no fairy tale
I'm not the one that you will knock your socks
Lead they
up the stairwell This is not Hollywood, it's just a small town
I have dreamed of for so long before you're gone and you have disappointed me
Now it's too late for And your white horse up
at times to come by

Now kneel And before you beg me
begging for forgiveness to me
The way I always wanted but I'm so s ooooo sorry

For I am not your princess, this is no fairy tale
some point I will find someone who will treat me really well
The world is big, this was only a The small town
now with some distance under my critical eye disappears
And it's too late for you and your white horse
Now it's too late for you and your white horse to catch me now

Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa
try it and catch me
Oh, it's too late to catch me now


I hope that you will understand me ... one day
The friendship can not and will not give up I
I will fight with you drum, but I wonder what benefits
It will now work even if you say if I
go out of the way that the friends notice
set to stand, what will become of us if you go away again?

Saturday, January 24, 2009

How To Educate A Yorkshire

[German] Lilly the Witch - The Dragon and the Magic Book

Hello everybody ^ - ^

I just watched a TV - Show about records ^ ^
in this show they then showed to trailer about a new movie . The movie is about a little witch-girl ^ - ^ but the movie is in german. Most people know the books about this little witch called Lila. So the German title is "Lilly the Witch and the Dragon and the Magic Book" in English would it be " Lilli the Witch, the dragon and the magical book"

I just watched a trailer but it's just about the dragon and the comedian who gives his voice for the little cute green dragon ^-^ an here the link for the german (!!) trailer.

[German] Trailer

Video with the green dragon

and here the official site from the movie

Official Movie Site

^o^v and I already love the little dragon so I would show you some pictures <3

the name of this dragon is Hektor <3 *O*
and here is witch Lilli with the magical book ... and a monster in the background Ó_____Ò

~the end~

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Bc1hu Universal Smart Charger

Hana Kimi ~ \u0026lt;3


I'm so in love with the dorama Hana Kimi and also the Special <3
Last week my best friend and I, we talked about 2 hours just 'bout Hana Kimi Special ... 2hours in school... ^.^" our classmates were hard working and we talked ... hehe ^^"
soooo~ today, I watched the Hana Kimi Special again xD" and I took Screenshots from my favorite parts

here we go! ^O^v

Hana Kimi Special!!
I really love the beginning when Nakatsu and Sano sit in front of all the high-school-girls who wanted to give her valentine-chocolate to her favorite boy ^^
In this scene Nakatsu asked Sano when he felt in love with Mizuki and so he acted like a detective xD" "I'm Nakatsu Shuiichi" *O*

During this scene Nakatsu talked with himself xD" so in he's thoughts he said that he could be also the main charakter from the dorama ... and a few minutes later Sano put a cardboard on his head ^w^ I love it <3

ohhhhh~ I totally forgotte ... hihi ^-^ Nakatsu could do "the shark fish face" xDD"
My best friend and I acting sometimes like this haha

haha and also here he do his "shark fish face" *O* <3

in the drama they have Uchiwa's from Nakatsu... I want one >o<°

if anybody knows where I could find/buy an Nakatsu (Ikuta Toma) Uchiwa, please write meee~ arigatouuu~ Ó___Ò


wuahhhh wuahhhhh wuahhhhh~

ok ok ok... xD"

I'm finished with my Ikuta Toma Mood Theme~~~ *happy*


Thanks to [info] xenylamine

ewwww~ and know I'm totaly tired... =_=" I think it's time for my warm bed <3
ok so see yaaaa~ good night~<3


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Bread And Breakfast Cover Letter In Html Format

yayy ~ ^ / / ^

Ok so as I said in my last post, I'm a real fan of Twilight xD" so I went today after school in a Cd-Shop and what did I found there?? The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack TWILIGHT <333333 *-*
last week I also bought the German Book "Bis(s) zum Morgengrauen" and I realy love the story, that's because I'm already in the half of the book xDDD"

and I found also some other stuff of my fav Tv Season ^-^
Grey's Anatomy <333 I bought the 1 and the 2 season *-* *so in love*

so, my school day is over *happy* and I love to sit in my room and to play LocoRoco © for Playstation Portable ^-^" yeah I know this game is for kids over three years hehe >o<" but it's awesome to play <333 and kawaii~ the little balls (the name I don't remember) sing and laugh like little children <3
I would buy the first part of the game but I don't know where in our land we just have the second part >_<

ok lol so this is everything I would write today...
omg O_O I've forgotte to make my homeworks...
