Thursday, March 4, 2004

Veet For Genital Area

Hello World: Cuckoo ...

Da ich jetzt noch nebenbei an zwei weiteren Projekt arbeite (Training and mini-jobs)
is again with the relaxed time. Quite tired and revised report will
I won a few things:

-> NSA. Today
were two types of the NSA (National Security Agency) here at CSULB
and have explicitly held that industrial designers an "advertising paper".
The NSA is the largest intelligence organization in the U.S. (and probably the world
) and works with and for CIA, FBI, etc. The NSA has an incredible amount of money and
technologies to the consumer market (supposedly) be preceded by 10-15 years.
have this preponderance of Ingenieurtum but they also create huge problems
(among others) with information processing and their "gadgets" and are therefore looking
designer for various areas. The two types in suits
have been sold quite well and have internships with free flights to the east coast, hard-
employments offered studies sponsoring etc.. Due to the secrecy
the whole, but very much of "James Bond", "Enemy of State" and "Men in Black"
recalls, and they have set up this (serious) comparisons even yourself!
Well, of course, but condition is that one is 'U.S. Citizen', so that the whole
certainly have no place for me. Moreover, this (quote) "even higher than
top secret" work environment is not necessarily what I wanted.

-> The strike is over.
After about five months now (!!!) indeed the strike of employees of supermarket chains
over. Since because of the limited number of customers, the opening
times have been reduced, they had in the last few months longer
around the clock "vigil" with. However, they have actually lost.
The 'union' just sits and has more leverage during the strike simply set
new people. At an hourly wage of $ 18 for "idiot work"
have had actually also no reason Für'n strike. markets in other super-
people working exclusively for the U.S. minimum wage of $ 6.75 ...

- international stories>.
Since December last year is taken by all international students at each
enter the United States a photo and fingerprints!
After my trip to Mexico I'm around it again here because the border with Mexico
-'s got exception - of course. I guess because there just too many people
daily to commute back-and-forth and the Grenzkolloegen
not do the job just ... Even so, the spin I suppose the Yanks ...!

-> petrol prices.
So if people drive in DE due to one-two pennies / cents for miles to the nearest gas station
, I can only shake his head. Here is the gasoline price
increased in the last three weeks of $ 1.55 to $ 2.10 (Per gallon). The difference
are $ 0.55 or 30% price increase!

-> is where the dollar? Three types
ask for a room in a hotel. The manager demanded $ 30
of them. The types are eiverstanden with $ 10 per person and take the room. Then a
falls to the manager that the room does not cost only $ 25. Since the $ 5
but only divide by three bad, can he decide to add only $ 1 each back-
and pack the remaining $ 2 in his own pockets.
Okay, so at the end of each of the three types $ 9 has been paid; makes $ 27 Plus the $ 2, which has pocketed
the manager makes $ 29 And where the $ 1 is gone? ;)

-> German influence from Delmenhorst. Since
have very fact the moderators on the radio the other day about
'Sarah Conner, the tall, blond German girl' talk. There's not that!

-> other day in the 'computer lab'.
After I had helped a student at the computer and had
overhear that she is Korean, I said to her, "I am half-Korean." As they only
with an incredulous "Whatever ..." answered, I said (in Korean!)
"I'm Korean." With a tired smile she said in English "Yeah,
Mejicana soy." (~ Naklar, and I'm Mexican.) At the end I could but still somehow
convince, I think.

-> rainy california.
No-no, 'Southern California' not for the rain was made. When it here
times a little more rain, and soon the streets are partially flooded.
drips in the buildings it (through the air conditioning or simply from the ceiling), rather than fall foliage
here Palmenblaetter on the streets, which turn out a bit bigger
and thus are almost obstacles. And insist on the radio a
moderators to drive carefully. Not only because the people here are not accustomed to wet
roads, but also because the oil rises in the road through the cracks
rain water and the slippery roads then again makes.
And anyway: the sight of the gray sky somehow not quite fit in
my idea of 'Southern California'. Sure there's at Subway
called "Rainy Day Savings", so special discount on rainy days ... [Tse ...]

-> spring break.
Unbelievable but true. The 'Spring Break' is coming up and in the co-
has hang get very fact every student an email from the university, in the
we are invited to the 'Spring Break' spend on the possible health, not exaggerated
alcohol or to use drugs, to drive carefully, etc., etc.
Is this really necessary? And above all, the 'nen influence on the behavior of the students
? Wen's interessiert, hier die original Email:

Dear Arnold,

I am writing to you and all 34,000 students at CSULB to wish you a relaxing and safe
Spring Break. We have a great university that is now the second largest institution of
higher education in California.

It is you and your classmates, along with a dedicated faculty and staff, that make
"the Beach" so exceptional. We who have the privilege of teaching and interacting with
you feel fortunate to work in such a rewarding environment. We know students are
very busy and deserve the refreshing break, which you will enjoy April 5th - 9th.

We are asking you to be smart and safe, so you can return to your studies, complete
your education, and go on to a positive, happy life. Unfortunately, the abuse of alcohol
has cost too many college students across the nation their health and, in some cases,
their lives. Do not become a statistic. Here are a few tips for Spring Break:

1) Do not drink alcohol if you are under 21 years of age.
It is against the law and an arrest record doesn't help
with employers or your feelings of self-worth.
2) Do not drink and drive, or ride with drivers who have been
drinking. This is perhaps the greatest danger to your safety.
3) Some people at Spring Break consume excessive drinks in a
short time. Passing out from over consumption is not cool or
a game. It leads to dangerous health situations, expensive and
scary hospital visits, destroys brain cells, and can leave
students helpless potential victims of attack and theft.
4) The best solution would be to abstain from alcohol, but if
you do not, then drink reasonably. One or two drinks at a
time is all science shows most of us, truly, can handle and
still be reasonable safe.
5) If you drink, eat food along with the beverage.
6) Never mix alcohol and drugs.
7) Watch out for Rohypnol and similar "knock-out" drugs secretly
put in drinks.
8) Friends should always be looking out for friends.

When you return from Spring Break on Monday, April 12, you will be rested and ready
to finish the semester. Many great activities and events will be taking place on campus
between then and graduation. I want to, especially, remind you of Kaleidoscope on
Saturday, April 24 from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm. If you haven't attended before, you
should this year. We welcome the entire community to campus for an awesome
"fair" atmosphere, with over 100 food, exhibits and entertainment venues. Checkout
the Website at

Relax, be safe and we'll see you on campus and at Kaleidoscope.

Cordially, Dr. Mike Hostetler

Associate Vice President for Student Services and Dean of Students

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