Sunday, March 30, 2008

Free Matlab Symbolic Toolbox

Thalassa, Thalassa!

a stirring train ride home yesterday as the of Marburg to Dresden I had never been through. I write this not in detail, because to my mind it is too embarrassing and I do not wants other people to read this, even if it would be the one that is concerned. No matter.

Now I'm back in Dresden and see to it that I the Greek next month will not lose again. The part for today I have done anyway - a Xenophon text ... no, get THE Xenophon's text of the Anabasis , when the remaining soldiers after the defeat by the Persians has difficulty making the Black Sea - a very disturbing, emotional section ... I do not know what the thinking of Roland has to leave us just at this time the price of the translated text. Maybe I'm also very taken as TE Lawrence, when he was in the south of France than about 16 year old first saw the Mediterranean - in memory of Xenophon site - inspired latta q £, q £ latta has declared. Because of these relationships, I knew, of course this time and again what it is about in the text, but I had translated it yet - maybe then it has now helped me once.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Real Or Fake Cartier Paris Swiss 20-61323 Watch

pictures # 05

A few pictures I have floating around on the memory card of my camera that I want to bring more to the view - without interdependence - still enjoy!

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came every Monday added a map on the wall - the next one will be pinned again in Dresden on the wallpaper ...

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One sees it, but during the lunch break on Easter Monday in the Archives School has snowed.

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a white swan ...

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stopped now and the snow is too - 8:30 in the morning Marburg ...

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water reflections with some snow covered trees.

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number 22

Ski-doo Heating Wire Helmet

Slow Farewell

A little bit of nostalgia makes itself wide in me when I think about having to leave Marburg on Saturday afternoon again, and it is not necessarily the city but it is the people with whom I had to do here, I'll miss. As our tour group in Jordan, it was also the ragtag Greek pile, part of which I was not just a bunch of individuals, but a real group in which everyone had found at least four or five or more individuals with whom he was well clear - so it was a network that worked together and the whole course pleasantly decorated in this way.
Roland has already said after a week, that he was so opposed them, as he would have known each other three weeks. He then pushed it out that he because of the learning platform, our name even before the start of the course before him had perceived use of movements and thus may have already set up an anonymous relationship has. I rather think that the Force was composed of so many highly individual, interesting people, that they were more inclined to deal with those closer to meeting you want to has and not only perceived as also happened in this course seated.
course, we will in the next two weeks a loose contact with each other if we are to translate practice exams until actual graecum-exam each other through Skype discuss any one or the other will stay with someone from the course also in contact, but as a group we never come together again .
Before the course I had only one expectation: that I the Greek structures in their functioning understand and see through, mainly only found out where my weaknesses, so that I eliminate them or at least control and to restrict, if not completely eliminated. I've done. I know now that participles are my big weakness and that the grammar but I know 80%, but only about 50% as translating. A disadvantage is of course that I exercise about 90% of the exams already knew, either by translating or already out of the reading of the respective Plato's text. In the creativity that I then put the day shapes up to me - to speak with Plato - already a prefabricated text on my brain, I ignore unfortunately rare. The result is then usually nonsense when I have the first set incorrectly translate, but come interprets a certain sense - in the episode of course, the other Rates of false or accumulate a lot of mistakes that could not have been. With this knowledge, but in the back of the head and a few practice exams to be translated in the rear, I can probably cut back the deficit to normal.
So that was the expectation that was met me, but I never would have thought that the course itself, as would be a group of people, not just a group of people, but to develop as something more profound would be a community in which one can feel comfortable (over long distances) in which you are not a matter for be ashamed, where no error is laughed sardonically, where you can just be who you are. It may be that only I have felt this way, but generally speaking it seemed to me that it was as at least 85% of the participants in the course felt very comfortable.
I shall certainly Frodo, Sam, Merry, Wolfgang Niedecken, Alexander Klaws, Cameron Diaz and I miss them all have been baptized. If you read this: I wish you all that you pass the test and would be happy to see you on one or the other way again.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Product Number For Quickbooks 2008

Luise is Back!

We Leave Tuesday 25 March AD 2008 - Andrea is back in the WG and Louise too. For those who have read this blog from the beginning through, will know who is Luise: our house mouse. This morning I found a note from Andrea on the kitchen table, on which she asked me if I had heard the evening strange noises in the kitchen - I thought for a moment and wrote back, in a hurry: no, true maybe what happened to the stove not.

Tonight are now her boyfriend and a buddy to video night there, and, apparently any noise came from the direction of the hearth, so that one of the guys the disk tray has pulled out - it started to show again Andreas sharp cries, because Louise was just opening the subject for this very promptly jumped and ran into the bathroom, where the two boys are currently offered and try to worm out there.

It is probably another long night. Unfortunately I'm not much help in the hunt, I - now, even without contact lenses and without glasses - with four diopters only completely blurred see - a mouse could therefore also be a cloth, a final race that is.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Transparent Bikinis 2010

The toilet paper survey

I showed already quietly given to launch a survey on the toilet paper very serious question - et voilà: here it is! It can also join the way, those who are not registered with Live Journal - I would be interested to know what other people think about the matter. ;)

Treasure Island Minnesota Shuttles

Snow and a Draw

* Bruno Ganz (1941)
(Swiss actor - The Ignoramus and the madman, The Marquise of O. , knife in the head, the fake, Wings of Desire, Downfall)

A strange weather was again today, but not only here in Marburg, including during Premier League game Bolton vs Man City (and in the other five games, and I understand from the pictures).

Here in Marburg, I'm about 8 clock stood in bright sunshine, had breakfast comfortably, and then trying to squeeze the last sentence of the last translated practice exam but still reasonable in German, without the given grammar even neglecting too much - I have not really succeeded, and I have therefore been waiting with drawn-head on Roland's biting commentary. Anyway, I'm putting myself at about 11 clock toward the post office to buy a package and various envelopes for the pending transactions in the coming week. At the sight of human snake that wound through the entire post-interior, I wondered, however, whether the Marburg have to do a whole is not something better on Saturday afternoon than to go to the Post - the puzzle will probably forever an unsolved . remain

was still bright sunshine, and I soon regretted it, attracted the jacket to have. But back in the little flat, I suddenly saw big drops on the window clap, while I again went to a ciabatta bread with everything blazes fridge so. Rain, sleet and sun alternated from then about every 5-10 minutes in funny order.

16 clock began the game in a weather situation, the designated commentators with a beautiful sunny day - you saw it too. The first corners were difficult to implement, as all really in the sun and watched the whole thing was practically meaningful free. A completely different picture presented itself from the start of the second half. The first camera position at the resumption of the live broadcast to the congenial Korean half-time analysis was to look at the stands, which were due to heavy sleet before the lens is not really visible. I remembered immediately to the summer storm last year when we were a Monday were surprised happily kicking a similar weather phenomenon - though we did the choice of whether we play or us first time should assume for the duration of the storm. This election did not have the PL-kicker. Relentlessly to the referee whistled the play, while the graupel grains still funny faces and in clapped on his arms and legs of the players. In the course alternated here sleet, snow and sun off quite comfortably in their presence on the field.

Why do I have now described in such detail? It's simple: There were no doors that could have been describing - just a point for City, on the way to still hoped for European competition was probably too little, but given the hardness of the game, one must at least be grateful that There were no further casualties.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Pokemon Wrestling Singlet

spinal and dental

* Timothy Dalton (1946)
(Welsh actor - Lion in Winter, Wuthering Heights, Flash Gordon, James Bond - The Living Daylights, James Bond - Licence To Kill, Cleopatra, Possessed)

This morning I was entitled to feel the hard way that with 30 years no longer can do it all for years blithely as before. Did I mention that I am wearing my slippers in the absence of double socks? Those on which I run, are the red socks that grandma gave me kindly leave. Sorry, slip them so well on the laminate that I take the floor to get from my room to the kitchen, schlitternderweise back lay - that is one big fun: Start-up to about the middle, and the rest is fast, balanced slide - really nothing at where you could hurt yourself great, but I am easily move moderately susceptible anyway, it took me this morning did at times get caught. Something I must twist the start, have sprained or jammed - at least now I can feel my whole back, and that's not very pleasant. I think, therefore I will be the runner for the moment.

on the food but I will not do without. For about two days, I'm not entirely sure if I have to sit directly on the gums to tooth 4 / 7 a over-sized bubble, or whether at the point of wisdom teeth 4 / 8 blazes its way into the open. The X-ray images of the two remaining, totally slanted underground existences and gleefully grinning face of my dentist, as she revealed to me that a pretty operation would give me buzz since onset of pain (ie headache and slight fever) is now constantly in my head around - but I tend to extensively review rather to the bladder, which will hopefully be gone in two-three days by themselves.

to the dentist but I will have to go anyway when I'm back in Dresden, as the makeshift repair of 4 / 6 and 4 / 7 has not kept long, as my dentist has had predicted. Although it is only a small piece from the amalgam of 4 / 6 broken out, but suffice it to me to miss my final crowns # 10 and # 11. From my parents I was already announced that will be my birthday gift - super: every year the same!

So, now it has even stopped snowing, eaten, I also waiting for a rest marzipan coffee waiting to be drunk - ergo : the best time to get to the second Greek-examination of the day to share.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Trainer Do Mount And B

snow in Marburg

* Timothy Dalton (1946)
(Welsh actor - Lion in Winter, Wuthering Heights, Flash Gordon, James Bond - The Living Daylights, James Bond - Licence To Kill, Cleopatra, Possessed )

is actually in the farmer's calendar something about what the weather is concerned rests with the coming weeks in the summer or so when it snows in late March down with rain? I had to just force just right, not go out and jump through the still-cheerful falling white glory - after all, it's 1:30 clock, and tomorrow I will get up early early to have checked off the first Greek-exam by noon . I am therefore quite possible that my window is slanted roof due to become fully opaque and I can form snowballs from the roof when I open the window, but for the end of March I like the not at all. I hereby propose to turn back the years by two months so that the seasons are restored!

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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Bruised And Swollen Elbow

strawberries yes, bananas no

may has surprised even the one or the other, so I wrote nothing yesterday, after all, has City on Sunday evening by 2-1 against the Spurs won, and now I simply did not know how the moment I have Richard Dunne as captain on the pitch should go see describe. I do not know yet, because every word of it is redundant because it is the right words, my feelings to describe the moment does not exist. I only know that I was incredibly proud of him, that we have here taken the three points, and yet again maintained, at least a minimal chance of participation in a European club competition next season, was, of course, added as positive end of the day.

course, we have kicked on Monday a little, but this time only three of us. Accordingly, the whole was a bit quieter than usual, if it were not for the caretaker of the property, so the university sports complex have been. Even when I saw the small, grim-looking steer man from far away to see us, My heart no good, but when he was with us, he barked go directly what we would think, then, on the sacred (of potholes only so strewn - I'm really baffled as to why the not yet none of us pulled at least some tape at the bottom) has turf so easy to run after a ball. After he had been barking is, we tried to explain to him reasonable that we do not come from Marburg and jump anyway only to large red signs. At some point he has calmed down and went away, nachgeworfenen by pointing out that at least we login next time should. If done Chef!

At the drugstore today is the first time I've consciously a toilet paper roll with five (5!) Layers perceived. And I asked myself shocked, where will it end really. I am of the opinion that four layers are luxury already, definitely need three, but five (5!): Why? Will there soon be six layers, eventually even seven - somehow I'm just trying to start a poll as many layers of toilet paper should have a proper role, without scratching or too much nor too soft / too much. No idea why I thought about it do - probably environmental.

follow the end, yet - under the cut - a few photos that have emerged on Sunday.

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gate on Marburg

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facade of the Marburg

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Burgmann seat in 1050

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the Marburg - view from the other Perspective

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of the Savings Bank Marburg Donated boar's head ... or dog's head ... or at least fool?

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city view from the fortress of Marburg Marburg

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wall portal

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still a portal

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portal of the St. Elisabeth Church

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relief on the inner arch of the Marburg

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telephone house in remote location (Figure unfortunately postponed what would have happened not with a movie ...)

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more roots

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Baby Excessive Sleeping

word to Sunday

To change the times. In 91 BC. broke out in the Roman Republic, a civil war of the first magnitude, because the rulers of the guild of a minority belonging to the failed state. Bloody battles and more than two years later agreed you on a draw and said the allies that what they had demanded from the beginning: the Roman citizenship. They wanted to finally not only in war for Rome to take the rap, but also the beautiful things in the - very rare added - Participate in peace time.

Somehow the train drivers now, 2,100 years later, understood completely wrong. You want to get out to open the cozy cozy alliance with the car and a private club in which they are free, but on the other hand, faced with the adversities of life harder would be as before, because now not spread the same again hen train their protective feathers on them but possibly kick out if you like it.

Marsi, Samnites, Latins, etc. would probably scratch your head in wonder when she again breaks out of the theater mightest know and ask themselves whether they have the time somehow all wrong.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Parotitis And Ear Infection

All the Best for RICHARD DUNNE

I wish I would not write the next line, it would rule Richard Dunne can end the game today in Reading. He had been so abandoned after 30 minutes of play the course - away on a stretcher. His right white socks after a tackle was no longer with Steven Hunt white, but had turned completely red. I was afraid - of course with the thought of Eduardo of Arsenal in mind - immediately the worst, but the nice English commentators relativized the injury as a gashed shin just nine stiches that had put into it . In German, it sounds slit shin, which had to be sewn with nine stitches Although not particularly pretty, but it is always better and certainly not so lengthy as a fraction.

All my good wishes though for Richard Dunne - be brave, take patience and get fit as early as possible!

What was it today to? Basically, I (to mention pointless, that City had been unsuccessful then with 0-2 ... against the former table-third last!) Whether this shocking game accounts for everything else. It could be that I am in the morning a Greek text that I had slipped of substance, have been improved, it could also be that I have started another text to translate. Maybe I am committed to that yet even think after I won second part of my sandwich (Ciabatta eaten with salad, ham, tomato, cucumber and cheese, garnished with mayonnaise, mustard, dill, parsley and basil) and took a shower with energetic shower gel. Maybe that gives me my spirits back. Otherwise - if I am the muse of the art of translation pack does not want - I just throw myself with my beloved Greek flashcards on the mattress and admire my illegible signature.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Digital Pen Scanner 2010

The 10 Rules of the day

Due to lack of sleep the night before, above average susceptible to the supernatural things in life (and particularly abstruse sentence structure) follows here is a list of the ten most important rules for an orderly existence on the Earth (at least today):

first Watch microorganisms in ground!

second linen or red socks with white wash!

third not eat muffins!

4th Always have a supply of magnesium and everywhere with you!

5th Make no washing under running water!

6th Do not forget your house keys!

7th Make friends with your non-Greek fellow sufferers!

8th Use the smallest available index cards!

9th Turn in translating your brains out!

10th Go to sleep early! would have

Most of the rules speak for themselves but who says one or the other and / or explained in turn to hesitate to contact me, either here or in the comments anonymous to all other Readers of one of my many email addresses.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Chinese Beef Jerky Sale Perth


Since about 20:30 clock, I put a cold spoon in the freezer of the refrigerator under my right sock. And when I sat a long time and want to get up then, will it hurt my whole left thigh muscle.

What happened? Correct: I have played football again, with three guys from my Greek troops. In a (successful) to tackle Nils I got a Preßschlag on my right ankle, which has now become thick and blue - as is usual with such injuries. I was already three times, and it will probably heal again similar: On the first day = swollen ankle and dark blue to red on the second day = slow ebb and fall of the blood toward the heel, on the third day = hardly any swelling alphabetic yet light red and green-yellow spots; on the fourth day = re able to play football. In the left Thigh me David rammed his knee. In his defense I must say that it is very dark, no flood lighting system was in place and accordingly, we both have not known exactly what we did. For tomorrow's way to the university building, normally takes fifteen minutes, I will however have to allow extra ten minutes.

The day before was otherwise relaxed. For the first time we get a coherent text of Plato, who was determined only. That gets out of hand now so fluid in a long time - if I have my creativity for three can switch off hours, I get in tomorrow's first test exam also reached a very useful text.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

How To Install Wood Clothes Rod In Closet

Sunday in Full

third watch

For 10 in Cavete - caipirinhas free, so with lots of ice and some other things, relaxed mood, bad music.

fourth watch

change to Dilirium - the name says it all: torn types, filthy tables, but Budweiser - after all. Gegen Ende der Nachtwache ins Bett versunken.


In the overheated room woke up - again, remember to turn the heating, but this is simply because it at night anyway no heat radiates into the room, but first again in the morning starts. So inside window and cold, rain-forced air heating down.


Breakfast: two slices of crisp bread, one with Tilsit, the other with fish fillet, a half Liter Earl Grey.


Greek: It almost makes me afraid that I already know some meaning at the mere sight of a sentence as long as it haunted my brain, until he is rejected by the grammar. If I take some magnesium to me, tell me this is not completely depressed.


Tell me about the latest on the day, then throw on itunes and 'm running a rock station.


Dinner: Pasta with spinach and gorgonzola sauce - fresh from the freezer pack. This Roibus a vanilla-tea will be served.


Daily Doctor Who dose in the Internet.


Call of Thordis, the really just wanted to say good night ... a whole hour long, and I can yesterday's dismal 0-0 on City restricted to five excited minutes.


laptop has again very loud sounds cooler apart, so I copy now for about 1900 all the files on my ipod - creates hope to 2400 he It has already transferred some advantages, the entire 60GB hard drive of laptops on the 80GB iPod can be and still sufficiently Space for music and podcasts to have.


Greek: probably back up in the third watch inside.