Thursday, March 4, 2004

Brazilian Waxfetishstories

Hello World: Okay, okay, again in German ...

-> week of welcome.
It's really much better if the semesters is not interrupted by the Christmas holidays will
. Because you can then start the new year very fresh and relaxed again.
During the first weeks of the university has the whole 'tuition-$' sometimes useful and used
band good-acts properly brought to the campus (eg, Goapele in San Francisco).

-> california budget crisis.
has Yes, the Schwarzenegger during his campaign (including on the CSULB campus)
still loudmouthed promised to take care of the training. And what happened?
Once he was elected, he announced another tuition-hike.
The 'budget crisis' is now ubiquitous: Many courses are simply not offered to hand over
the 'instructors' are allowed in some cases not even copies to students. These must instead
the 'university book store' for expensive $ be purchased.
And with my 'on-campus job' were shortened the opening hours (and thus working hours) GE
. Our boss thinks about even a few of us dismissed because there is no money in the pot.

-> take it easy, dude!
After much superiority but I decided against it, "passing" a few
Rates ArtCenter in Pasadena documented. Because I would have at least five hours per week must have to spend in
car and still remain at the CSULB continues to 'full-time student' with 12 units
Anyway, I myself made it this semester - as far as possible - a "little loose"
or to have healthier approach: to 4 hours of sleep per night, the exception and not
again become the norm, at least one movie per month should in there and be a sporting
are a must! Besides my absolute
Exhaustion swim conditioning class I've finally started on the weekend
a sailing course and was allowed in the first hour with a boat out (juchuu!).
my shortboard, I have "been-traded" and me for a 6'9 "fish taken, with whom I am very satisfied simply

-> wat went from still
Cetin Unfortunately, my roommate, his Grammy. membership card to get late, otherwise we would both be decent for
Grammy Awards gedackelt. ... Damn! was
Last week's campus here auf'm 'half an hour' evacuation alarm '(fire drill). I had
just my swim class and we were not actually in the water. Imagine
times before it would burn and you find yourself outside in 'NEM pool full of water!? But it was fun times already
really ALL students and staff out there to be seen in the buildings. Otherwise everything is

slow to everyday life and I notice less and less unusual things.
I'll try but continue to keep the eyes and ears open ...

later aligator,


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