Thursday, May 13, 2004

Virtual Skatepark Tech Deck Maker

Hello World: still alive ...

Meanwhile, much has happened again and I limp with my mass e-mails
much back. Therefore, now catch up on Hau Ruck-a bit of trial:

-> the germans are coming.
My fellow students from the HBK Braunschweig have actually been to LA a Exkusrion
. The 10 Tge were just super awesome, because I neither went to university courses or to work and have gone through instead
their excursions: visiting the
design studios from BMW / Designworks, Mercedes-Benz and Volkswagen / Audi. Furthermore, even ArtCenter
Pasadena and a guided my hand over the campus of Cal State Long Beach. But
picnic on the beach and party in Hollywood could not miss, of course.

-> san francisco field trip II
Then I am with my Classmates-Ami for a day "again" flew to SF,
where we visited the studios of Pentagram Design, Samsung, and IDEO. Also very
interesting and instructive.

-> this and that
A friend and I was still a 'Woody meeting' at Doheny State Beach, where
's been so around 150 perfectly restored old trucks from the 50s (the one with wood paneling
/ are removed). A super nice day with a plethora of 'classic cars',
surfing and a beautiful way back on the PCH (Pacific Coast Highway # 1).
The adoption of the HBK-people I had at LAX by chance met a German, who had
on a flight from Costa Rica to Bali 12h stay in LA. She had two
Surfboards there and then we were spontaneously surfing at Manhattan Beach and briefly
Eating 'was. Very funny ... Action!
And now is my sailing course over and I am now the proud owner of a sailing license
for small and medium-sized sailboats. Ahoy! :)

-> the big apple.
The timing was extremely unfortunate, because the 'finals' and be the end of the semester before the door
, but the opportunity I simply could not miss. And so I flew for
a week after New York City. Our exhibition by / for art, architecture
and design award holders and An adjacent Eroeffnungsparty were a complete success and
super awesome. And then at the end of the week the class
final concert of music scholarship (classical and jazz) at Carnegie Hall. Following the charity or
'fundraiser' concert there was still a precious posh dinner (yummi) in the penthouse of the
' Le Parker Meridien "hotel in midtown-Manhattan (ticket price $ 500).
between the "required courses" I had to absorb a lot of time but still the mad
impressions of New York. I was '98 schonmal been there, but this time - coming from
LA - Things were much more impressive way. And I was super happy with
Friends and a much deeper insight into the "real" life of the city have to get
Generally speaking real that LA and NY are complete opposites. Thus, for example, NY
compact concentrated and vertically oriented, however, LA is so vast, and rather denzentral
extended horizontally. In LA you get 'n criminal's ticket for' J-Walking 'and in NY
simply runs at EVERY red light (even in the eyes of the cops). For this we must in
NY (within the city) as car drivers do not turn right at red lights, which is in LA so
totally normal. LA nunmal is totally focused on cars and all are isolated from each other by their Stahlkaefige
. NY Subway offers a super- and bus system, which eliminates the need for a car
. And on every subway ride takes you to hundreds of different people.
weather and people there are somewhat cooler, but that the place is buzzing only as of
different cultures and influences. Generally one can say already that much
NY Europaeischer acts while LA is clearly influenced Mexican and Asian, and "typical"
is American. LA is a bit easy and "Laid-back 'in NY and everything must go fast
and somehow everyone constantly under time pressure. And even though NY is so fascinating, there are some
which this permanent stress-bustle is verstaendlicherweise some point on the mind. As usual I'm at
'NEM DAAD people in Harlem and from there got my Metro-week
ticket utilized more extreme. I found it very interesting that the nature of the passenger mix
in the subways has significantly changed depending on the area / 'district'.
have shown me otherwise super-tasty restaurants and chillin 'sites and even Mel Brooks
musical "The Producers" was very entertaining.
really very impressive and moving, I found - Surprisingly - the insanely large hole at the construction site
'Ground Zero' (World Trade Center site). Well, the 'Independence Day' is indeed the
official groundbreaking ceremony for the success 'Freedom Tower'.
After 'this party in Brooklyn and some unfortunate accidents I had a buddy and then to kip
5am on the concrete floor of an old factory building. 'S T-shirt is' but really not enough
and so I was thinking perforce á la "Homeless 101" out of old boxes a "mattress" and
"Quilt" built. But was still fucking cold and uncomfortable ...

Finally, I can only say that this city is incredibly vibrant and exhilarating
is fascinating and inspiring.
And yet: When the Long Beach Airport, the silhouettes of palm trees in front of 'looming NEM beautiful
sunset, there came yet so' ne Art Heimatgefuehle in me.
also closed to my time at CSULB and generally merciless in their Long Beach
end and each day I look at the everyday things, people and places with a more melancholy.

So, deepest respect to all who have read this far!
Enjoy the summer!


=========================================== ==============================================

\u0026lt; , / a>

\u0026lt;/ a>
Chinatown SF

\u0026lt;/ a> Leo Carrillo Beach

California Sunset (above the clouds)

Woody Meeting @ Doheny State Beach

Huntington Beach

NY Exhibition Opening

Times Square

Manhatten Skyline

NY Subway Station

NY Subway

Happy Mother's Day @ Ground Zero

Brooklyn / Williamsburgh

Williamsburgh Bridge

Monday, March 15, 2004

Lippincott In Pharmaceutical Calculations

Pictures Of The Week: curious stuff ... and party

-> chilling room.
On campus in the Student Union complex is a chilling room located, equipped with dark light,
music and bean bags.
Somehow they found out, that almost every student has a lack of sleep and would love to
relax and take a quick nap during the day.
Unfortunately it's only open until 6pm. No use for the design students...

-> pencil sharpener stations.
Everywhere on campus you can find these weird pencil sharpeners mounted to the walls.
In the library, in the labs, in the hallways... pretty funny...
On the other hand, all my classmates have an electric pencil sharpener on their desk.

-> the highlands.
Finally we all managed to go together clubbing in Hollywood (almost my entire design class).
Drinks were a little too pricy, but anyway we had big fun that night!
It's defenitely something different than "Jolly Joker" ; )
Gladly, over here in Southern California no bumper would ever dare to ask me for a non-existing
"club card" or refuse me to enter the nightclub because of my skin color or slitted eyes.

Thursday, March 11, 2004

How Can I Play Dvd On My Bmw Navigation

Pictures Of The Week: laundry & sunshine

-> loitering at the laundry.
At my favorite ghetto laundry some homeless guy was sleeping on the floor
last weekend. When I sneaked around his legs, he shortly woke up and after
asking for a cigarette he passed out again.
But although I would have been rewarded with a day of free washing by calling
the owner or the police, I somehow couldn't do it and just ignored him.
And just when I went outside a huge Stretch-Limousine passed by the Laundry.
It's a defenitely a land of differences...

-> by the way:
I heared that it snows in Germany, and I can't resist to tell you guys about
the weather condition over here. [hehe] ; )
I almost didn't notice it, but it gets warmer and warmer every day.
Today for example it was absolutely awesome: we had a sunny, hot day with
a clear, blue sky at a temperature of 33°C : )
And even at night it doesn't really get chilly anymore, so that I don't need no
sweater nomore.
The only bad thing about it: Instead of enjoying the wonderful weather
and catching some waves, I had to spend all this sunny weekend working
inside in front of my computer and in the shop under artificial light.
And with a broken AC it's way too hot in the car...

Thursday, March 4, 2004

Brazilian Waxfetishstories

Hello World: Okay, okay, again in German ...

-> week of welcome.
It's really much better if the semesters is not interrupted by the Christmas holidays will
. Because you can then start the new year very fresh and relaxed again.
During the first weeks of the university has the whole 'tuition-$' sometimes useful and used
band good-acts properly brought to the campus (eg, Goapele in San Francisco).

-> california budget crisis.
has Yes, the Schwarzenegger during his campaign (including on the CSULB campus)
still loudmouthed promised to take care of the training. And what happened?
Once he was elected, he announced another tuition-hike.
The 'budget crisis' is now ubiquitous: Many courses are simply not offered to hand over
the 'instructors' are allowed in some cases not even copies to students. These must instead
the 'university book store' for expensive $ be purchased.
And with my 'on-campus job' were shortened the opening hours (and thus working hours) GE
. Our boss thinks about even a few of us dismissed because there is no money in the pot.

-> take it easy, dude!
After much superiority but I decided against it, "passing" a few
Rates ArtCenter in Pasadena documented. Because I would have at least five hours per week must have to spend in
car and still remain at the CSULB continues to 'full-time student' with 12 units
Anyway, I myself made it this semester - as far as possible - a "little loose"
or to have healthier approach: to 4 hours of sleep per night, the exception and not
again become the norm, at least one movie per month should in there and be a sporting
are a must! Besides my absolute
Exhaustion swim conditioning class I've finally started on the weekend
a sailing course and was allowed in the first hour with a boat out (juchuu!).
my shortboard, I have "been-traded" and me for a 6'9 "fish taken, with whom I am very satisfied simply

-> wat went from still
Cetin Unfortunately, my roommate, his Grammy. membership card to get late, otherwise we would both be decent for
Grammy Awards gedackelt. ... Damn! was
Last week's campus here auf'm 'half an hour' evacuation alarm '(fire drill). I had
just my swim class and we were not actually in the water. Imagine
times before it would burn and you find yourself outside in 'NEM pool full of water!? But it was fun times already
really ALL students and staff out there to be seen in the buildings. Otherwise everything is

slow to everyday life and I notice less and less unusual things.
I'll try but continue to keep the eyes and ears open ...

later aligator,

Veet For Genital Area

Hello World: Cuckoo ...

Da ich jetzt noch nebenbei an zwei weiteren Projekt arbeite (Training and mini-jobs)
is again with the relaxed time. Quite tired and revised report will
I won a few things:

-> NSA. Today
were two types of the NSA (National Security Agency) here at CSULB
and have explicitly held that industrial designers an "advertising paper".
The NSA is the largest intelligence organization in the U.S. (and probably the world
) and works with and for CIA, FBI, etc. The NSA has an incredible amount of money and
technologies to the consumer market (supposedly) be preceded by 10-15 years.
have this preponderance of Ingenieurtum but they also create huge problems
(among others) with information processing and their "gadgets" and are therefore looking
designer for various areas. The two types in suits
have been sold quite well and have internships with free flights to the east coast, hard-
employments offered studies sponsoring etc.. Due to the secrecy
the whole, but very much of "James Bond", "Enemy of State" and "Men in Black"
recalls, and they have set up this (serious) comparisons even yourself!
Well, of course, but condition is that one is 'U.S. Citizen', so that the whole
certainly have no place for me. Moreover, this (quote) "even higher than
top secret" work environment is not necessarily what I wanted.

-> The strike is over.
After about five months now (!!!) indeed the strike of employees of supermarket chains
over. Since because of the limited number of customers, the opening
times have been reduced, they had in the last few months longer
around the clock "vigil" with. However, they have actually lost.
The 'union' just sits and has more leverage during the strike simply set
new people. At an hourly wage of $ 18 for "idiot work"
have had actually also no reason Für'n strike. markets in other super-
people working exclusively for the U.S. minimum wage of $ 6.75 ...

- international stories>.
Since December last year is taken by all international students at each
enter the United States a photo and fingerprints!
After my trip to Mexico I'm around it again here because the border with Mexico
-'s got exception - of course. I guess because there just too many people
daily to commute back-and-forth and the Grenzkolloegen
not do the job just ... Even so, the spin I suppose the Yanks ...!

-> petrol prices.
So if people drive in DE due to one-two pennies / cents for miles to the nearest gas station
, I can only shake his head. Here is the gasoline price
increased in the last three weeks of $ 1.55 to $ 2.10 (Per gallon). The difference
are $ 0.55 or 30% price increase!

-> is where the dollar? Three types
ask for a room in a hotel. The manager demanded $ 30
of them. The types are eiverstanden with $ 10 per person and take the room. Then a
falls to the manager that the room does not cost only $ 25. Since the $ 5
but only divide by three bad, can he decide to add only $ 1 each back-
and pack the remaining $ 2 in his own pockets.
Okay, so at the end of each of the three types $ 9 has been paid; makes $ 27 Plus the $ 2, which has pocketed
the manager makes $ 29 And where the $ 1 is gone? ;)

-> German influence from Delmenhorst. Since
have very fact the moderators on the radio the other day about
'Sarah Conner, the tall, blond German girl' talk. There's not that!

-> other day in the 'computer lab'.
After I had helped a student at the computer and had
overhear that she is Korean, I said to her, "I am half-Korean." As they only
with an incredulous "Whatever ..." answered, I said (in Korean!)
"I'm Korean." With a tired smile she said in English "Yeah,
Mejicana soy." (~ Naklar, and I'm Mexican.) At the end I could but still somehow
convince, I think.

-> rainy california.
No-no, 'Southern California' not for the rain was made. When it here
times a little more rain, and soon the streets are partially flooded.
drips in the buildings it (through the air conditioning or simply from the ceiling), rather than fall foliage
here Palmenblaetter on the streets, which turn out a bit bigger
and thus are almost obstacles. And insist on the radio a
moderators to drive carefully. Not only because the people here are not accustomed to wet
roads, but also because the oil rises in the road through the cracks
rain water and the slippery roads then again makes.
And anyway: the sight of the gray sky somehow not quite fit in
my idea of 'Southern California'. Sure there's at Subway
called "Rainy Day Savings", so special discount on rainy days ... [Tse ...]

-> spring break.
Unbelievable but true. The 'Spring Break' is coming up and in the co-
has hang get very fact every student an email from the university, in the
we are invited to the 'Spring Break' spend on the possible health, not exaggerated
alcohol or to use drugs, to drive carefully, etc., etc.
Is this really necessary? And above all, the 'nen influence on the behavior of the students
? Wen's interessiert, hier die original Email:

Dear Arnold,

I am writing to you and all 34,000 students at CSULB to wish you a relaxing and safe
Spring Break. We have a great university that is now the second largest institution of
higher education in California.

It is you and your classmates, along with a dedicated faculty and staff, that make
"the Beach" so exceptional. We who have the privilege of teaching and interacting with
you feel fortunate to work in such a rewarding environment. We know students are
very busy and deserve the refreshing break, which you will enjoy April 5th - 9th.

We are asking you to be smart and safe, so you can return to your studies, complete
your education, and go on to a positive, happy life. Unfortunately, the abuse of alcohol
has cost too many college students across the nation their health and, in some cases,
their lives. Do not become a statistic. Here are a few tips for Spring Break:

1) Do not drink alcohol if you are under 21 years of age.
It is against the law and an arrest record doesn't help
with employers or your feelings of self-worth.
2) Do not drink and drive, or ride with drivers who have been
drinking. This is perhaps the greatest danger to your safety.
3) Some people at Spring Break consume excessive drinks in a
short time. Passing out from over consumption is not cool or
a game. It leads to dangerous health situations, expensive and
scary hospital visits, destroys brain cells, and can leave
students helpless potential victims of attack and theft.
4) The best solution would be to abstain from alcohol, but if
you do not, then drink reasonably. One or two drinks at a
time is all science shows most of us, truly, can handle and
still be reasonable safe.
5) If you drink, eat food along with the beverage.
6) Never mix alcohol and drugs.
7) Watch out for Rohypnol and similar "knock-out" drugs secretly
put in drinks.
8) Friends should always be looking out for friends.

When you return from Spring Break on Monday, April 12, you will be rested and ready
to finish the semester. Many great activities and events will be taking place on campus
between then and graduation. I want to, especially, remind you of Kaleidoscope on
Saturday, April 24 from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm. If you haven't attended before, you
should this year. We welcome the entire community to campus for an awesome
"fair" atmosphere, with over 100 food, exhibits and entertainment venues. Checkout
the Website at

Relax, be safe and we'll see you on campus and at Kaleidoscope.

Cordially, Dr. Mike Hostetler

Associate Vice President for Student Services and Dean of Students

=========================== ================

Saturday, January 24, 2004

Bicuspid Aortic Valve And Smoking

Diaro del viaje a México

\u0026lt;/ a>

After deciding not to drive my car down to Mexico, my brother and I took the Greyhound bus from Long Beach
to TJ (Tijuana). At the most frequently crossed border of the world, we
transferred directly into a bus to Chihuahua, leaving the overcrowded, chaotic and ugly TJ behind.
Remembering airmotion ; ) and the countless advises like Friedrich Rueckerts "Nur aufs Ziel zu
sehen, verdirbt die Lust am Reisen." ("Looking only at the destination, ruins the pleasure of
traveling.") we enjoyed the bus ride through the beautiful sierra and watched hundreds of
fallen car wracks located along the edge of the very steep mountain road.
During the 22h bus ride I not only had enough time to admire the landscape and to reade my book,
but also to realize: "México on the map may appear smaller than it is."
In downtown Chihuahua we got a room in the Hotel San Juan and had in the afternoon enough time
to explore our first "real" Mexican city and to have the first of countless coming Tacos.
Much too early the next morning we boarded the train to Los Mochis. It was a very beautiful trip,
where we could see everything from wide, desert-like plains to rocky, impressive mountains. Small
ancient villages with Indigenas and authentic Mexican cowboys. They look almost like the cheesy
Marlboro-Cowboys, with the boots, the blue jeans, check shirt and a cowboy hat. Only their faces
and language doesn't really match with the well-known commercial. And we had a short stop at the
"Méxican Grand Canyon" (Barrancas del Cobre), which is at least as impressive as the one in the US!
The train ride reminded me strongly of the "Nariz del diablo"-train-ride in Ecuador, only that
we could sit inside in comfortable seats instead of sitting on the roof of a rattling wagon.
Because of the pretty slow speed and the steep track we arrived after 19 hours in Los Mochis at
2am and since it was hard to find a cheap and open hotel at that time, we ended up at the Hotel
We spend the day strolling along the markets and eating a delicious snack at every street corner.
But the Mexicans are somehow really crazy concerning their taste. There are many vendors who
sell fruit (mixes) on the street, but normally they mix the melon, pineapple etc. with peanuts,
put salt and pepper on it and lots of spicy salsa!!! When I insisted on pure pineapple, the per-
plexed vendor still put salt on it, by which it became too disgusting for me to eat.
All tourists traveling south of Ensenada are required to pay for a "tourist-card". It's nothing
more but another tourist-trap like the "Kurtaxe". But even when we asked some Police officers,
they were not sure, what it is, where we can get it and if it's really so necessary as it was said
to be.
In the afternoon we continued our way to the close Topolobampo from where the ferry to the pen-
insula Baja California departs. The ferry goes only once a day and the trip takes about 6 hours,
but - that's my theory - because they want to sell more tickets for the expensive sleeping cabins,
the ferry leaves every night at midnight and arrives in the morning at 6am. Having the monopoly
they are able to do it and to ask for crazy fares and so we paid for the cheapest ticket available
(still about US$ 50/person). For that price we didn't even have a seat in the big hall and were
only allowed to stay in the restaurant or in the bar which are both very uncomfortable and loud.
So we layed down on the floor in front of the sleeping cabins and tried to get some sleep there;
only finding out in the morning that the empty cabins weren't locked (Doh!).
After arriving in La Paz, we were looking for a bus shuttle to downtown and when the driver
replied that he was going to Cabos, we spontaneously decided to skip (the touristic?) La Paz
and entered the bus, which we left almost at random in Cabo San Lucas (the very south tip of Baja).
It is like another world over there. Overcrowded with rich, self-centered and ignorant US- and
Canadian tourists. And it's not very hard to see that the demand determines the price (Nachfrage
bestimmt das Angebot). Most of the Mexicans speak English, the menus/prices are in English/US$
and there are countless street vendors, who try to sell some fancy traditional jewelry, pottery,
hang mat, whatever...
But I have to admit that I understand the reason why people come to Cabo San Lucas: The beaches
- especially the private ones at the hotel resorts - are truly beautiful. And the lobster/seafood
is pretty cheap over there. : )
And if you avoid or even deny to speak English and instead speak English with the Mexicans, it
helps a little not be treated like the average gringos.
We thought to be decent tourists and finally payed for the mysterious 'tourist cards' (US$20
each), but never had to show them at any of the several Police/Military checks along our trip.
Also it is a perfect place for all kinds of water sports. So I tried scuba diving and was able to
admire a wonderful underwater life. It's so very delightfully uncomplicated, because I only had to
watch a 20min instruction video and was then allowed to dive with the instructor and one other
experienced diver more than 20m deep (my very first dive)!
When the instructor opened a package of cookies to feed the fish, we were suddenly surround by
all kinds of colorful fishes. Wow! I also saw a mid-size shark, corals, sea cucumber and lots of
other fish/animals, which I don't know how to call.
After that we found the - in our opinion - best restaurant in town: Restaurante Quetzal. It's a
small family-style restaurant without menu, but with daily changing authentic Mexican house food.
Very nice ambience with Mexican music and waitresses who don't speak English.
And of course: super-delicious inexpensive food. Hmmm, perfect!
After being at a "Mallorca-style"(?) beach, we strolled along the side streets away from the beach
and surprisingly discovered that there actually exists an authentic and nice city life not very
far away from the gringo dominated area.
Next morning we charted a water taxi to go "whale watching". And not too far away from the coast
we actually saw a couple of gray whales, which was a really impressive experience.
After going a second and last time to the Restaurante Quetzal we left the touri-attack-Cabo-
San-Lucas and hitchhiked on a pick-up to the small town Todos Santos at the Pacific coast. And
luckily we found somehow the 'Todos Santos Hostel', which is an absolutely wonderful place to stay.
Totally different (very relaxed, easy and layed back) backpackers from all around the world and
Johnny - the crazy and funny Mexican owner. There was some space for tents, one small hut, with
five primitive "beds" inside, a tiny bath/shower, a open kitchen place and a hangout area/hut with
hang mats, sofa, some old magazines, books and a small hi-fi. Few walls are made out of natural
stones, but all the rest (walls, roof) are out of bamboo and palm leaves! Oh yeah! After all that
traveling this was the perfect place to relax and take it easy.
So we walked over the small hills through a cactus desert to a totally lonesome beach with nice
and powerful waves and an overwhelming sunset.
The next day's weather wasn't very nice so we were sleeping late, spend the whole day at the
hostel reading and relaxing in the hang mat. One Canadian girl and two more German backpackers
arrived, who were totally tripping after they saw some gray whales jumping out of the water at
the beach.
Later at night Marc (a very friendly freak from Washington) was preparing lots of Tacos and lots
of Margaritas for everybody, which really rounded out the day.
After sleeping late we hitch hiked with the two other Germans to 'Playa Los Cerritos'. There
was a RV park nearby, but at the beach there was only a "hippie/surfer"-community of tents (at
all of Méxicos beaches it's allowed to camp for free!).
I rented a Long Board from a local guy and finally found the opportunity to go surfing. Very nice
and pretty big waves AND the water was warm enough even without wetsuit! Dude, that rulez!
On the way back to the hostel some crazy surfer gave us a ride. Two surfboards, two dogs and three
of us on the back of his crapy, rusty pickup. He cut his hand with the fins of his surfboard and
said "I'm in a little hurry, 'cause I need some stitches", but still was cool enough to stop
and give us a ride.
It was pretty windy and raining almost continuously that day. So we didn't go back to 'Playa Los
Cerritos' but used a very short rain break to go to one of the closer beaches with Julie from
Canada. Unfortunately it started raining again very soon and strongly. And because we walked
along the beach and not directly back to the hostel we finally arrived there completely soaked
wet (finding a water stream flowing through the hostel).
Since the weather forecast wasn't promising any better weather in the next days, we decided to
leave the beloved hostel and took the overnight bus with Julie to Mulege (further north in Baja).
After a too short night on the bus we arrived at 4:30am in Mulege and waited until dawn in the
patio of a closed restaurant.
Then we walked the long and very muddy, dirty path to the beach (Mar de Cortez / Gulf of California).
While strolling around in the picturesque, small town, Julie and I discovered the "Perfect Dream
House". A big house built on stilts and mostly made out of bamboo and palm trees/leaves; just like
the hostel but a little more luxurious. Wow, the smell, the warm colors and the texture - totally
Since there doesn't exist any ATM or bank in Mulege and we were running out of cash once again,
we took the bus to the next bigger city Santa Rosalía, where we spend the evening and waited for
the bus heading north. It was supposed to come at 9pm, but when it arrived finally much too late,
there was only one single seat left in the bus. After the near Café-Restaurant-Supermarket-Mix had
closed, we waited until 4am in the cold and lonesome bus terminal for the next bus.
At least we had luck and got three seats in the 4am-bus and could continue our way north.
Compared to the cold and hard waiting seats in the terminal, the bus seamed suddenly to have
the most comfortable seats of the world.
In Ensenada Julie got off and my brother and I continued to TJ and transferred into a Greyhound Bus
to Long Beach.
Although I had a feeling of 'coming home' when we came to Long Beach, everything in the USA seemed
suddenly strange and fake since crossing the boarder; the people, their attitude, the huge stores,
the malls, the TV program. Maybe it's the delayed culture shock that I yet never had when coming to
the USA.
It's no question that México is absolutely and totally different from the USA, but the strange
thing is that it is so close! It's just three hours from Long Beach and you are in a different
"world". In the USA everything is more fake, clean, artificial and commercial. Looking back, México
seemed much more truly friendly, yet crazy, chaotic and dirty, but still simple and honest.
And even the imported 'Pacifico cerveza' in the USA doesn't taste as good as it tastes south of
the border. Damn, I gotta go back...
Almost as a welcome on the next morning in Long Beach, three armed guys tried to rob the Rosco's
Restaurant just one block from our apartment. For hours the police blocked the surrounding streets,
waiting with shotguns in their hands and ghetto birds (police-helicopters) were circling in the air
. Welcome back to Long Beach.