Thursday, March 27, 2008

Ski-doo Heating Wire Helmet

Slow Farewell

A little bit of nostalgia makes itself wide in me when I think about having to leave Marburg on Saturday afternoon again, and it is not necessarily the city but it is the people with whom I had to do here, I'll miss. As our tour group in Jordan, it was also the ragtag Greek pile, part of which I was not just a bunch of individuals, but a real group in which everyone had found at least four or five or more individuals with whom he was well clear - so it was a network that worked together and the whole course pleasantly decorated in this way.
Roland has already said after a week, that he was so opposed them, as he would have known each other three weeks. He then pushed it out that he because of the learning platform, our name even before the start of the course before him had perceived use of movements and thus may have already set up an anonymous relationship has. I rather think that the Force was composed of so many highly individual, interesting people, that they were more inclined to deal with those closer to meeting you want to has and not only perceived as also happened in this course seated.
course, we will in the next two weeks a loose contact with each other if we are to translate practice exams until actual graecum-exam each other through Skype discuss any one or the other will stay with someone from the course also in contact, but as a group we never come together again .
Before the course I had only one expectation: that I the Greek structures in their functioning understand and see through, mainly only found out where my weaknesses, so that I eliminate them or at least control and to restrict, if not completely eliminated. I've done. I know now that participles are my big weakness and that the grammar but I know 80%, but only about 50% as translating. A disadvantage is of course that I exercise about 90% of the exams already knew, either by translating or already out of the reading of the respective Plato's text. In the creativity that I then put the day shapes up to me - to speak with Plato - already a prefabricated text on my brain, I ignore unfortunately rare. The result is then usually nonsense when I have the first set incorrectly translate, but come interprets a certain sense - in the episode of course, the other Rates of false or accumulate a lot of mistakes that could not have been. With this knowledge, but in the back of the head and a few practice exams to be translated in the rear, I can probably cut back the deficit to normal.
So that was the expectation that was met me, but I never would have thought that the course itself, as would be a group of people, not just a group of people, but to develop as something more profound would be a community in which one can feel comfortable (over long distances) in which you are not a matter for be ashamed, where no error is laughed sardonically, where you can just be who you are. It may be that only I have felt this way, but generally speaking it seemed to me that it was as at least 85% of the participants in the course felt very comfortable.
I shall certainly Frodo, Sam, Merry, Wolfgang Niedecken, Alexander Klaws, Cameron Diaz and I miss them all have been baptized. If you read this: I wish you all that you pass the test and would be happy to see you on one or the other way again.


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