-> loitering at the laundry.
At my favorite ghetto laundry some homeless guy was sleeping on the floor
last weekend. When I sneaked around his legs, he shortly woke up and after
asking for a cigarette he passed out again.
But although I would have been rewarded with a day of free washing by calling
the owner or the police, I somehow couldn't do it and just ignored him.
And just when I went outside a huge Stretch-Limousine passed by the Laundry.
It's a defenitely a land of differences...

-> by the way:
I heared that it snows in Germany, and I can't resist to tell you guys about
the weather condition over here. [hehe] ; )
I almost didn't notice it, but it gets warmer and warmer every day.
Today for example it was absolutely awesome: we had a sunny, hot day with
a clear, blue sky at a temperature of 33°C : )
And even at night it doesn't really get chilly anymore, so that I don't need no
sweater nomore.
The only bad thing about it: Instead of enjoying the wonderful weather
and catching some waves, I had to spend all this sunny weekend working
inside in front of my computer and in the shop under artificial light.
And with a broken AC it's way too hot in the car...
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