Monday, March 15, 2004

Lippincott In Pharmaceutical Calculations

Pictures Of The Week: curious stuff ... and party

-> chilling room.
On campus in the Student Union complex is a chilling room located, equipped with dark light,
music and bean bags.
Somehow they found out, that almost every student has a lack of sleep and would love to
relax and take a quick nap during the day.
Unfortunately it's only open until 6pm. No use for the design students...

-> pencil sharpener stations.
Everywhere on campus you can find these weird pencil sharpeners mounted to the walls.
In the library, in the labs, in the hallways... pretty funny...
On the other hand, all my classmates have an electric pencil sharpener on their desk.

-> the highlands.
Finally we all managed to go together clubbing in Hollywood (almost my entire design class).
Drinks were a little too pricy, but anyway we had big fun that night!
It's defenitely something different than "Jolly Joker" ; )
Gladly, over here in Southern California no bumper would ever dare to ask me for a non-existing
"club card" or refuse me to enter the nightclub because of my skin color or slitted eyes.


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