I wish I would not write the next line, it would rule Richard Dunne can end the game today in Reading. He had been so abandoned after 30 minutes of play the course - away on a stretcher. His right white socks after a tackle was no longer with Steven Hunt white, but had turned completely red. I was afraid - of course with the thought of Eduardo of Arsenal in mind - immediately the worst, but the nice English commentators relativized the injury as a gashed shin just nine stiches that had put into it . In German, it sounds slit shin, which had to be sewn with nine stitches Although not particularly pretty, but it is always better and certainly not so lengthy as a fraction.
All my good wishes though for Richard Dunne - be brave, take patience and get fit as early as possible!
What was it today to? Basically, I (to mention pointless, that City had been unsuccessful then with 0-2 ... against the former table-third last!) Whether this shocking game accounts for everything else. It could be that I am in the morning a Greek text that I had slipped of substance, have been improved, it could also be that I have started another text to translate. Maybe I am committed to that yet even think after I won second part of my sandwich (Ciabatta eaten with salad, ham, tomato, cucumber and cheese, garnished with mayonnaise, mustard, dill, parsley and basil) and took a shower with energetic shower gel. Maybe that gives me my spirits back. Otherwise - if I am the muse of the art of translation pack does not want - I just throw myself with my beloved Greek flashcards on the mattress and admire my illegible signature.
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