Since about 20:30 clock, I put a cold spoon in the freezer of the refrigerator under my right sock. And when I sat a long time and want to get up then, will it hurt my whole left thigh muscle.
What happened? Correct: I have played football again, with three guys from my Greek troops. In a (successful) to tackle Nils I got a Preßschlag on my right ankle, which has now become thick and blue - as is usual with such injuries. I was already three times, and it will probably heal again similar: On the first day = swollen ankle and dark blue to red on the second day = slow ebb and fall of the blood toward the heel, on the third day = hardly any swelling alphabetic yet light red and green-yellow spots; on the fourth day = re able to play football. In the left Thigh me David rammed his knee. In his defense I must say that it is very dark, no flood lighting system was in place and accordingly, we both have not known exactly what we did. For tomorrow's way to the university building, normally takes fifteen minutes, I will however have to allow extra ten minutes.
The day before was otherwise relaxed. For the first time we get a coherent text of Plato, who was determined only. That gets out of hand now so fluid in a long time - if I have my creativity for three can switch off hours, I get in tomorrow's first test exam also reached a very useful text.
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